The Secret | Teen Ink

The Secret

November 11, 2015
By Awesomewriter327 BRONZE, Cupertino, California
Awesomewriter327 BRONZE, Cupertino, California
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
" Where there is a will, there is a way "

Anna is a norml 14 year old girl who has always been the shadow of her family. Anna's younger brother Mike is the one who is always being praised for work he does, but when Anna does something great and tries to get attention she always gets elled at and pushed off. On one day when anna thought was the worst day ever she discovered the biggest and most happiest thing in her life.

Chapter 1: The most horrible night ever

In a house on Sunnyway Lane, there lived a girl with her mom, dad, and brother. The girl was an average 14 year old girl with blonde hair and blue eyes. The mom, the dad and the brother were all in the living room watching a comedy movie on the TV. The girl meanwhile was busy washing the dishes. “ Anna “ her mother called, “ come here with your brothers blanket and get me the popcorn on the counter. “ Yes, mother “ replied Anna. Anna hurried up the stairs and got her brothers blanket and rushed down the stairs to the living room where her mother was. “ here you go mother. “ “ Humph, you were so slow next time you come this late you will get beatings from. Understood? “ said mother. “ Yes mother,” replied Anna. “ Now go fast and get my popcorn. “ said mother. “ Yes, Mother, “ replied Anna. Then she rushed out of the room to get the popcorn. When she came back she asked her mother if she can watch the movie with them, her mom looked at her and asked her, “ Do you think you deserve it? because I don’t think you do so just get out of my face. “

Chapter 2: I Hope...

Anna ran and locked herself up in her room in the  black and shabby basement. She turned her “ night lamp “, which was just a lightbulb she found in the kitchen , and climbed on her ripped up mattress. She closed her eyes and tried to trash the picture of her mom, dad, and brother sitting and laughing all cuddled up together. She tried her best to stay strong, but right now she couldn’t hold back the tears that were forcing their way out. Tears rushed down her face even though she was trying to hold it back. She whispered through her tears, “One day. One day I will find someone who needs caring and I will show them the love and caring that no one else has shown them. One day I will find someone who cares about me. I will.” She then switched of her “ night lamp” and laid down to sleep.

Chapter 3: The Discovery

The next morning while Anna was cleaning the kitchen her brother, Mike, came in and broke one of the china teacups that was on the counter. Anna gasped for that was the teacup that Mrs. Walsh had received for her wedding. Anna rushed to her brother and told him that he was a bad boy because he broke the glass. Her brother ran from the kitchen to his mother crying. Anna quickly grabbed the broom and started cleaning. She was almost done when her mother stormed inside the kitchen with Mike holding her hand. “ Anna “ she barked. “ You are in big trouble young lady “.  Anna rushed up to her mother and said, “ Oh mother, I just told him he was a bad boy because he broke your china teacup. “ “ You nasty liar, You didn’t call him a bad boy. My sweet little Mike tells only the truth and he told me that you slapped him and pushed him out the door, and for that, miss, you get this.” She slapped Anna right across her face. Anna immediately ran from the kitchen into the first place she could think of which was the attic. She could hear that in the distance her mother was laughing and playing with Mike. Thinking of this just brought tears to her eyes.    
“ I can’t do this, I just can’t do this “ thought Anna. The blow on Anna’s right cheek was very red and it was starting to swell really badly. Anna decided not to go out for a while and started roaming around the Walsh’s humongous attic. In the corner of the attic, Anna saw an old briefcase sitting and gathering up dust. “ Hmm, “ she wondered, “ that doesn’t look like its been visited before. “ So Anna rushed up to the briefcase just to find out that there was a lock on the briefcase holding it shut. Anna guessed that her mom probably put the briefcase there, because the only person who was that protective was her mom. The lock was apparently a 4 letter word so Anna tried in the word Mike, and the lock uponed. “ Wow, mom is really bad at creating passwords, “ she thought. Inside the briefcase there was an oldy very ancient looking paper. When anna pulled it out of the briefcase she saw someone very similar looking to her except the name below said Maddie. “ This must be a birth certificate of some girl named Maddie. I wonder who she is, and why mom has her in this briefcase. “ When Anna looked closer she realized that this girl had the same birthday as her. “ Oh My god, does this mean that my name is not Anna“ wondered Anna. “ Wait but I remember seeing the family photo and on that my name was Anna so it is definitely not me.“Anna was really confused, does this mean I have a twin? “ she thought, “ wait but if I do then where is she? “

Chapter 4: Running Away

The next morning at the crack of dawn Anna quickly tip-toed up the staircase to the kitchen and collected a couple slices of bread, a bottle of jam, and 3 bottles of water. Last night Anna had decided that no matter what she would go and try to find her twin sister. Anna searched up all the orphanage and found out that the orphanage that Maddie was in was in Colona, California. Anna wrote down the address for the website and took her mom’s wallet.” Sorry, mom “ she thought. Anna then quickly went out the door. Anna hopped on to the bus station to Colona. 2 hours later Anna reached an old shabby hut that said Welcome to the Happy Care Orphanage. In small orange letters only it said adults only no kids. “ Well, that ruins the chance of me going in just like that.” thought Anna. While Anna was looking around, her eyes stopped at a shop, Women's  Beauty. Anna quickly rushed inside and in a few minutes she came back out looking as a Grandmother. “ Wow, I honestly didn’t think that worked but apparently it did. “ she thought, “ And mother is going to kill me now that I used 200 dollars for a momentary grandma dress and makeup. “

Chapter 5: Happy Care Orphanage

Anna took a deep breath and walked inside the old shabby hut. When Anna opened the hut’s door she was welcomed y a huge blast of horrible stench. It was so bad that Anna thought that she was going to faint. Anna also saw food all over the walls, rats scurrying across the floor, ripped up furniture, and boy was it a sight to see. Anna quickly walked over to the main desk and asked them if she could “ adopt “ a girl named Maddie. In a few minutes she was in and out. But when she went out she had Maddie with her. When they were half -way to the bus-stand Maddie asked the Grandma Anna why she adopted her. Anna pulled Maddie tot the restroom and wiped off her makeup. She then showed how both of them looked the same and told Maddie that Anna was actually her twin sister. “ Let us go to the bus now we have to go home other wise mom is going to actually kill me.

Chapter 6: The truth

Anna and Maddie hoped on to the nearest bus to Sunflower Lane. “ Um, Anna you are sure this bus takes us to Sunflower Lane right? “ “ Yes, “ replied Anna. A few hours later they reached the colorful house that none can possibly miss. From the window Mike saw his sister and this other stranger and he ran to his mom to tell her that his sister and a girl had come here.
Anna and Maddie can you please come here. Mike go to your room, and Honey come here. For Maddie this was a surprise because somehow Mrs. Walsh knew her name, but maddie didn’t even dare to disobey so she just held Anna’s hand and sat on the couch. Mrs. Walsh and Mr.Walsh sat together on the couch meanwhile Anna and Maddie sat on the other couch directly in front of them. Anna, I want you guys to listen to this story. On the night you two were born I was deep asleep and your dad was stuck in a car accident. So you two were sleeping next to me, and around 1:00 am I woke to the noise of crying and when I woke up I saw that only Anna was there. I knew that I had given birth to twins but now all I saw was 1 child. I looked around and I saw that that the window was open. Then it all struck me, Maddie you had been stolen.That is why Anna I kept giving you work because seeing your face would remind of my baby that I had lost long ago.” “ Wait, then why didn’t you tell me anything and in the morning when I left you knew that I had gone to get Maddie, and that is why you kept the password as Mike. You wanted to tell me but you couldn’t right? asked Anna. “ Yes , “ repled Mrs.Walsh. Now is everyone’s questions answered? “ Everyone nodded. Now everyone let us go and get some pizza I need some filling and welcoming food after our recent conversation.

The author's comments:

I hope people will understand the power of hope and tat they should never give up.

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