Confidence | Teen Ink


November 16, 2015
By Girl_Writer BRONZE, Cupertino, California
Girl_Writer BRONZE, Cupertino, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Alia hurry up and get in the car!” my mom screamed. I squeezed through my Stanford sweatshirt and pulled on my shorts. “Coming!” I hollered at the top of my lungs. Finally I managed to jam my foot into my shoes, and grab my hairbrush. Then I ran out the garage door.
After struggling to pull open the black door handle of my car, I hopped in. “Are you excited to meet Isha?” my mom asked. Going to your mom’s best friend's house and having to become her daughter’s best friend is really nerve wracking. “Yeah!” I lied.
Then I pulled my dark brown chocolate hair into a ponytail and looked out the window. The thoughts of where they lived permeated my mind. Was it a mansion? Or maybe an apartment?Or maybe a boat house, though I doubt that. Pretty soon we pulled up to a beige house, there were coral pink stones shaping into an S that lead to a set of magnificent double midnight black doors. The house was beautiful!
I scrambled out of the car and walked up to the door. Next I rang the doorbell and waited. There were footsteps coming towards the door, getting louder and louder as they approached. Then the door jerked open.
A girl my age was standing at the door, with her black shiny slick hair braided into a waterfall braid and her little round nose she smiled, little dimples formed in her big smile.
“You can put your shoes there.” she said pointing to an area which had a little sign hanging down that had “Shoes” written on it. Following her instructions, I slipped off my shoes in front of the sign. After that I stepped in the house and waited near the door.
“Wanna go to my room?” Isha asked. I nodded my head and followed her up the carpeted stairs with paint stains on every fifth step. 
Isha went up to a teal door, pulled it open and gestured me to enter. After taking a moment to understand her gesture, I went into the room and looked around. Her big white bed was against her right wall with pastel shiny pink pillows stacked up.
“So what do you like to do?” Isha asked. “I love to paint and dance!” I said. “Same! Wait here, just a sec.” Isha said. She walked up to her closet and took out a lot of paintings and dance awards. I was starting to like Isha.
For the next 2 hours we talked and painted. “Do you like to listen to music?” Isha asked. “Yeah, I love music. Who’s your favorite singer?” I replied. “Selena Gomez!” Isha said. “Oh my gosh, same!” I stated. Isha walked up to her pink MacBook and put on music. She turned on the full Revival Album by Selena Gomez.
We drew purple dolphins and listened to music for a while until...“Alia! We’re leaving! Hurry up!” my mom said. “Ok, coming!” I replied. I ran downstairs and said bye to Isha. My mom and I got in the car and started back home.
“Alia, you know Isha dances?” my mom asked.  “Yeah, she told me.” I replied. “Oh, ok, well her mom and I thought we’ll sign you guys up for the advanced team. Tryouts are tomorrow, and Isha’s already signed up. You wanna go too?” she said. “Yeah! It’ll be fun!” I stated.
A few minutes later my mom pulled up to our driveway. I went inside the house and dashed up to my room. My room was a mess so I looked on my floor and found my baby pink fluffy pajamas. To make sure my mom wouldn’t yell at me, I went into my bathroom and brushed my teeth. Then I scampered back into my room and grabbed Catching Fire from my white desk. I crawled onto my bed and started reading.
Then suddenly someone said, “Do you want me to clean your room? And I can even finish your homework for you!” I saw my brother peeking into my room. There was only one reason he was being so nice, “What do you want?” I asked him with an are you serious face. “I need your laptop and your headphones, and you can’t tell mom that I’m gonna play video games.” he said. “Ok, but that’s gonna cost you!” I said. “Okay, I’ll repay you with a favor when you need it.” he said. I gave him my blue MacBook and my white Apple headphones. He took them and then left.
I turned off my blue lamps, put my book on my side table and laid my head on my sky blue pillow. The coldness of my pillow and the warmth of my blanket was just enough to shut my heavy eyelids completely. I had entered a deep coma like sleep...
“Alia!” my mom screamed, “Wake up! You have tryouts!” The sunlight was making the struggle to open my eyes even harder. Finally, I rubbed my eyes and sat up. Then I hopped out of bed and went to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and then went downstairs for breakfast. The   opal white cupboard was already open, so I paraded to it and took out my favorite cereal, Reese’s Puff.
Climbing onto my barstool was a big task, as it was very high off the ground. Eventually I got on and  took a bite of my breakfast, I felt the peanut butter taste fill my mouth. Once I finished I went upstairs into my room to get ready.
Choosing an outfit is always a big battle! It took me a while but I came to the conclusion of wearing my open back neon purple top that had Dance written all over it in white and black shorts. I braided my hair in a long katniss braid that went from the right of my head to the left.
I dashed down the stairs and got my flip flops on and headed to my garage. “Mom! Are you coming!” I asked. “Yeah, just a second, you can go and sit in the car.” I went to the car and tugged on the door handle, it opened right away, causing me to stumble backwards. After I regained my balance, I crawled in.
My phone was dinging so I opened it, getting pricked by the gem covered case, and saw Isha’s texts. Are you nervous? I’m excited! We’ll be there in 20 min, did you reach? I started typing texts back to her until I saw my mom opening the door to the driver’s seat.
“Mom, do you think we’ll get into the team?” I asked. “Of course you will! You and Isha are great dancers!” my mom replied stepping into the car. She placed her tea in the small cup next to me.
After about 5 min my mom pulled up into a parking lot. I unbuckled my seatbelt and stepped out of the car. Next, I walked up to the door of the dance studio and struggled to pull it open, when I got it to open I marched in and looked around.
The studio was beautiful, the flooring was black and there was a big mirror taking up one of the walls. I looked in the mirror and saw my reflection. My cocoa brown hair was messy and my Dance top was flowing with the light wind.
The large brown studio doors creaked open. My dance teacher walked in, with her purse on her shoulder, her coffee in one hand, and her laptop in the other hand. She closed the door with her foot and brushed her black wavy hair behind her ear. She set her laptop on the small white platform in the corner and connected it to the enormous black speakers.
“Hi Miss Nikki!” I said, “Do you need help with your stuff?” I asked. “No, it’s fine, thanks for asking.” she replied as she placed her blood red leather purse on a chair next to the speakers. The door opened again and a few more people came in. I saw Isha walk in and went up to her.
“Do you think we’ll get into the Advanced Team?” I asked nervously. “Yeah! Of course we will, we just need to relax and do our best.” she replied with high confidence. Just as she finished her sentence Miss Nikki said, “Everyone line up in one long line and we’ll start.” We all got into a long line and got ready to start.
I took a few deep breaths in and relaxed my body. I knew I was ready for the Advanced Team. I looked at Isha and we both smiled. We were going to pass this thing.
We had to learn dance routines and perform them. My legs and hands felt really sore. After 10 min, we were excused. I went outside to the waiting area. “I think we did amazing!” Isha said walking through the doors. “Yeah, I hope we got in. Miss Nikki said she’ll tell us in 5 minutes.”
Isha and I stretched to get rid of some of the soreness until we saw Miss Nikki walk into the waiting room. “After much thought I chose the top 5 people that will be joining the advanced team. The 5 people are…” she started, I felt a knot tie in my stomach, “Jasmine, Reyna, Isha, Crystal, and…” the knot tightened and my stomach felt queasy, at least Isha got in,”and….Alia! You guys have made the advanced team.” I turned to Isha and we smiled, ear to ear, I could see her dimples form. “Let’s go get Chipotle and celebrate!” I told Isha.We headed out the door to the parking lot, leaving the dance studio as part of the advanced team, I already felt more confident.

The author's comments:

My name is Abhika, and I am a dancer. This piece was insired by the first time I started to dance. I hope people read this story and see how much confidence helps you. 

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