ZainAPeed | Teen Ink


November 16, 2015
By Anonymous

I raised my hand to go to the bathroom. Every Time teachers Mrs Smith and Miss Johnson looked my way I put my hand down. Mrs Smith has really bony cheek bones, coke-bottIe glasses, and a crooked nose. I loathe myself for being so shy. Five minutes later, it happens again.

The next day, after school was over I hopped in my mom’s Lexus. I was so happy when I found out my mom got it because the midnight black, it's advertised color looks amazing under the sun. The effect  makes it look shiny. We get in and my mom starts the car.

     “So, how was your day?” inquired mom

     “Normal” I replied

     “Anything special happen today?” said my mom


      “If you think not peeing in my pants for one day is special then I guess today is special” I quietly muttered under my breath.

     “What was that?” asked my mom

     “Nothing” I said quickly

     SIlence fills the air

     To stop the silence I ask my mom “Can you turn on the AC?”

     “Of course my love” said my mom

The car ride home is normally the time where my mom tells me some gossip and stories she has heard. Not the type of stories that contain Unicorns and fairies and princesses with glass shoes, but the type with kidnaping and stay of the internet because of this stories that my mom is sad about. As a matter of fact I can't play any gun games or any games that are rated E 10+ and up. I know i'm four going on five but seriously? How can I have fun playing games like Car racer PLUS it might sound fun but trust me it's horrible. In my opinion, my mom spends too much time watching the news. My mom normally tells me one-third of what she tells my dad. Which I have no problem with, Infact, I enjoy it. I go to a private preschool, so the school isn't next to my house like they should be instead, my school is a good 10 minutes away without traffic. Which gives me plenty of time to hear what my mom heard about. I look outside and see my mom has pulled into the driveway. I take of my seatbelt and wait for my mom to put her car to a stop.

My dad comes home and said he and my mom said that they are going to teacher conferences for me and my sister Sana. Me and my sister don't go to the same school because she is no longer in pre-k. She graduated last year. I always hate when people say that me and my sister look like twins which we are not she is 14 months and 6 days older than me which ,she is keen to not let me forget. My sisters conference is coincidentally on the same day as mine.

“Dad, who is going to stay home with us?” asked my sister

“Your mother and I hired a babysitter to watch you.” Dad replied

Ding-Dong “That must be her!” Mom exclaimed

My mom got the door. It was a teenage girl not much younger than eighteen She was wearing skinny jeans and a white shirt from abercrombie. She had jet black hair and blue eyes. She smelled like she wore perfume. Overall she didn't seem mean. She asked if we wanted to play board games. My sister seemed to like her so she jumped and agreed “ Can we play Scrabble!” she asked. “Sure” the babysitter, Sally replied. We played board games like Scrabble and Sorry Sliders while we waited for my mom. I was never good at board games so I lost every round. I wasn't even paying attention I was really worried I would get kicked out of school for not being potty trained which I was. I don't really like school, but the thought of getting kicked out scared me and I did not want to be teased about it.

     My husband Rayhon insisted on driving. We got in his blood red BMW Which I personally disliked. It was to cramped for my liking.
“Rayhan, Do you think Zain will get kicked out of school?” asked Mom

“ I don't know Kiran” replied Dad

“You know the teachers keep pestering me about it saying he's not right. It's annoying like hell because they should ask him instead of just waiting for him to do it He is four and a half for goodness sake! ” exclaimed mom.

“Don't worry we'll just go and hear what she has to say” said dad

Mom took a deep breathe “I hope you are right.”

We pulled into Zain’s school. I opened the car door and got out. I stretched a bit because I hate sitting for a lot of time. “Okay let's go” I said. We went inside the school and walked to Mrs Smith and Miss Johnson’s room. I opened the door and announced our presence “Hi i'm Zain’s mom Kiran and that is my husband Rayhon”. “ Hello Kiran you're right on time! Come take a seat” said Mrs Smith. She pointed to the to moving chairs next to her desk. We sat down and Miss Johnson said “let's begin!”

She talked about how Zain was an amazing student and a fast learner. He was well ahead of his age in terms of counting numbers and being independent. “The one problem that i'm sure you know about is that he has a tendency to not ask to go to the bathroom” Mrs Smith carefully said. “We know that, but why do none of you ask him? He might be afraid or doesn't know that he must ask so instead of waiting you should ask him!” said Rayhon. “We have” Miss Johnson smoothly lied “We ask him and he just shrugges no and continues his work!”. Hoping to not my husband and I angry she said “I'm sorry but that's how it is and if he keeps it up I’m afraid he can't continue at this school!” Rayhon was tapping his foot trying to figure out something to say. Truth was, there was nothing to say. If they were telling the truth, it was Zain's fault. An awkward silence followed which was broken by Miss Johnson. She thanked us for our time and hoped that there were “no hard feelings”. Rayhon and I left and went home


“Daddy! Mommy” exclaimed me and Sana. We ran to the door through the hallway and opened it to find them smiling! They paid the babysitter and bid her good day. Dad had that strained expression though so i figured something was wrong. Was I going to get kicked out of school? Mom said she wanted to talk to me so I knew it was happening. I got kicked out. I felt sick I hate getting teased and getting teased about my nickname ZainaPeed at school bothered me. I felt my face turn red and i held my breathe “ About what?” I asked “We will tell you in the kitchen” said Dad. We walked to the kitchen and we sat down. I heard the TV from the living room so I knew my sister was watching TV. “Let me get us some grape juice!” said my mom. I nodded my assent and for a few seconds the only sound was the clinking of the glass. My mom sat down and started talking. 

My parents said that I would get kicked out of school if I dont ask to go to the bathroom. They asked if I was ever asked to go to the bathroom by my teachers. To this, i replied Truthfully “No”.  “Don’t worry you won’t get kicked out of school on our watch! Your mother and I have decided on a plan that should work. When you need to go to the bathroom, raise your hand and look at the teacher’s face.” “Imagine that their faces are something funny and not intimidating” If that does’nt work, then don’t ask just go we’ll deal with the consequences later. I agreed. This seemed like it would work.

  Two weeks later, I now have no trouble going to the bathroom at school. The teachers seem astounded by my change. It really surprised them and it showed on their bony faces. I am no longer called names! I feel so happy and love school to no end. Besides, and I always loved to learn!

The author's comments:

Based on a true preschool story. I want people to know the circumstances sometimes. Hopefuly funny/joyful.

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