A War | Teen Ink

A War

November 18, 2015
By Anonymous

A boy and his group of friends start playing a game of capture the flag. When caught in danger, how will this boy overcome it and win.

How will he avoid every obsacle thrown towards him and make his way to the top.

Chapter 1: A War

It was another hot, burning, summer day with nothing for me to do. While some of my friends and I sat on my porch listening to the leaves sway in the breeze, some were having soda when my friend Kurosaki had a great idea.

“Hey guys how about this? Why don’t we play capture the flag right here? We can use the whole neighborhood and we can also use water guns to help cool each other off. It’ll be a fun game to play. What do you say, guys.” my really good friend Kurosaki exclaimed energetically.

“ Sure ,man, I completely agree with your idea. What do you guys say? I can invite some more of our friends and we can have a really fun game. So what do you say?” I asked my friends who were already here.
“Sure, let’s play capture the flag. It’ll be fun,” almost all of my friends exclaimed.

“How are we going to get the flags ready? Even if we did, our parents would probably kill us if we damaged them in any way. We should probably make our own flags to play the game

“Maybe we could use different colored paper and some sticks to make flags with. Now that we have gotten that settled with, you should go and call some of your friends, Zafar.”
“Ya, great I idea,” I exclaimed. I quickly ran up to my room and got out cellphone texting and calling a bunch of my friends like a maniac. Sadly enough though only a few of my friends could make it while the rest had a few other activities so they couldn’t make it. When i arrived back down to where some of my friends were, I realized that they had already finished two of the flags. After finishing getting everything ready, we just waited for my other friends to arrive while we got the water guns ready for use.

After everybody had arrived at my house bringing their own water guns, we set up a way that everybody could get into teams fairly. By then I had gotten one cup, three pencils, scissors, and a few sheets of paper.

I then asked my friend Eli if he could help me cut out strips of paper to make a fair way to choose teams. “ Sure, let's get started. I can’t wait to start playing. It’s going to be so much fun!” Eli joyfully exclaimed. Afterwards, we made sure that everyone picked a strip of paper and if that paper had a dot on it, you were on the red team. Finally the teams each went over to their own base to get everything ready.

While the others got the weapons and sorted out. My job was to hide the flag somewhere safe where the other team would never find it. I then immediately looked to my side at the tall bushes where I always keep the stuff I hold dear to me. While I went inside of the bushes, I heard the sound of leaves snapping and saw some spider webs on the side of the path into the bushes. I then hid the flag in a cavern in the bushes where I was sure no one would ever find it. When I came outside of the bushes, my team asked me where I hid the flag and I told them inside a cavern in the tall bushes in front of my house. When I told them, they agreed with me saying that it was a great place to hide our flag.

The next thing I had to do was come up with a plan to capture the other team's flag while my teammates were getting the tools needed for the fight ready and double checking everything. While I was trying to think up a good strategy, I kept pacing not realizing that the answer was right in front of my nose. That’s when I realized something that the other team would  not think about. I then drew a map of the whole neighborhood and split up my team into squads to make it easier for offense and defense at the same time. I split my team into three groups but had one of the groups be able to split up into two groups the third group could split up into a offense or defense helping group while the other group would resume their flag searching mission. The third squad was to also go around the whole neighborhood to the other team's base. The other two squads were a offense/ decoy squad and a defense squad. I told this plan to my group and they liked it, thus beginning the first ever water gun capture the flag games.

When the game started, I had everyone take their places at each of the jobs we were supposed to do in order to win. This backfired on my group for a multitude of reasons. While the other team was held back with our attacking squad, my group went around the whole block by going backwards and finally entering the same lane but from another point going back on Bubb road. But’s that’s when I faced the our main obstacle. We saw our treat just as the other team’s squad of enforcers were coming at us.

Me and my good friends, Isaiah and Arun, charged up to them while getting our water guns ready for battle just as they were doing the same. What my team and I didn’t suspect though was they had taken there rifleman and him in a good spot to shoot water at my squad’s faces so we got blinded while they tried to evade us and go capture our flag. While the opposing team tried to evade us, Danny just started wildly shooting his water gun everywhere spraying two of the opposing team’s space as to blind them. The problem was that most of the other team’s squad had gotten past us while we were stuck in the middle of the battlefield facing our impending doom.

While under the attack of the opposing teams squadron, we were hopelessly outnumbered and outmaneuvered compared to the other teams forces. We had to find a way to get out of this tangle without going back to where we came and escaping to go capture their flag. While I was contemplating this situation, an immediate thought came to my mind, we could send one force to go around the front and go get the flag while we held them of but was very dangerous because one of the main wars was happening in the front so whoever I sent would probably get caught.

Just then, by chance a few of our front row forces by the name of Chinmay and Mazz, came over and started firing at the opposing team. With this new backup my and my friends started pushing back and then eventually they ran back up their base to guard their flag. While running to their base we talked to each other about a plan and what we came up with was as good as we thought it was.

When we arrived we found an arsenal of opposing team soldiers waiting for us to come find their flag, that's when we set our plan into motion, we each guarded one of the opposing team's soldiers while Neo ran in to go and find the flag. While I was fighting Zareem, I saw something shiny in the corner of their base. I quickly ran there trying to dodge the water stots as to not be blinded and be at an disadvantage. When I arrived to the shiny object, I saw it was the opposing team's flag. After I picked it up, I ran and ran back to our base to get their flag to our base.

When I finally arrived at the base, some of the opposing team saw me and came up. “Wow, how did you get our flag so quickly,” Ian asked

“I don’t know. The minute I saw and got your flag I just raced back here as fast as I Could when I saw the flag.”

“Well nice going on that one. That sure was a fun game to play.”

“Definitely Ian, definitely.”
This story doesn’t make sense.

The author's comments:

A true event that happened in my neighborhood inspired me to write this narrative.

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