Problems | Teen Ink


November 12, 2015
By Anonymous

It was 9:45 I had nothing to do so I just lied down in bed and waited until 10:00, a couple minutes later I got back and went to get a drink of water. I walked back into my room closed the light took my glasses off and lied down in bed, waiting to fall asleep. I was half asleep when i heard my parents talking the talking grew louder and louder until the point where they almost started shouting. I was used to this because my parents argued a lot, but as they argued more I got more and more worried because my dad sometimes would get super stressed and tired. I thought they would just forget about it like they usually do, so I closed my eyes and went to sleep.
The next day i woke up to the a loud buzzing sound from my alarm clock, I reached my hand out trying to turn off my alarm clock. I finally managed to turn the alarm off and then lied back down to sleep more. When I woke up again it was already 9:30. I got out of my bed went to the bathroom to brush my teeth. My feet were cold from walking on the cold hard wood, I got to bathroom and brushed my teeth.
I walked into the kitchen to get something to eat. When I got to the kitchen I noticed that everyone was a little moody, but then I remembered that everyone in my family was usually pretty moody. My dad was already up and was just sitting on the couch reading the newspaper. My mom was in the kitchen looking at the computer, I noticed that both my parents seemed more grumpy than they usually are. I was pretty convinced that my parents were still angry about what happened last night.
`After a few minutes, I went back to my room I closed the door behind me and lied down in bed and started thinking about if my parents would forget about it like they usually do or they would stay mad at each other.
A couple weeks later we went on a trip to Gilroy to go shopping, my parents got into another big fight. My mom was being really stubborn since she was mad, she said she wanted to go home even though we just got there. My dad tried to talk my mom into but eventually my dad gave up trying to convince my mom that we shouldn’t go home, but being the stubborn person he is we stayed we dropped my sisters off to go shopping and me and my dad walked around looking at the different stores while my mom stayed in the car. After we finished looking around we went back to the car and tried to convince my mom to come out but she said she wouldn’t so we just stood next to the car waiting.
While we were waiting my dad said “ Sometimes your mom gets mad and becomes stubborn like this, you need to help your mom calm down when she is like this because she won’t listen to me.”
“Okay,” I said.
“ Someday I won’t be here and able to help your mom so you need to learn how to stop your mom when she is mad.”
“If your mom becomes angry you need to get her mind off of what she is thinking and distract her with something else.”
My dad finished talking and then we went to pick up my sisters from shopping. We drove all the way back home. Once we got back home my dad made something real quick and then we ate dinner in silence, which is probably normal for some families but not ours. My dad is usually yelling at us or starting one of those “When I was your age” conversation. I finished dinner and went back to my room, and waited and waited I did nothing for an hour. I went to my bed and lied down waiting and waiting for another boring day to begin.

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