Friends From The Start, Friends Until The End | Teen Ink

Friends From The Start, Friends Until The End

November 12, 2015
By dream101 BRONZE, Cupertino, California
dream101 BRONZE, Cupertino, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Your hair looks like a rat’s nest! Iit is so dirty. What do you have as a pet? A pig? Like, do you roll around in the mud with it?” said the bully toward someone in my class named Stephanie. The bully had a girly crop top on that was embroidered in gold fabric and made out of the richest aqua serene colored silk. Her jeans were made out of the most beautiful denim and her shiny new Converse were a match made in heaven. She had piercing blue eyes and bouncy blond curls that were streaked with the prettiest shade of pink.  Her perfect eyeliner and mascara were painted on her eyes. The bully had the richest color of lipstick smeared on her lips. She looked so beautiful, but looked so ridiculous at the same time since she was only in third grade. I processed that through my mind. I recognized her. Her name was Tiana.
     Stephanie looked hurt with those green eyes of hers. Her hair was in fact not dirty or in a rat’s nest. Her hair was a really pretty bronze color that faded out into a very beautiful blond. She had hair intricately woven into a French braid. She was wearing a bright tye-dye shirt. I felt so bad for her so I stepped in.
     Stephanie started to cry. At first it was a tear, but then it turned out to be a river tears. She stopped after a while. “You think her hair looks dirty. Have you seen your face? You probably spent an hour getting that together, but you look so ridiculous.” I said. Tiana started to cry. “ Cry yourself a river, build a bridge, and get over it!” I screamed.
“Thanks”, Stephanie said. “No problem”, I said.
  The next day, Stephanie and I spent the whole recess together and got to know each other pretty well. She was an amazing person and I had decided that I wanted to be her friend. We grew so close to each other during the rest of 3rd grade.

     3rd grade ended shortly after the arrival of our new friendship. I was actually kind of sad that the school year was ending and that during the summer we would not be able to see each other. She was going to Florida and I was going to Hawaii.

      One day I was somewhat sad that she was running away from me. I was in 5th grade so I used some common sense and decided that if she didn’t want to hang out or be seen with me,  then she didn’t want to want to be my friend. My family invited her family over her family to a restaurant for dinner. I was bummed that I would have to bare through dinner with her. “Did you know that when you ran away from me that you made a big mistake? The dish you just ordered is best served cold. Revenge!” I told her.  Stephanie looked confused. I felt a rush of triumph.

       I didn’t know what to do as revenge, but I had a plan. It was probably the best thing that I had ever used my evilness for. I knew she really liked this boy in our class named Sky. I would never like him, but he was a cool guy. He was too proper and official looking for me. He always wore collared long sleeved t-shirts. He had hair the same color of Stephanie’s and eyes that were ocean blue. I went over to Sky during free play and told him that Stephanie liked him. He was outraged that out of all the girls ,Stephanie liked him. He wanted Tiana to like him and I was sure of it. As for Stephanie, she was super annoyed at me, but she forgave me and I forgave her.   
      A lot of people told me how annoying she was . They tried to pull us apart and it never worked. I decided to agree with them to fit in, but I didn’t want Stephanie to know. I didn’t want her to know that I agreed to the fact that she was annoying and a spoiled mean girl because she would be really mad at me even though that was truly the way I felt.  Alexa, my classmate, said that Stephanie was a brat and wanted everything her way. I agreed to  that too. I guess I still wanted to be her friend ,but I wasn’t so sure.
      “ I hate it when you hang out with other people”, said Stephanie said. “Well you don’t own me or control me because I can hang out with whoever I want”, I said. She just walked away.
She obviously had jealousy issues with the fact that I had more friends than her.    
     I made a new friend in 5th grade. We had to do a really big project and she was my partner. She was so kind.  She was in my class, but not in Stephanie’s class. Of course, Stephanie noticed. Her name was Mindy. Mindy was really nice to me and she thought that Stephanie was a nice friend as well. We were all friends but I had decided that I only wanted to be friends with Mindy and not Stephanie. Stephanie really was a brat and Mindy was not. .  Mindy was so nice to me. Stephanie had a history of slapping people and I didn’t like it one bit. I was really sad because at the end of that year Mindy moved.

     Now I was in middle school and 6th grade rolled around. Stephanie would wear makeup to school just like Tiana and even had a boyfriend. I would catch them holding hands and even once kissing! Guess who she was going out with?-Sky ... I met someone named Serenity who I thought was nice. Serenity was a bully. She had bullied me the year before and said things like “ I can certainly talk faster than I can slap this pizza on your face” and “ You are so ugly”, sometimes a “ You are so ugly you should run your face over. “ but  Serenity was so nice to me. What I didn’t realize was that she was a backstabbing liar. She ditched me as soon as she made new friends. Well, that’s how life is. There is always the mean, backstabbing liar.         

      Stephanie’s mom fell ill after a month or so. She previously had cancer and she was pretty sick. She was a cancer survivor. I had no idea what was going on, and I just felt really bad for Stephanie. “ So your mom is sick?” I asked. “ Yeah but…”, Stephanie said. “ But what?” I asked. “ Ha ha ha ha “ she laughed. I was really confused. “ I thought your mom was sick so why are you laughing?” I said. “ She is” Stephanie said. I thought that it was really mean for Stephanie  to laugh about something so serious.
  Stephanie’s mother had died a month later. Her mother was so kind and was very good-hearted. It bugged me that she had died because I always felt guilty when someone had cancer.
     She saw me hang out with other people. I don’t think that she liked that too much. I just decided to ignore it all and block all of her hurtful words out.  I felt so fed up with myself. I thought about whom I was going to be friends with. Who would accept me for being me.

       “ I don’t even know what to do with you anymore Stephanie“, I said, the words falling out of my mouth. “ I don’t  know whether I want to be your friend or not, but with your behavior no one will want to be your friend.”, the words still falling out of mouth  as fresh, cold, and icy as they possibly could be. All of a sudden I felt a rush of fear, disappointment,  anger, and frustration thinking about all of the outcomes that could happen. “ Well I don’t know what I want to do either. I mean one moment you are with me and the next one with someone else. You make me feel like a complete loser.”  Stephanie shot back.  My eyes were as teary as hers.  I realized that the weather around was terrible. There was going to be a snowstorm. There was going to be blizzard. THERE WAS GOING TO BE A REALLY BAD BLIZZARD. I repeated that to myself. “STEPHANIE WE NEED TO GET INSIDE! “ I yelled as I was fighting the howling wind. Drop. It was raining. Whoo. I felt goosebumps rise on my skin and the temperature seemed to drop 10 degrees per second.  It was beginning to snow. Thud. It was hailing now. “I TOLD YOU” I yelled. “ YOU ARE SUCH A LOSER”, she yelled to me. I felt really disappointed. The wind started picking up. I was sheltered underneath my patio awning, but Stephanie had no shelter. She got blown away and hail was hitting her as she was fighting to stay on the ground. “HELP”, she shouted. Bonk! She hit a tree.

     Stephanie and I were back on terms again. Stephanie seemed to be getting sick. She would miss days of school and sometimes even weeks. She got sent home a lot. A few months later, she told me that she had the same type of cancer that her mother had. I was really scared since her mom never survived the cancer. I went to Stephanie’s house whenever I could. She was losing hair and would throw up a lot too.

      Stephanie thankfully never passed and survived the battle of cancer. Her hair grew back and she got rid of her cancer. She had no way of getting it again. She didn’t miss school anymore and she had strong bones and a healthy body. She survived! Her sisters (they were triplets) were so happy and so was her father. I was even happier to not lose my best friend and I will always be thankful for that.

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