My Best Friend is moving | Teen Ink

My Best Friend is moving

November 13, 2015
By Anonymous

  In early-October a boy came to Village H, his name was Derek. Derek and I got along well, there was an empty seat next to me that he got to sit in. Derek and I started talking about each other like where we're from, our age, and other stuff in that area. It felt good to have someone to talk to. We started eating lunch together and we would play three flags up and football. Before I would usually sit by myself and and walk around by myself. It was fun for me to have a friend that I could talk to and play stuff like football with.
     Derek and I got along really well pretty fast. We were already visiting each other’s houses and playing video games like Call of Duty, So for his birthday I bought him Minecraft. As soon as he got it he was so excited. He was telling me how he really liked this game. I already had it so I was also excited because we could play together online. I felt good that I made my friend feel good and I bet he did too. Almost every day after school we would play Minecraft together. We played Skywars, Hunger Games, Hide and Seek, and much more on a server called Mineplex. I showed him the basics and how to edit his Minecraft character.It took a while but he got the hang of it eventually. We would play for hours leveling up on servers, mining. sword fighting, and so much more. It really showed how we were really good friends.
     Later during the school year, Derek and I were both playing Minecraft while Skype calling. We were playing Hunger Games until he said, “Daniel, I’m moving.” Those two words shook my brain like a roller coaster at an amusement park. He suddenly said,” I gotta go, see ya.”I was dumbstruck when he said that because I wanted to know more info. It was in the middle of summer so I knew I couldn't talk to him about it in school. Also I couldn't go to his house because he was in Seattle with his dad. I started freaking out, my computer almost fell of my table. My stomach was aching because my best friend was moving. I started messaging him nonstop and I received no reply. I thought he hated me so I felt extremely nervous. Two weeks had gone by and there was no reply. I started wondering how I could survive the rest of the school year without him.. I was shocked a because I never knew if I would see him again, and I haven't seen him since.
     My New 7th grade year started. I was sitting by myself on a bench next to my history class. I knew many people from last year but none of them wanted to talk to me. I thought, maybe they were only my friends because Derek was my friend. When I got home I called Derek on skype and again there was no reply. I struggled to sleep that night and just wanted my old life. Until about one week into school a boy named Nakul came to me. Nakul was in my P.E. (Physical Education) class and History Class. I was familiar with him because we were assigned to do projects with each other. He said to come eat with him and his friends. I splended to know I had a friend that I could look to for help.
     After about a month into school Derek called. I was so excited to see my best friend. He said he moved only about 2 cities away. I was happy about that because i knew we could still visit each other. He said his mom signed him up to a football class. He didn’t mention where or what team, but I was happy for him. I already played football so i was thinking, maybe our teams would verse each other. When I got to Practice that Afternoon I saw Derek, number 27. And I spent the rest of my 7th grade year with all my friends, and had one of the best school years of my life.

The author's comments:

This was based on a true story, and I felt like some people have had or have the same situation I did.

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