What a way to solve our friendship problem | Teen Ink

What a way to solve our friendship problem

November 13, 2015
By Anonymous

“ This is my fight song, take back my life song.”
     I spring up from my bed looking for the singer of “ Fight Song”, Rachel Platten. The sunlight shining through the window, half blinding my eyes and wrapping me with warmth.
     “ Oh,” I thought, a bit disappointed, “that was just my alarm.”
    The next thought that comes just happen to be that thought that brings your mood down even more. UGHHH!!!! I have to get ready for school in 20 minute. Oh and don’t forget another five classes of Rebekah exploding with anger when she gets irritated with Tiphane.  Another stressful day here I come!
     Here is the story of my two best friends, Tiphane and Rebekah. Tiphane and I have been friends since day care. Then in second grade, Rebekah comes into our lives as “the new kid” and becomes our best friend until fifth and sixth grade, well Rebekah is still my friend, just not Tiphane’s anymore. The struggle began with us climbing into our driver’s car to go to after school when suddenly in the middle of the ride, Tiphane gives Rebekah a “ you aren’t my friend anymore” note on a piece of binder paper. The message was neatly written and only used up about two lines on the binder paper. But this note not only ended Rebekah’s friendship with her, but it also ended my with Tiphane as well. Why does it end my friendship with Tiphane? The reason is because I feel deceived.
      First, Tiphane would have told me being that I have known her ever since the beginning of daycare. Second, Tiphane is very loyal to her friends and always sticks with them, also coming from my experience (the fact that she was my friend even after 10 years of meeting her). Third, after Rebekah finished, she let me read the book and I have to say, Tiphane’s message said words she would never say to anyone, including her worst enemy, out loud. I mean seriously, no one tells their best friend that they are a “ snobby, mean, and rude bucket of filthy garbage”.
     I got to school and before leaving the car, I said goodbye to my dad. As I open the car door, the cold chilling air matches the cold sweat I was feeling when Rebekah was not at the front gates that we told each other to meet at everyday.
     I kind of went crazy thinking “ WHERE IS SHE! I hope she isn’t in trouble.” while asking everyone if they knew where Rebekah was. Talk about multitasking.
     She usually arrives at school earlier than me, even when I try to come as early as I can to beat her. Coming back to reality, I see Rebekah finally come to school five minutes before the school bell rings, but I was kind of afraid to talk to her.
     She had a hardened face and as if she was reading my mind, she said, “ I will talk to you later.”
     She was strangely quiet, which wasn’t like her because she was usually talking her mind. Also, I noticed that she said nothing about Tiphane.
     Finally, after I thought my curiosity was going to kill me, at lunch she whispered, “ Okay, here is what happened. My family and Tiphane’s family were at the court.”
      As if she was waiting to let the words sink in, she hesitated. “Wait a second, WHAT! She went to the court! Did she break the law or something.” was all I can think of in the time that she gave me until she started talking again.
     “The court finally put an end to this problem by enforcing a restriction rule saying that Tiphane and I can not be 20 ft of each other. Even both our little brothers can not be 20 ft of each other, but that doesn’t really matter because they were enemies to start with. I don’t really want to go into detail because it really on lasted for like 30 minutes.”
     All I could do was just stare in shock with a nervous sweat at what she had just said.
     “Just as I thought, this situation went way too out of hand.” I thought as the school loud ringing sounds of the school bell rang signalling that the next period was starting.
     After this “little encounter”, Rebekah and I could say that we learned a lesson. We learned that staying loyal with your friends is a BIG thing because you would want to treat people the way you want to be treated, otherwise they may betray you as well and they would also never trust you very easily ever again. Rebekah also changed a lot.
     She used to be rude and bossy, even to me, sometimes saying, “ Shut up.” if I accidentally cut into what she is saying and she also grabs people by the shirt when she wanted them to do something.
     But, she changed and has gotten a lot gentler. She does not say any rude comments about Tiphane anymore. She may still be a bit bossy to other people, but she does not order people around that much to solve her problems anymore. She had told me a couple of days after that the fight that she didn’t want to be like Tiphane, a “self-important backstabber,” she had said, making me believe she was striving to be a better friend which also made me feel good and reassured me that I would have her as a friend a lot longer than Tiphane.

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