The Slope | Teen Ink

The Slope

November 13, 2015
By asaxena101 BRONZE, Cupertino, California
asaxena101 BRONZE, Cupertino, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Slope
     I stood on top of the mountain. Freshly fallen snow covered everything I saw from the peak of the mountain. The periwinkle colored sky was clear, like a blank sheet of paper. I took a deep breath in, the icy air stinging my nose, and then exhaled and saw a cloud rise into the sky. I gazed downwards and saw tall, snow-covered pine trees, and they reminded me of little white hairs, standing straight up on someone's arm. I reached up with my gloved hand and pulled down my ski goggles, tinting everything slightly orange. I looked up and saw snowflakes delicately fluttering down, as one fell on my goggles. I stared at it, studying the intricate designs, but no more than a few seconds later, it melted. It is truly amazing that nature can create something so fascinating.
     “Why are we doing this slope?” I asked my dad. “I was perfectly fine doing the easy slopes.” The hardest slope I had done before was a blue square, and this was a black diamond slope.
     “Come on!” he replied cooly, “it’ll be fun” I inched my skis forward until the ends hung off the edge. I peered down and saw that this slope was much steeper than any other slope I had gone down before. My heartbeat hastened and each beat got stronger. My head started to feel warm and the inside of my helmet was humid.
     “Let’s go!” my dad shouted encouragingly as he started to slide down the slope. I leaned forward tentatively  and started down the slope. I was picking up speed, rapidly, and I passed my dad.
     “See!” he shouted over the noise of the wind, “it’s fun, right?”
     “Yeah!” I replied. I aimed my toes together in an attempt to slow down, but it didn’t help much. I was constantly turning, weaving between the dark pine trees and snow covered boulders. My skis sprayed a trail of fluffy snow behind me, while at the same time another skier’s spray stung my cheeks.
     This is much more fun than I thought. Maybe I’ll do black diamonds every time I go skiing. I thought. Meanwhile, my speed continued to increase, and I gradually started to lose control. I heard a noise, it sounded like an engine whirring, and someone trying to talk over it.
     “Watch out!” someone shouted. The combination of the wind and the engine roaring made it hard to hear. He was on an emergency snowmobile, the kind that picks up injured skiers, and the sled behind him had someone in it.
     I need to get out of the way, I thought. If I don’t, I’ll be in that sled being pulled by him. I tried to move out of the way, but I was going so fast that I couldn’t, so I slammed right into him. My leg took the majority of the force, and I tumbled over the top of the vehicle. I landed in the cold snow. I looked down the hill and saw the man skid to a stop. The crushing pain spread throughout the whole right side of my body.
     I don’t really remember much between then and waking up in the hospital. I remember pushing me into the sled and strapping me in. I remember him starting to drive down, and the next thing I remember was waking up in the hospital to the smell of chemicals with a cast being put around my leg. I just hope the man driving the snowmobile didn’t hit anyone else on the way down.

The author's comments:

I was on a skiing trip and got injured, and that inspired me to write this.

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