Big Apple Blues | Teen Ink

Big Apple Blues

November 18, 2015
By Anonymous

I quickly slurped down my milkshake until every last drop was out of sight, inhaled my 12:00 pm lunch cheesesteak, and sprinted from the recliner in our living room to the master bedroom upstairs. I ran to the room as fast as a cheetah hungry for the kill. My feet were moving as swift as a water strider. "Family meeting," my parents boomed.

"Coming," I shouted.

"We're in the attic," Dad stated.

"Ok," I said wondering why my parents were calling my brother, Flint, and I were calling me for a family meeting today? When I got to the attic my family members are in a circle waiting for me to join them.

When I joined them Dad said seriously, "So as you all know my job is taking us to New York City."

“What,” I said shocked. I couldn’t believe we were moving to New York City on such short notice. Before they could say another word I bolted out of the attic at the speed of light. My mom followed me out of the room, but I didn't care. I continued jogging towards my room and then I stopped, turned around, and faced my mom.

"Why do we have to move to New York City," I said disappointedly.

"We are moving to New York City for your father's job, Steve," Mom said calmly.

"I don't want to leave my life, friends, and school in King of Prussia and move to the Big Fat Apple with all it's city junk," I said angrily. I stormed up to my room and slammed my room door shut so hard that the house shook.
"Come on Steve," Mom said sadly.

"No," I said not changing my mind. I can't believe that I'm going to have to leave behind my life, friends, and school for my father's stupid job in New York City.

Ugh I said to myself. I'm going have to start over my swimming and skiing clubs on different teams. Also, what if the kids in New York City don't accept me as a six-fingered human being and as a freak. I'm so worried and shy! I didn't want to stay in my room anymore, so I quickly super speeded out of the house slamming the screen door so hard that it one of the door’s hinges snapped off.

I'll worry about that later I said to myself. I sprinted down the block at the speed of light while collecting my thoughts. Why did we have to move now? I'm entering my middle school year of 7th grade and it is already the end of August during the summer. I looked at my friends' houses one last time knowing I would never see any of it ever again. I sighed seeing that there was no change to what was going to happen and I briskly started to walk home still a little angry at my parents.

I had been out of the house 2 hours and I as I strolled into my yard I wondered what my punishment was going to be. Would I have my videogames donated to the local charity? Would I be grounded in my room for a year? Before I could come up with a third possibility as I was walking through the swaying broken screen door my thoughts were clouded by a deafening sound. “Surprise,” my friends and family screamed excitedly!

“Whoa,” I said taken aback at what my family along with my friends had done for me. My family with the help of my friends had thrown me a great going away party for my five year old brother, Flint, and I! They even said I could visit them during the weekends and breaks and they said they would come to New York City to visit me! The party was the best bash in history. Maybe moving to New York City wouldn’t be so bad after all.

This shows you that you have to accept hard things in life and move on as I learned. I knew that I was mad at first, but now it seems as though it was for the best and I am happy again now. I even got to see my friends one last time in King of Prussia. Besides life in The Big Apple might not be so bad and I might meet new people. Moving is yet another adventure to start a new path, but you can still have your old one in your grasp.

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