Up on Board | Teen Ink

Up on Board

November 23, 2015
By Emerald01 ELITE, Charlotte, North Carolina
Emerald01 ELITE, Charlotte, North Carolina
182 articles 13 photos 13 comments

Favorite Quote:
"We are always feeling every emotion, but only a few are screaming."

Do you ever feel empty? Lost? Almost like a cause with no meaning? If you have ever felt this way then you know exactly what I felt all at once on Saturday 3:20 pm. As all the kids gathered around at the school bus anxious and tired just wanting to go home. I walked,  head down shining very little self confidence. I felt the flames burning against her neck as everyone snickered as she past. I wasn’t sure if it was all in my head, if it was actually happening or my imagination from the dread I feel as I walk on to the bus really nervous about the next step. You see the event I have to go to. It is sort of my fault you see, I don’t try to be a trouble maker just….. Okay heres the deal my dad is a math teacher my mom works in a lab. They are super competitive and smart. My brother Tommy just got in to Leredale University. A top notch school located in California. I’ve always just felt out of place in my family. Well I am stalling again. It was about a week ago I brought these different chemicals and masses, I attached all the string and wires, chemicals, and such I just wanted to see the exterior impact which wound up resulting in me burning down our school statue. It was completely by mistake. Cameron Public School did not seem to find it as funny which leads me where I am now on the bus to WestLane School for girls. I honestly have no clue what I am doing here it is an writing school. I have no clue how to write. What is a writing school anyhow? Isn’t writing just jamming random letters together? They sent me to this school because apparently WestLane has no tolerance for insanity or childish behavior. I roll my eyes just thinking about it. They want everyone to be mature? Never any insanity or drama? We are 15 year olds. When we go to college all the insanity is going to rush out of us like a bad burrito. They really want us to hold it in for 4 years? I mean seriously? I keep thinking about all this pulling my dark brown hair to the side. I take out my headphones as I am about to blast up the volume, and take up about 5,000 seats I hear the breaks slow down, the engine stop, and about 20 kids piling out the door.

As I step down the steps on to the campus. I look around to the crowds. They’re polo shirts carefully tucked in to their printed blue block skirts. I look at myself, my dark hair, messy black makeup,  I also wasn’t that excited to go to an all girl school. It sort of reminded me of my family the competitive nature? Like I needed that in a high school. I walk in to the circular doors. My mouth drops wide open in shock. The cirrculer staircase, large entrance, Wizzards Shakes, Fish cakes stand of magic. I smirk at the silliness of the signs.I am mid laugh when a skinny girl with long blonde hair comes up to me. “Hi” She says in a snobby tone.”
“I saw you looking at our stands.”
Before I can say anything else her head tilts.
“Oh you are new.”
I nod slowly.
Yeah kinda lost.
“Oh I am sorry.”
She says walking away.
A smirk comes again.
Well aren’t you rude. I say to myself the wonder and thought of being in a new school. This  was interesting.

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