Life With B | Teen Ink

Life With B

December 9, 2015
By thtspanishboii BRONZE, Huntington, New York
thtspanishboii BRONZE, Huntington, New York
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

On a Monday morning, a teen named B was waking up to go to school. He was a freshman in high school. He didn’t want to go because he was being bullied by a group of guys in the tenth grade. He was scared to go, due to being picked on by these guys everywhere he went in school. He also received texts by the so-called leader of this group. His name was G, and he was the one sending B the texts. He would make fun of B through his social media, which happened everyday.
This all began when G found out about the ISIS attack in Paris. G was very upset because he has family that lives in Paris. He instantly didn’t like B because his ethnicity was from the Middle East. B was very upset that the jokes that he was making were towards him being Middle Eastern. The jokes were so hurtful that B began to feel depressed. He started feeling alone and isolated in school. He felt like nobody liked him in school because of G making fun of him in front of everyone in the cafeteria. He just wanted to enjoy his freshman year in high school but couldn’t. This started going from bad to worse after B seeing  G posting things about him all over his social media like how G was proud that he wasn’t from the Middle East and how he didn’t like anyone that was involved with ISIS. He warned any Middle Easterner to watch out because they could be anywhere even in the school. This lets B know that the insults were targeting him, but B was to scared to do anything. He was so scared because he saw G as a pro boxer and he was a teen just starting to learn how to box. This had him scared to try anything because he felt that if he stepped out of line with G. he would have gotten beat up. This had him seeing G as a cat and he was a mouse. He felt that he kept running every time he saw G anywhere in school.
All this made B feel like he wanted to get out of this school, like he wanted to move to a different state, a different country. It wasn’t going to happen because his parents could not afford to move to a different place. Very upset, B went up to his room, thinking back to that Monday morning and how and why G started making fun of him, how he kept getting bullied in school, on social media, and through texts.
Then B glanced over to his nightstand and saw his phone and began to panic. He began to worry about receiving a new text. He was scared to look at it because all he will see on it is the constant bullying that he was receiving. The constant fear of his phone was making him feel more and more lonely. He felt so isolated himself from social media because he was afraid of seeing all the posts that G is posting. He was afraid to see the texts that G had sent him and what he could send him at any moment. He later decided to that he wanted to see if he could confront G because was getting tired of feeling isolated, tired of feeling lonely, tired of feeling alone. He was going to go up G the next day and talk to G about the constant bullying that he was receiving.
The next day, he saw G, and instead of running, like he would usually do, he walked towards G. Before G could say any jokes that he had in his mind, B asked him why he was constantly bullying him. Why he felt that it was necessary to make him feel the way he’s feeling? B wanted answers for all this misery that G had put him through. G looked at him and asked B why he wanted to know. B wanted to end the bullying that he was going through. He didn’t want to be feel this way anymore. G looked at him and had a feeling that he really wanted him to stop this constant bullying. G told B that he was doing this because he didn't like the way he looked and whenever he would look at him, he remembered the event that happened in Paris. He saw an easy target for him to make fun of because he knew that he was a Middle Easterner. G saw B as a member of that group, but knew that he wouldn’t do something like that. He was just doing all this because this was a way for him to be able to cope with the attack because his family lived there. They could have been killed by this group; therefore, he had a lot of hatred towards this group and wanted them to be shut down. B saw that G was very upset and was happy that G told him a reason for the constant harassment that was directed towards him. B decided to try and have a decent relationship with G because he was so distraught about the event. He saw that the he was trying to look for something to get his mind off of the attack in Paris, but couldn’t. B decided to try and talk things through with him so that the bullying would stop once and for all. G agreed to sit down with him and talk things through with him.

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