A hidden Talent.... | Teen Ink

A hidden Talent....

December 11, 2015
By Anonymous

A Hidden Talent....

You want to know what it is right? The Talent. Well you gotta keep reading then, I'm pretty sure you’ll like it. Art... a thing that is hard for most. Any kind can be hard to master, Drawing, Painting, Photography. There is one kid who loves all of it, Bradie. He's an only child, and he wants his career to be within art. He’s been an artist as long as he can remember, always loved it too. Then something horrible happened....

Since 6th grade he had been in art classes, came home to make art, and went out places and created anything he thought was amazing. Everyone in his local community and further, loved his art, they said it was amazing, passionate, phenomenal for his age. But if you're an artist, you never really like what you create. he was always having art galleries and selling a lot, making money to only create more art.

Every night, Bradie thinks of and dreams about what else he can paint or draw or take photos of. He can think of thousands of think to do

The intensity of the hundreds of thousands of hues and shades you can make with paint is outstanding. and the clarity of a photograph can bring you back to the exact time and day it was taken. Isn't that amazing?

So one day, Bradie was getting ready for one of galleries but this one was extremely important because some scouts of a local show investors were going to be there and if they liked some of the art they would recommend that Bradie be given a scholarship. With that being, it would be very helpful since he was going to graduate soon. A scholarship would give him four years of school for art, which gets expensive, fast!

While he was getting ready, he had to get his checklists ready to take with him, and for the inventory. He put on a black shirt with some khakis and a maroon cardigan so he could look presentable. And got his wallet, his pamphlet, his keys and got his car. Bradie called his mother, “Hey mom, i'm leaving the house right now, I should be there in about 20-25 minutes.”

“Okay, honey we got everything ready; all we need is the star of the show to be here,” his mother said. “Okay i'll be there soon, okay bye,” he said, hanging up his phone. Bradie was driving and was going to get on the highway so he would get there on time, waiting to merge. There was a lot of traffic, so it was taking longer than expected but he was trying not to worry. Anyways he got out of the traffic and came to a red light. Once the green came, people started driving and then Bradie heard the sounds of a big semi-truck crashing into his car....

The pain and agony that Bradie was feeling, the loud ringing in his head, the shock of whether he could feel any part of his body was all running through his head. The ambulance arrived, checked his stats and injuries of him. Bradie was unconscious, had rapid heartbeat, high blood pressure, major shock so he doesn't feel hardly any pain yet. In the rig, on the way to the hospital, he woke up and started to realize where he was. Although he did not remember what had happened to him.

No one had called his family yet; it was almost time for the show to start and they had no idea. No idea that their son had been involved in a major accident. While they are waiting for him to show up, he is just showing up in the emergency room of the hospital. The doctors gave Bradie pain medication, and meds so that he could calm down. They finally called his parents.

It was about an hour until they had gotten there. They were so shocked to hear about what happened; but at the same time they were ecstatic to hear that their son was alive. The doctors said that Bradie had a few ribs, a concussion, sprained knee, and worst of all a left broken hand.

The silencing void of hearing that his hand might never be one hundred percent again terrified Bradie.  He uses that hand for everything; especially his art. He went through months of physical therapy and all his injuries had gotten better except for his hand. Everyday when he goes to grab something and his hand feels numb, angrily he would put it down or drop it with rage.

After numerous weeks of pain and frustration controlled his hand and was so ecstatic about being able to hold his camera and pencils and paint brushes. He started to hold his normal art galleries.

The author's comments:

A boy named Bradie loves art; especially painting, drawing and photography. he holds galleries and his local community loves his works; and he is always making deals happen.

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