The First Step | Teen Ink

The First Step

December 15, 2015
By Johnsmith1234 BRONZE, Dallas, Texas
Johnsmith1234 BRONZE, Dallas, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Taking that first step in the school that has broken you from the inside and that outside. Walking down the hallways .The older kids walking past you, smelling the fear in the inside of you. The bell ring. You're still not at the classroom yet. You walk in late and everyone stares at you .”Hey look it's the kid with the mom that is always getting beat by his dad” someone yells out. “come say that to my face” you say. Everyone is quiet. You take a seat in the back corner.An hour goes passed and the bell rings. Everyone out of the classroom and out to the hallways like some wild animals. You're in the middle of the hallway  trying to get to your next class but, always getting pushed around by some of the older kids. It doesn't mean anything to you tho. You're used to getting pushed and beaten at home. It hurts a lot but im used to it.

Before you go to your next class, you head to the restroom  because, you been waiting to go since last period. No one is in there , so you think it is safe to go in. So your go to do your business and then you go wash your hands, then you head to the door but something or someone pushes you back in. “You ready punk”? The kid said. The kid has three other guys with him. So you're thinking to yourself that you are about to get jump, but it was just you and him first. The kid throws a punch but you dodge it and punch him straight in the nose and he go down onto the floor. “Get him” he yelled and ordered the others”.

You can't block all those other punches so you just standing there trying to protect yourself and now you are on the ground with bruises and bumps. After they left, you get up and head out to the hallways. It was the last period so you head to your bus to take you home.The bus stops at your apartment complexes , but before you get off you take a very deep breath. Then you start to head home.


Taking that first step into your front door of your apartment knowing that your mom is getting beaten by your father. Halfway in, you  see your dad on the couch passed out with beer in his hand. you walk in the kitchen and you see your mom in the corner crying. You walk up to her say, “mom ,are you okay”? She says she's okay,but you think something is up. So you say” but mom..”. She yells,” mijo go to your room now”!  At the same time she yells, you can see a black eye on her face. 

You run to your room. You remember that you still have that glock that your friend gave to you a while back. He gave it to you when someone threaten to kill you and your friends when you were walking on the wrong block, at the wrong time.Before you walk back downstairs to do something that you will regret, you thought to yourself. Do i have the guts to pull the trigger? You stood there for about thirty  seconds,then you finally take a deep breath and started your way downstairs.


The author's comments:

I dont know. It was in my mind for a while

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