The Bicycle | Teen Ink

The Bicycle

December 15, 2015
By KDude BRONZE, Cupertino, California
KDude BRONZE, Cupertino, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Brad was walking to his parents with the desire of having a new bicycle. Things were going on in his mind, that how everything would change if he had a new bicycle, like he could cycle to school instead of walking and reaching school on the last minute, and he will have so many new friends.
As he reached his final destination, Brad made sure to stay calm in front of his parents because he knew that he shouts when he gets angry.
His mom sees him and asks him, “What is the matter, Brad? Why do you look so tense?”
Brad felt his heart beating rapidly. With tension breaking in his mind, he stuttered, “M-Mom, I always remain b-bored at home because I -I cannot bicycle, so-”
“Sorry Brad, you see, me and your dad are always working and we cannot teach you cycling, so what use in wasting around one hundred dollars for a bicycle.”, his mom interrupted. Brad started shouting, what he was afraid of, “I knew that you would say no”. His mom remained silent, and Brad stomped out of the room and went to his room. 
He was crying silently, thinking that everybody has an opportunity to bicycle, but he doesn’t. An evil thought was coming to his mind, about stealing a bicycle. He was trying to get that thought out of his mind, but his thought just remained in his mind. He just thought, I can use his cycle for an hour or so, and I can put it back where it was. He went to the house across him and slowly, without making a single noise that even you could hear a pin drop. Brad saw that the cycle was locked.
He felt sad and angry and Brad spoke to himself, “Why did I come out when a latch is put on the cycle?”. He went to the latch and hit it with a rock until the latch broke. He took out the unlatched bicycle and slowly went towards the footpath when he saw the owner of the bicycle coming out of his door. He saw Brad taking his cycle away and ran as fast as a cheetah and when he reached, he started beating him up until Brad left hold of his bicycle. Brad was left there alone, unconscious, with a long, bleeding scar going through his forehead.
Brad’s mom found him over there, and Brad was admitted to the hospital, his mom was with him for the entire time. The next early morning, Brad started muttering, “M -mom bicycle.” His mom woke up with a start and saw Brad’s eyes open and soon after that, the doctor came in and did a quick check-up on Brad.
“He’s fine,” the doctor said, “Just give him this medicine every night.” Brad’s mom thanked the doctor, gave him his money for the work, and took Brad home.
Brad told his mom what happened, and Brad’s mom just ran to Brad’s father and told him what Brad did and they started talking and took a final decision and came to Brad.
His dad came with extreme anger.

“Brad, why did you have to steal somebody’s bicycle?” His dad asked, his eyes getting red.

“I couldn’t help it because you wouldn’t give me a bicycle,” Brad shouted.
After that, Brad remained silent.
His dad said, “Son, we are thinking to ground you for this action of yours.” Brad replied, “Fine, I won’t even come in front of you guys, never ever.” Then all of a sudden, Brad ran out of the house and the apartment.
He ran and ran and ran, until he got tired. Thinking he had not gone too far, he tried to look for his apartment. Then he saw a signboard saying ‘Kim St.’ That was two miles away from his apartment. He tried to go home but then he came in a road with three ways. He randomly took one road to go home. He walked and walked, but could not reach home. So, he decided to rest in front of a restaurant and then he will try to walk to his home. On the other hand, Brad’s worried parents were looking for him. Even they reached the road which divided into three ways and they took a random road and they found Brad. Brad’s parents find Brad sitting in front of his favorite  restaurant, resting and crying. Brad’s parents take Brad inside the restaurant and they have lunch over there, and . Although Brad’s parents had a lot of work, they felt that their only son is more important than their job, so they get Brad a bicycle and take out time from their work to teach Brad bicycling, through which Brad learns bicycling with them in a week or so, Brad joins the cycling gang.

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This article has 0 comments.

Raju said...
on Dec. 22 2015 at 11:51 am
Really a touching story.

Tara said...
on Dec. 22 2015 at 2:27 am
Awesome kush. Good story.