Game Time | Teen Ink

Game Time

December 17, 2015
By Kablin BRONZE, Los Angeles, California
Kablin BRONZE, Los Angeles, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

She hustled out of the front seat of her white Range Rover with the license plate reading “Mom+4.” She pulled on the handle of the side door, as it propped open, what seemed like hundreds of cheerios fell to the parking lot gravel. Unfazed, she hurried Jonathan and Lucy out of the car head to toe in red and white soccer apparel with water bottles in hand. While getting her tote bag from the trunk she caught a whiff of the baby wipes and hand sanitizer that she bought in bulk the other day a Costco.  “Run to the field you two, you’re gonna be late” she said with lawn chair in hand and Aviators on top of her curly brown hair. After they were out of sight, she got back into the driver's seat, opened the glove department and poured a shot of vodka into her coffee from her hidden flask.
Closing her doors, she grabs her coffee cup and pushes her sunglasses down to cover her eyes. she suddenly hears her name faintly coming from the distance. As her name gets louder and louder, she looks behind her and sees Sheryl bulldozing towards her car yelling, “Brenda, we need to discuss snacks!” Rolling her eyes, she puts the lawn chair on the floor she embraces Sheryl with a kiss on each cheek. Panicked, Sheryl says “you do know we have snack duty at the kids next game, right?”
“I already made one Costco run, one Whole Foods run, and two Target runs this week why was this not penciled in on Team mom calendar?”
“Well, maybe you don't know this information because you weren't at book club last week.”
“Lucy had a fit, I couldn’t make it, anyways I’ll have the nanny pick up some sort of drink for the kids… do you think the kids would want a box carton of juice or a bottle?”
“Probably the juice box kind, don’t forget coffee drinks for the parents and coach.” “The coffee ones have gotten too expensive Sheryl, I don't think it’s necessary.” “Ok well, make sure to give them out at the time out and not after the game to give the kids the sugar they need to play.”
“I know I’ve given out snacks before! I’m not new here you know?”
“You don’t need to get your panties in a bunch Brenda, I’m just trying to help”
“Well, your help sounds more like bossing people around”
“You don’t have to accept my help then, you don’t have to accept anything from me especially my invite to bookclub”
“I have more important things to do then go to your book club anyways”
“we don't need a rude mom in our circle, consider yourself disinvited”
As Sheryl stomps away, she rushes back into the front seat of her car and pours another swig of Vodka into her coffee.

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