My Son | Teen Ink

My Son

December 29, 2015
By arianamariel BRONZE, Middlesex, New Jersey
arianamariel BRONZE, Middlesex, New Jersey
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

This is for if I’m not there to give you a home. If I’m not there to give you a family. If you’re ever feeling lonely or in need of something to put your faith in. Go to the place where you hear the bells ringing. It’s the place where the music’s always playing. My son, this place can piece together your broken heart. If you ever can’t hear the choir or are blinded by negativity, this place has been known to grant wishes. The water can heal and replenish every corner of your body. My son, the knowledge this place offers is greater than anything from outside its walls. It is a home away from home, with bonds between people that are greater than blood. If I have left you, my boy, I did not have a choice; but you can find fragments of me there. It is the place where you see the two lines intersect. Seek refuge there, and soon we’ll be together once more.

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