HI I'M LUKE | Teen Ink


December 14, 2015
By Anonymous

Hi, I’m Luke, and I'm going to tell you a story about when I was in high school; in fact, it was on a Friday.  The alarm rang at 6:20 AM, I had only one hour to get to school.  I jumped out of bed, put my clothes on, ate breakfast and I was on my way to school.  When I got to school, my mom told me, “Have a good day at school, and don't let that Henry put you down.”  Henry was a popular basketball player at our school.  I got out of the car and on my way to class I saw Isela.  Isela was just as popular as Henry, they actually kind of looked alike.
“Hey Luke” Isela said.
“Hey Isela,” I said.
“Luke you're really tall, you should play basketball,” she replied, “tryouts are Monday.”
“I would but I can’t even catch a ball,” I said.
“I’ll teach you, wink wink” she said.
“Okay let's get to class,” I said.
We walked in the classroom, Mrs.Squarepants said “You squirrels have a project due on
“On what?” I said.
“Surprise me,” Mrs.Squarepants replied.
After school I told him about the tryouts, he was so proud that I was following his footsteps.  We never actually had a real conversation, but he talked to me the whole ride home.  When we got home, he went outside with me and helped me practice.  By time we were done it was 7:42 PM so I went upstairs put on my pajamas and went to sleep.  Saturday morning I woke up and got ready to meet Isela and her friend at the park.  When I got there, she and her friend were sitting I went over there and asking her “What's wrong?”
She pointed at the basketball courts “Look,” she said.
When I looked, I saw Henry. “What is he doing here?” I said.
“He overheard me talking to Austin on the phone after class yesterday and he followed me here.
Sorry,” she said sadly
“That's okay.  You didn't mean for this to happen,” I replied.
We walked over to a different court.  Austin was teaching me the basics of basketball.  After I got all the rules down, he was teaching me how to shoot.  I was surprised Henry didn't mess with us, but when I tried to shoot, he blocked my shot.
“What are you losers doing?” he said.
“Don't trip,” Isela replied.
“Potato chip,” I said confidently.
“Just, Henry what do you want?” Austin said.
“I'm just watching,” Henry replied.
And he was actually “just watching.” I was surprised.  Once I finally knew how to make a basket, Austin started playing defense.  I thought I was all set, but Henry told me I was overweight.
“Tomorrow we can go to gym to work out,” Isela said.
“Okay.  See y'all there,” I replied.
Henry pulled me to the side and gave me a bag, he told me it was some special food to help me gain some weight. When I got home I went upstairs to my room, and looked in the bag.  It was candy,
and the whole time I thought he was trying to help me get on the team, but it was all just an act.  Sunday morning I woke up, got dressed, put my workout clothes in a bag and was on my way to church.  On the way there my dad asked me, “How is basketball going.”
“Good, but after church I have to workout because I'm overweight,” I said.
“Really? the weight range must have changed because you're more skinny than I ever was,” my dad said.
“Well, I don't know, but he's the coach,” I said.
So after church I went with Isela and Austin went to the gym.  When we first got there he
weighed me to see if I was in the range, Austin said “you actually are in the range to play for the team.”
“Are you sure,” I said confusingly.
“Yeah I’m on the basketball team,” He replied, “I’m pretty sure I would know.”
“Well let’s just go outside to the basketball court and practice,” Isela said.
We went outside to play one on one and no surprise Henry was there, I felt like he was following us.  He came over by us and said “what are you like following me now.”
“You're following us, now leave” I said.
“Okay I'll leave, not because you told me to but because your presence is making me
sick,” Henry replied.
Austin said to Henry, “I know your parents,” as he was leaving.
“How is that,” I said to Austin.
Austin and Isela both laughed but I didn't know why so I just laughed with them.  When
we were done Isela’s parents came to pick her up and I swear I seen Henry in the backseat but I didn't worry too much I was more worried about tryouts the next day.  When I got home I texted Isela and told her thank you for all the time she put in for me.  Honestly I was only doing this so I can get closer to Isela but I don't even know if she is going to talk to me after this.  Then she texted me back a heart and winky face.  Then it was the morning I woke up got in the shower, brushed my teeth and got dressed.  When I went downstairs my dad was cooking, I didn't even know he could cook.  When I went in 6th period Mrs.Squarepants called on me to present the project first and I know I never said anything about this project but I was writing about it the whole time, I did mine on how people can change. After class Austin told me “it's about that
time, are you ready bud?”
“Yeah, I think so” I said nervously.
“Good luck, you'll do great” Isela replied.
“Do you really think so,” I said.
“Yes Luke, I believe in you” she said and then kissed me on my cheek.
“Thanks, Isela” I replied.
I went in the gym and there was only four other boys but they were really good.  I went in
the locker room to change, when I went back in there we started doing drills and Henry was telling us what kind of shots to do.  When we were all done Henry said he only needed three people and I thought of course he's not going to let me on the team.  “Luke and Calum you guys can go change, into your new basketball outfits because you made the team.” Henry said.  I went back outside to Austin, Isela and my dad and told them “guess what,” with a sad voice.
“It’s okay son you'll always have next year,” my dad replied.
“No, dad I'm on the team” I said.
“Well then why were you sad,” Isela said.
“Because I know after this you're not going to talk to me anymore,” I said sadly.
“That's actually what I was worried about but now that I know how you feel I won't have
worry about it anymore,” she replied.
“Is that your car,” Austin said to Isela.
“Yeah let me go get Henry,” she said.
“Wait, for what” I said confusingly.
When she came back she said “what do you mean.”
“Are you taking him home?” I asked.
“No he's my brother,” She replied.
My jaw dropped to the floor.
“Thought you knew,” she said.
“Wasn't obvious?” Austin said.
I thought back to how he always knew where she was and when I seen him in the car.
“Yeah, I guess it was.” I said.
“Well we got to go,” Isela said and then hugged me.
Henry pulled me to the side and said “hey good job out there and I'm really sorry about how I've been treating you you're actually kind of cool.”
“Thanks,” I said.
So that's the story of how I got on the basketball team, when me and Isela first met and
when me and Henry became friends.  He actually has to be nice to me now because I married his sister and now me and my dad are closer than ever.

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