Living on the Edge | Teen Ink

Living on the Edge

January 14, 2016
By kb879 BRONZE, Madison, Wisconsin
kb879 BRONZE, Madison, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The sun’s rays shone down over the beautiful city that was getting its last glimpses of the breathtaking coastal view for the day. Los Angeles had stood for 232 years and still you would think it had never looked so amazing.
The darkness soon began to engulf the light pink sky as a green car slowly crept up a narrow winding road, crawling toward the top of the hill. Kyle looked out the window toward the sun absorbing its beauty as it seemed to slowly disappear into the ocean as he thought about how fun this trip had been. The entire fourth grade summer as a whole had been amazing. In the small car, next to Kyle, was his Dad and his budding actor cousin LJ  had just performed in a musical “Tommy,”  an hour before. They had crowded into the back seats. His Uncle John, a total Californian with his long blonde hair, was in the passenger seat and his Uncle Lorenzo, with a well trimmed beard and aviator glasses was at the wheel. The car crept forward on the narrow road like a small bug crawling out on a twig. Suddenly, they were momentarily blinded as another car came from around the turn directly toward them. Fortunately, the car found a small area to back into and made just enough room for Uncle Lorenzo to sneak the car past and continue driving up the winding road. Every one of them stared silently at the tattered caution tape to the left of them.
Uncle John, who had been living just down the road for several years, noticed the passengers’ curiosity. Solemnly explained “about how just Three weeks ago a family had been driving back down from the same lookout point that they were headed to and had lost control of their car”. They could still see exactly where the car had veered off and entered the forest before tumbling down the edge. Small branches and  some trees  had been uprooted and broken  by the car lay at the side of the road. A broken mirror laid sadly neglected near the road--a remaining memorial of the fatal accident.
“The entire family was killed in the accident, two young boys age 4 and 8, and their parents,” John gloomily added.
Kyle turned his attention again to the window,  now almost completely dark. He could barely make out the faint glow of the city below through the large forest. Now that he had heard that very gruesome story every movement and every shadow of every tree frightened him.
A small ray of light appeared before the car signaling that it had finally finished its trek up the mountain and  reached their destination. To the left of the car stood one of the largest most expensive homes Kyle had ever seen, white walls and modern design incorporated amazingly shaped windows  that aligned with the home’s many curves. All that kept him from going up and knocking on its large wooden doors was six foot tall white walls and the large, locked iron gate which protruded out onto a small area of land leaving only 12 feet for the public to be on.
They drove onto the small area of land to get out to look around. As the car came to a stop everyone inside hurried to get out of the hot cramped car. Kyle looked to his left and could see the drop of the cliff just a foot away. The view was fantastic. Kyle stared in awe across the valley. From this spot he could see everything. Across the canyon was the famous Hollywood sign, shining brightly into the night sky. He could see many of the homes of the Hollywood elite spread across the hills, but this was not what caught his eye. From where he stood Kyle had almost an Eagle eye view of the entire city of Los Angeles glowing with almost an infinite amount of colors and light. Possibly the most amazing thing he had ever seen in his entire life.
After consuming the breathtaking view, everyone slowly trudged back toward the car.
Kyle nervously said “Ummm... hey... guys?, How are we going to turn around?”.
  The amount of room Uncle Lorenzo had to turn the car around without sliding off the road was minimal at best. Every movement of the car had to be perfect in order to get out of this dilemma. Even being off by a single inch could result in them plummeting down to their deaths.
As Uncle Lorenzo slowly inched the car backward, everyone in the car held their breath and the temperature in the car skyrocketed. As the car slowly crept backwards the intensity of the moment was so high that Kyle could hear everyone’s long, airy breaths.
“No... one... move...,” Uncle Lorenzo said as if even the words would cause the car to go crashing down the cliff.
“Thats it! I’m out,” Kyle’s dad said as he opened the side door and stepped safely onto the nice firm ground. He would direct them from the outside of the car.
As Uncle Lorenzo again began to back up the car to get a reasonable angle on the road some of the rocks on the edge of the cliff tumbled off. Everyone in the car sucked in air. The intensity of the moment was doubling exponentially every second the car backed up. As Kyle turned around he could see that they were at the edge. All he could see were the large trees below reaching toward him as if  they expected to have him in their grasps within the next minute.
“Everyone try to move to the front of the car,” Uncle Lorenzo said as calmly as he possibly could. LJ and Kyle leaned forward as much as their seatbelts would allow them. Uncle Lorenzo finished backing up the last few inches that he possibly could without risking backing off of the cliff. He then began to maneuver the car forward perfectly putting it back onto the small road. Kyle’s Dad then returned to his seat in the car and everyone sat for over a minute just so amazed and grateful to still be alive. With that, Uncle Lorenzo began the long, dark drive back down the mountain, putting all of the stress behind them.

The author's comments:

Inspired by my experiences in Los Angeles

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