Jake's dream | Teen Ink

Jake's dream

January 14, 2016
By jtrujiro BRONZE, Beaverton, Oregon
jtrujiro BRONZE, Beaverton, Oregon
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was the year 2005 There was once an 8 year old boy named Jake, Jake lives in a small town in Chicago, Unfortunately for Jake his dad had left his at the age of three, jake hasn’t seen his father ever since, Jake has a little sister named Mary is a year old.
Jake stays home taking care of his little sister most of the time even when there’s school, sometimes Jake has to stay home to take care of his little sister since sometimes his aunt can’t take care of her & his mother Jane doesn’t have enough money to afford a real babysitter.

Jake’s mother works two jobs she works at a restaurant & she cleans offices at night but even though she works two jobs sometimes she doesn’t make enough to pay for rent since she has to make sure to keep her kids happy,she doesn’t get help from anyone even though she needs it.
Jake’s mom is usually never home so he has taught himself to cook simple things like eggs, rice and some types of meats like chicken. Since he usually can’t go to school because he has to take care of his sister he spends his free time writing poems as a kid his favorite type of music was rap, he would listen to rap music at school since he never really listened to it with his parents.
As jake grew older he started to really dig rappin so in school he would have a journal where he would just randomly write poems, he was now a sophomore in high school so he took rapping more serious, he wanted to become a rapper.

Jake and his friends would go to the most quietest place in his school during lunch, him and his friends would put on a random beat or they would make a beat with their mouths and then some would freestyle and some would rap battle each other for fun, a few of his friends would just rap for fun but jake actually wanted to grow up to be a big rapper but without the support of his mother  he didn’t know whether to pursue his dream of being a big time rapper or just be an

ordinary guy with an ordinary job.
Jake hadn’t commented to his mom about his dream but he thought it was time he told her so that’s exactly what he did, his mom got home from work, she sat down to eat something before going to her second job, jake saw the opportunity to tell his mom his plan for the future, he told her that he had a dream of becoming a rapper, he said he was good at it all he was missing was some support from her he didn’t want money he wanted her to support him, she looked at him and told him I support your decision but I want you to graduate from school first, Jake jumped up of happiness.

Jake’s grades weren’t good though not good enough to graduate so that’s what he focused on for the two years that he had left in high school.

Two years later he had finally finished high school and made his mother proud, now it was time for him to pursue his dream, he spent hours, days even weeks trying to make the perfect lyrics for songs, he was determined to make his debut album, his old friends from high school kept in touch with jake one of them named derrick had a cousin who had a studio, derrick talked to jake about the studio he told him if he was serious about wanting to record his debut album that he could ask his cousin if he could record it in his studio.

The author's comments:

I'm a senior at Beaverton High School

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