Snowday | Teen Ink


January 14, 2016
By Madi16 BRONZE, Fort Worth, Texas
Madi16 BRONZE, Fort Worth, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Today I walk to school along the snowy, white roads to school.  The soft, white powder crunches under my Ugg boots. Moisture slowly soaks in, turning my boots a darker, mocoa color. It floods the bottom of my socks, leaving me with damp feet. I keep walking and about two minutes into my walk, snowflakes fall from the sky. They dance across the air, softly landing on the present powder.

I smile. I love the snow. I stick my tongue out into the icy air. A few fall on my tongue. My mouth closes as the tiny creations melt away. It’s like a waterfall trickling down throught. I keep walking and find children building snowmen. The Frozen “Do You Want to Build a Snowman?” comes into my head. I find it odd that they are building them when there is school to go to. The colorful clothes they pick out for them stand out against the white, fluffy blanket.

I hear the “Star Wars” text tone on my phone. My gloved hand finds it in the left pocket of my bubblegum pink winter coat. My mother said it school is canceled. I sigh and walk the opposite direction I was going.

When I enter my house to find a steaming cup of hot cocoa waiting for me. I set my backpack the shoe bench, and remove my winter layers. I sit down and try to drink it but it burns my mouth. Getting up, I grab a candy cane and a couple of ice cubes and place them in. Using my candy cane as a stir stick and mix around the ice cubes.

I take another sip. It feels much better. I look out the window and see a blizzard coming on. I pull out my phone and look on my Instagram, then enjoy my day off.

The author's comments:

This piece is suppose to put you in a winter like mood.

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This article has 1 comment.

Grandpa said...
on Jan. 19 2016 at 8:13 pm
Very descriptive, makes you feel like you can actually feel the the cold, the wet, and snowflakes! Too bad her Instagram didn't tell her before she went out and got wet, damp feet tho !