Man In Black | Teen Ink

Man In Black

January 17, 2016
By MadDawg44 BRONZE, Glendale, Arizona
MadDawg44 BRONZE, Glendale, Arizona
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The four walls around me are used to distract my little mind from all of the pain and suffering going on outside. A trap door, a false hope, these walls did nothing to shield my heart from fearing for the worst. Monotonous pastel blue that reminded me of the hat placed on a newborn baby boy’s head, innocent, pristine, untouched. A thin veil from the outside. Along these pastel blue walls hung an airplane, followed by a distinct dotted line. Intended for innocence, it reminded me of a bumble bee soaring through a field of flowers. The enormous extruding eyes on the front of the plane overwhelmed me with dismay. The eyes seemed to follow me when I glanced. It gave me a feeling of being watched; as if someone was constantly lurking around the corner ready to pounce, attack, kill. I was fearing for my life, alone.
There was a man that put me in this room, no color existed on him at all, for the reason that he wore black for head to toe. He wore a cloth mask that shielded his face whenever I saw him, as if he didn’t want to be identified. As he put me in the room, alone and afraid, he told me that everything was going to be okay; he was there. A large man in all black had taken me; my mom and dad were taken away from me and I was alone. I was surely going to die in the room with the pastel blue walls and airplane flying all around. I was surely going to die.
I was scared of being alone in my room of despair, but I knew the man in black couldn’t hurt me if he wasn’t there. I started to soothe myself as a baby would during the night, but I knew not what was coming. As soon as I allowed my heart to slow, I calmed myself down enough to realize what was happening. My hands that had been wet this whole time were also red. They were covered in a red liquid, although some of this flaming red had seemed to dry, some was still wet, clinging to everything I touched. I had no idea where it was coming from until I lifted my other hand from where it lie on my stomach, only to realize that was it. My stomach was leaking, leaking the same red liquid, leaking blood. This blood was oozing from my stomach rapidly, full force and I couldn’t stop it. I quickly forced both hands over my shirt and screamed. Screamed for my mom, screamed for my dad, screamed until the little breath that I had was gone. They did not come; the man in black did. He came rushing in with people in similar black uniforms, as if they were an army ready to attack. My parents had been taken away. One man grabbed my fragile arm and forced it to the table so swiftly I imagined it might snap like a twig. I felt sharp pains at multiple points on my body only causing me to continue to scream. Right as the man in black started to count, “3,2,1” I was out I think I am dead. The man in black killed me.
As if I am alive, I have a vivid dream of going to a baseball game with my mom and dad. When we are driving along a busy road, horns are honking and lights are flashing. I hear my mom and dad talking about parking. I ask my dad in the grey leather seat in front of me; what time of day it was, since the clock with fluorescent orange numbers is found at the front of the car, I cannot see it. He begins to answer and as he always does he turns around to talk to me, but  as he does, the lights go out and I wake up from my dream. However, it was not a dream: it was what happened before I came here. To this place, to the man in black.
I wake up moving; I am not in the pastel blue room anymore but the man in black is still there. He looks down and  sees my tiny brown eyes open. As he looks he yells angrily,” Why is she awake?” I can tell from his harsh tone the anger and dislike. The hustle and bustle all around me is loud and hurts my ears. We take a sharp left turn into a room with bright lights and shiny tools. I am terrified. I’ve never seen something like this. Maybe I’m in heaven, I always imagined heaven this bright, but the man in black is still there, I don’t understand. My table stops moving, I look up at a man in blue this time is reaching for my face. He puts a plastic cover over my nose and mouth which make it hard to breathe. Before I can react I am out. This time I don’t dream.
I am not. I wake up, sore and numb throughout my body. I cannot move. I try to scream but something is in my throat. Right as I reach to take it out, a woman speaks to me, “You are okay, don’t try to talk. You were in an accident. You are at the hospital.”

The author's comments:

My experience of an accident I was involved in as a young child. 

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