Shipwrecked On Sand | Teen Ink

Shipwrecked On Sand

January 20, 2016
By DestinedAuthor BRONZE, Boston, Massachusetts
DestinedAuthor BRONZE, Boston, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

All Reed and Athena had planned that night was to enjoy their cruise with their uncle. Everything was going well till the ship started to sink. Reed and Athena find themselves dueling the rough, unforgiven waves struggling to survive till they reach a thought to be forsaken island...


Chapter 1: Wow, That Was Unexpected

  "Reed, Athena!"

I hesitantly pulled myself off the ruby red couch, clutching my piles, and, piles, and piles of homework. A light green pencil tucked neatly behind one of my elf like ears.

   I watched as my sister Athena stumbled down the stairs, dropping her translucent pencil case. She grunted aggravatedly as the pencils exploded out of the case scattering amongst the marble tiled floor. She ignored the fact twenty something pencils were posing a danger to clumsy people like herself, and reached the bottom of the stairs.

  "Yes Mum?" she questioned semi- irratatedly. Our mother straightened her posture, and smiled widely. "Your Uncle is thinking of taking you two on a cruise, where? no idea? when? no clue."

   "Um Mum which uncle?" I questioned "Libra" I felt my mouth crack into a slight smile "Awesome thanks for lettin' us know mum!" She nodded and walked away settling herself at the dining room table. She flipped a book open and continued where she marked off the page.

   "Yo, Athena done with your homework?" she shouted down from her room "Yes, why?" I nodded even though she couldn't see me. "Uh I know we don't hang that often, but I got this game, and it needs two players, so..." I could hear her ignoring me. Blocking me out with music, I could of cared less about

   I realized that she would be in her world of music for a while, so I walked up the forest green carpeted stairs, past my room, and into my sisters.

    "Hey, Athena aren't you pumped to see Uncle Libra, go on a cruise, and spend time with ya big bro?" "Well, yeah Uncle Libra is a pretty cool guy, and cruises with him are the best!" I nodded "Um is my music too loud Reed, I can put my headphones in".

   "No, it's fine, but do you want to do something?" She looked up, inquisitively and looked at me skeptically. "You, Reed Miller want to hang out with me?" I sighed a little confusingly "Well yeah, we are both done with homework, and well I thought maybe."

    I paused "Uh nevermind I will let myself out. Before I could step out of the door she called out. "Wait!" I turned to her, "Yeah?" She stood up "I am down with hanging out, lets go!"

    She ran down the carpeted steps., and knelt on the rug holding a game controller "Hurry it up Reed, it's not everyday we can enjoy quality time."

I charged down the stairs and slid on my knees into the carpet. Picking up a sleek black game controller eager to play my new videogame.


Chapter Notes:

Reed's Point of View

Chapter 2: Why, Is School Boring Me To Sleep? The only thing school has taught me is that, I am not a morning person. Trust me I try, well I don't try per say, Reed tries. I just sleep. Then after Reed, slaps me with a thick, and heavy pillow several times. I decide I should get up. Chapter Notes: Athena's Point Of View

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