Matt and Jack. | Teen Ink

Matt and Jack.

January 21, 2016
By NotAUsername BRONZE, San Antonio, Texas
NotAUsername BRONZE, San Antonio, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

        “No Jack.Not right now boy.” I was already late to work and my two month old Husky, Jack, kept getting in my way. My boss was going to be be mad, as this was the third time this month I'd be late. If I was lucky enough, I would still have my job after today .I had my keys ,portafolio and phone, but I still felt like I was missing something ,but what was it? ‘Urrrrrrr’ whined Jack. “Not right now Jack,wait JACK!, you're what I'm missing” I said while rushing to the laundry room to grab the Pedigree food bag. I ran back to Jack's feeding bowl and overfilled it with the disgusting brown colored food.I looked at the clock and it marked ‘7:50 A.M’. With traffic, it would take more than twenty minutes to get to work. I rushed to the door as fast as a cheetah, however but Jack got in my way and I tripped over his tiny body. “JACK!!”I screamed furiously then fell onto the dinner table that had now tilted to the side. The floor had pieces of rainbow colored, eatable circles. I looked to my right side and there he was sitting there all angelically like it wasn't his fault that there was a mess all over the floor. ‘Great’ I thought. After work I would still have more work to do at home ,“Jack look at what you did,this is a total disaster” I whined . “ ARF” barked Jack while waving his tail back and forth as if he was the happiest dog on earth.“Maybe it's time to be more strict with you ,maybe you'll have to be outside in the backyard”I said while opening the backyard door and signaling Jack to go outside. “You will stay there for today maybe after I come from work I'll let you back in the house.”Jack just stood there but his tail had stopped waving and his head was turned sideways while he made whimpering noises. It was time to go to work, however I discovered it was too late, ergo I decided to stay home and call in sick. I headed to the living room phone when it suddenly rang.“Hello?”  I asked.“Matt, where are you?”asked Ryan, I wondered what he wanted now. “Hi to you too Ryan” I replied annoyingly. “Yeah, yeah.” Ryan said dismissively, “You better hurry up ‘Boss’ is gonna be mad at you.” “You don't you think I know that?I'm not dumb, Stupid .I know he's gonna be mad, but Im gonna use one of my sick days today” I replied. Could he get anymore annoying.? “Alright, alright, don't get mad.Well, see ya tomorrow then.Bye!!” I responded. I hung up and went to the fridge to get something to drink. When I opened the fridge, I saw that there wasn't any orange juice left. Since I had nothing to do , I decided to go get more juice. I Got to the car, unlocked the door and headed for Target.

        When I got home and left the juice and the cookies in their beloved place I headed outside to see what I would do about Jack's behavior.“Jack!,where are you boy?” I screamed while looking around the backyard.“JACK!” I screamed while walking around to where he had hidden now.I walked to the backyard door and saw a big pile of dirt, then I noticed that the whole led to outside the house.I started to worry and the first thing that I could thing to do was to run through the neighborhood to look for Jack.I ran out the backyard and started looking for Jack.“JACK JACK WHERE ARE YOU” I screamed while running through all the streets of my neighborhood.The sky was covered by gray dark clouds. I looked for Jack over 30 minutes and all that running had gotten me tired ; I sat on the sidewalk and wondered what I could do to find Jack. I could make posters but I'm not gonna give up now ,‘I have to find Jack’ I thought. I ran back to my house and decided I would drive around the neighborhood next to mine to see if Jack was there. I drove around the neighborhood twice and drove around mine one more time with high hopes.When I finally gave up I decided that the last thing to do was to make posters and tape them all around the neighborhood. I went home exhausted and disappointed ,the only thing that was on my mind was my puppy Jack ,man It hadn't even been a day without him and I already missed him.I got home and went right away to my computer to make the posters when my phone started ringing.

        “What now?” I asked annoyingly, what would he want know. “Well sorry, geez. Have you lost something lately?” he asked sarcastically. “No, what do you want I really don't have time right now I'm making posters because Matt ran away-”I was saying when I was cut abruptly. “Matts here dumbnut” he said, and when I heard those words my heart started beating rapidly and rant to the car. “WHAT WHERE?HOW?” I screamed while turning on the engine not knowing where to go yet. “I was heading home when I saw him walking by Valero” he responded. “SO ARE YOU AT VALERO OR?” I asked. “No ,I'm at my house now so you can come on down and pick him up.What a great owner you are!” he said sarcastically. “Shut up.Im on my way”I said happilly. Man was I glad to be back with my puppy Jack, never did I ever get mad at him like that, again.

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