Brotherhood | Teen Ink


March 1, 2016
By MatthewMiller BRONZE, Amherst, New York
MatthewMiller BRONZE, Amherst, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

July 14th, 2015
“Come on Kyle! We’re gonna be late for our flight!” Brecken went back and sat in the living room, on that newish leather couch that had that loud squishing noise, everytime pressure was put onto it. He heard the faint yelling of his name from downstairs.
“Yeah?” Brecken yelled back confused. He rushed across that big house and ran down the stairs. His mother had been doing laundry.
“When are you two leaving for the airport?” She wondered.
“Whenever Kyle decides to get moving. Which reminds me…” Brecken rushed back upstairs hollering for his brother Kyle.
“Wow. Are you finally ready to get moving? We have to go NOW.” Brecken said sternly.
“Yeah I know…” Kyle hanging his head.
“Whats up with you? You doing alright?” Before Kyle could answer their mom was already hugging and kissing them goodbye.
“Oh, I hope you two will be okay in that big city, watch out for each other please! I can't stress that enough!” The mother started to tear up.
“We will be okay, we’ll be in a safe neighborhood and both me and Kyle will be in our classes each day.” Brecken said calmingly
“What are you going for again?” Their mother questioned.
“I’m going for more doctoring and medical skills but both of us will be learning this sport called parkour,it’s a free running sport it’s pretty sweet.” Brecken said excitedly.
“Kyle! Take our stuff out to the car I’ll be there in a minute.” Brecken yelled.
Kyle took the luggage out to the car as Brecken walked into the family room and approached an urn on their mantle.
“I love you dad, always will…” Brecken started to tear up. I never got to thank you for this career path. You are truly the one who inspired me the most, you’ve always been my inspiration, my role model. I remember when we used to play that silly game called operation when i was young. I could never get that dog bone out of his ribcage, it always buzzed and I’d freak out and we would just laugh. I miss those times and I’m sure you do too. That was when i didn’t have to worry about anything,when times were just, i don’t know, simple. I gotta go dad, I’ll talk to you when I get back.
Brecken opened the front door he always squinted from the old wood on the hinges, giving that eerie creek. He walked down the front steps and got into his ocean blue car. Kyle had already been there, sitting quietly, listening to music.
“Looks like there won’t be much talking on this drive.” Brecken murmured. Kyle had just heard what he said under his breath
“What was that?” Kyle questioned.
“Nothing I guess, but seriously, what’s been up with you for this past week? You’ve been distant and kind of rude to me and mom both.” Brecken stated
“I don’t want to talk about it, it’s not all that important.” Kyle turned to stare out the window.
“I’m not moving this car until you tell me, I’m not dealing with you like this all the way to New York.” Brecken awaited Kyle’s answer.
“I’m nervous okay? I’m nervous about this whole plane ride, I’m nervous about New York, the people there. And dad, I’ve been missing him terribly lately.” Kyle hung his head.
“Yeah I know what you mean. I’m nervous too about New York, new place, new people. We’ll get through it, we always do. Let’s just get there and do this, alright?” Brecken said comfortingly.
Some time passed.
“Holy s***! What time is it? How long have we been in this airport?!” Kyle barked.
“Hey watch your language! First of all, and second yeah it’s been 2 hours, our plane arrives in another hour.” Brecken said.
“I don’t think i can handle another 45 minutes of just sitting here!” Kyle yelled.
    “Shut up and stop yelling act your age, I get your impatient but just be quiet. Please.” Brecken gave Kyle a cold stare as he told him this, he then looked nervously around the airport at some shady figures staring him down. He also saw what looked like federal agents screaming at pilots and other people who were employed. He just couldn’t make out what they were saying. Several flights were canceled, to Washington D.C, to Arizona, to California, to Atlanta, but not to New York. What the hell is going on? Half of the airport was in an uproar, trying to get money back for tickets, screaming to get to the bottom of this.
    “We are sorry for the inconvenience, but we must cancel these flights for a while. These cities are currently going under…” the man on the speaker was interrupted by more yelling of these people, dare I say animals.
    “Come on Kyle, our plane will be boarding soon, we still have to get through security.” Brecken tried to sound comforting, he could see how scared his little brother was, of what was going on, of these people. They walked swiftly across the room to get to their flight. There was also a bit of a line in security but it didn’t take long to get to the front. He set both his and Kyle’s bags on the conveyer belt to be checked. Brecken let Kyle go first through the guard, he checked Kyle’s ID and he told him to keep going. He then checked Brecken’s ID, Brecken Jones born March 24 1990, From Sydney Australia. He could never forget that picture of him on those cards, with his half smile, that his family seemed to love.
    “Both you and your bags check out, keep walking.” the guard murmered
    “Asshole” Brecken said under his breath but screamed it in his mind. They both sat back down again near the entrance to the plain.
    “Flight 115 will begin boarding in about 10 minutes.” the man at the desk said. He was wearing a dark color blue on his suit with tassels on his shoulders and an odd looking hat. Some time passed and they began boarding.
    “See? This will be over before it starts, the ride to New York will be short nothing is gonna happen I promise.” Brecken went back to thinking about the men in all black suits a while ago, yelling at pilots. He still wishes he knew what they said. Kyle was breathing heavily, and shaking it was too obvious.
    “You need me to hold your hand?” Brecken chuckled.
    “Shut up.” Kyle laughed and was a bit happier. He knew he had his big brother with him. The entrance to the plain was blue and silver and looked like a big tube.
    “This looks like an entrance into some sort of alien spaceship.” Kyle said nervously. They walked onto the plain and half the seats were already filled. Brecken spotted two seats next to an old man in a brown trench coat and a top hat.
    “Excuse me sir,? Is it alright if my little brother and I sit here?” Kyle questioned. The old man looked at both of them with a confused look.
    “No.” he chuckled. Brecken and Kyle kept walking, wanting to say something to that old man but he held it in.
    “Hey over here!” Kyle yelled to Brecken. There were three empty seats a few rows back from the old man.
Some time passed.
    “You know you should look out the window it looks really cool,” Brecken told Kyle.
    “It’s night time how can you see?” Kyle wondered. The news came on the little screen a few rows in front of them on the ceiling.
    “Quality entertainment right here, this just in, old woman finds her cat.” Brecken mocked the woman on the screen and they both laughed. But it was a bit different than that. The news woman stuttered every time she tried to talk. Almost like two hands were choking her.
    “I don't know how to say this folks. Scientists...around the world...have found a new disease… that might wipe out the entire only gets in you when you die and over 1,000 confirmed deaths have already occurred. Reports are saying that when you get the disease, you come back from the dead, this is no joke folks and it is certainly no training for our military. Its also said the disease goes through the air and everyone will have it within the year. The disease itself doesn’t kill you but it makes you very ill. I recommend covering your noses and mouths folks...Oh. My GOD! You can’t do that!.” The woman had been yelling at someone through her earpiece.
“We are now getting reports...from the military…that anyone on a plane to the United States will be shot down for the purpose of the disease not getting into our country.” The woman started to cry. So did everyone on the plane, people were yelling again and an outrage started.
“Brecken what do we do?! Brecken?!!” Kyle screamed. Brecken’s eyes were glassed over and he wasn’t responding. Not even five minutes had passed before the back end of the plane was shot off. It disappeared into the night. Everyone in the front of the plane had fainted or was screaming. Brecken was still in a terrible shock.
Some time passed.
“Reports are coming in of a huge crash on the Eastern coast just last night, we’ve sent a team to check for survivors, or carriers of the sickness.” An early news reporter stated. Brecken was hung from his seatbelt which was the only thing holding him in a place. He opened his eyes, to see a ten foot drop right below him.
“Kyle?” Brecken could barely say anything. He looked around to see the remains of the plane. He slowly brought his hands to his dirt covered face to rub his eyes. Almost everything was clear now. He stopped as his heart dropped, as he saw his little brother impaled through the stomach with a piece of the plane. His legs were gone and shrapnel filled his body. Brecken unlatched himself from the seatbelt and fell to break his leg. He screamed but nothing came out. He began to sob over Kyle’s deceased state. He tried to talk to him and apologize but no words emitted from his mouth. A few minutes later, he heard mumbles from above him and a terrible cough. He looked up but saw no one. He thought nothing of it. The terrible cough came again, and Brecken knew he wasn’t dreaming. Someone else survived the crash...

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