Trails | Teen Ink


March 1, 2016
By EmmaWard BRONZE, Tonawanda, New York
EmmaWard BRONZE, Tonawanda, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Weekends were Cameron’s time to binge watch her new favorite show on Netflix. This weekend was different from all the others, she was on vacation in Hawaii. The blazing sun poured onto her, as she looked at the Kuliouou ridge trail on the mountain, hearing the the sounds of crashing waves. I don’t want to be here,especially with these two. She glared at her dad and her mom coming back from the rusty old bathroom, which looks like with one push the whole thing will come down.

“Cami, you sure that you don't need to go,there's not going to be any bathrooms up there. If you got to go, go fast we are going to losses daylight.” Her mom nagged at her.
“No I'm fine,like I told you before.” Cameron snarled back.
“Okay, let’s go and not get loss this time.” her mom giggled as she always done. Cameron half smirk, and felt a heavy wave of anxiety come over her.
*  *  *
Her palm’s of her hands were wet, her heart banging out of her chest, her head about to explode. She has never felt this way before, the terror became to overwhelmed her.
“This is all your fault!” she screamed.  “ You know I’m not active as all you, but you drag me out here and get lost.” Tears beginning to roll down cheek, her face turning red, furry in her eyes.
“I know, I know sorry we didn’t expect get to lost either, but you know better--.” Her mom began to say .
“My girls, c’mon, instead of arguing about whose fault it is maybe we should work together to find a way out!” Her dad was filled with more frustration than she was.
Twenty minutes has gone by and the only place Cameron’s family have moved is to sitting on log giving one another the death stare. It was boiling out but, the temperature is slowly dropping because the sun is beginning to set. Cameron usually loves to watch the sunset, but today was different it wasn’t as elegant, colorful, or peaceful as what is usually is. Her mood gradually decline, when she is mad she can’t even recognize herself, smoke could practically come out of her ears. Cameron shoot up, and starting pacing, she found a rock and throw it up and down,up and down.
“Stop pacing, sit down we're not going anywhere soon.” Her dad said firmly.
“No! You two aren’t making any plans soon to get out of this place, so I’m trying to make a plan because I’m hungry!” Anger filled throughout her whole body.
“Okay,okay let me think.”
“You haven’t been thinking this whole time we’ve been lost in the woods! And that is all you have to say for yourself.”
“Cameron, you have no right to to blame your father for not be able to think in a stressful situation.” Her mom interrupted her before she could say anymore. Cameron rolled her eyes and didn’t have much to say after that.
*  *  *
Cameron was interrupted from her daydream, when she bumped into the back of her parents. “Where stopping for some water and a snack break we are almost done we got two more miles to go.” She nodded took a granola bar, and they were back off to the top.
*  *  *
In a burst of frustration Cameron quickly grabbed her things and bolted to find a way out by retracing her steps. Her parents quickly scrambled to gather their belongings,rushed through the branches and caught up with her. About two hours have past since they have gotten lost and the the sun has now gone down, the breezed turned rough. The tension between them  could be cut with a sword, they haven’t spoken to each other of a while. It was dark, the only light they had was her dad’s head flashlight. It flickered on,off,on,off. Making them unsure where their next steps might land.
“I don’t think I do this much longer, my feet are aching and I just want water.” Her mom complained to her husband.
“Mom shut up, I’m younger than you. And do you hear me complaining do you?” She answered in a burst frustration.
“Cameron Marie, we are all stressed out.!Give your mom a break we have been walking for a long time,and this is not the time to bring all your problems out now with her.” Her dad shouted for everyone to hear if there was anyone.
“Yeah,yeah okay.” She snipped back at her dad.
Out of the cooner of her eyes. Cameron spotted something,and for the first time on the this whole adventure she smiled. She froze in place and just stared, causing her parents to crash into her. They gave her the look, which usually means that she was going to get into trouble or they were going get into a fight with her. Cameron didn’t say anything just pointed. They turned there head into slow motion,eyes widen, and smiled came across from one ear to another. They just stared at one another wondering what do.
“Should we go over there?Or just stare in disbelieve?” Cameron’s mom questioned her, and her husband.
“I’m not going to be the one to go over,you know how i act when I’m around people I don’t know. Please don’t make me go over there.” She complained to her parents.
“Okay fine, you don’t have to go over there, but your attitude better change, because it's rubbing off on me, making me moody.”
“I’ll be good, if you could just get over there and ask that man for help, so we can get get out of this, dark,cold, winding forest.”
“I’m going now, chill out.”
“Just let me go, I would feel better If i wet to go talk to the man. Rather than my wife going over there.” Cameron’s dad interrupted both of them.
.    Her dad walked over to the man sitting in front of the firer. The flames lit the sky up as if it was it’s own personal lamp. The man looked like he was camping. Who would choose to go camping here, on their free time. Cameron and her mom could hear the whole conversation between the man and her dad. But he turned around and started walking back away from the man and towards them. He had a smile on his face, so both girls hoped for good news.
“So how do we get out of this forest?” Cameron asked eagerly
“Well first off that man was pretty rude he goes, I don’t know how someone can get lost in here if you follow the trails-” her dad started to say but was interrupted by Cameron laughing.
“I told you, nobody gets lost in here we are like the dumbest family ever.”  
“Well that’s not the point, what i was saying is that he told me that we have to go  straight for about a mile and then, we would be back into the parking lot.”
“Yay, next time ya’ll want to go on adventure like this you can count me out me out. Now let’s go home.
They continued to walk that mile to reach the parking lot. They all had a pep in their step because they knew they were almost out. Although they were in there for five hours, it felt like a whole day to them. They are tired, hungry and cold. Seeing the parking lot felt like seeing a new world. The last little burst energy they got they ran to their car.
*  *  *
“Earth to Cameron can you hear me?” her mom was trying to get her attention.
“Yeah sorry, I was in a daydream that whole time. Are we almost at the top?”
“Look up, you can see for miles, look at all the lights.”
Cameron and her family made it to the top of the Kuliouou ridge trail. The view was beautiful. The waves crashed in and out, the lights went on for miles. She was finally happy to accomplish a trail she started.

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