The Warrior | Teen Ink

The Warrior

March 2, 2016
By kayleighk32 BRONZE, Amherst, New York
kayleighk32 BRONZE, Amherst, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“First big varsity game today ladies!” Coach Rains tells us ecstatically. “Let's give our captain a big round of hands!” “Octavia, come up here.” The whole team starts screaming with pure joy. “Thank you guys for voting me to be captain. Means a lot.” I say proudly due to my girls. “Now, let's go kick some daredevils butts!” The chirpy blonde, know as my best friend screeches at us. “Warriors on 3! 1, 2, 3!” “WARRIORS!” We all screamed together.  As we start our warm ups i see that the stands are so packed do to this being our rival team that we beaten, ever since I've join. (Well that's what the girls say, anyways.) It was only the first quarter and we we're already pretty up their. The score was 35-10. Could you guess who was winning? “Hey Octavia! Pass to me!” Says Jeinine, the chirpy blonde from earlier. As i passed to her she shot! “3 by Jenine!” Shouts the announcer of the game. Now it's 38-10 and halftime. As soon as we come back we see that the other team looks beyond mad. We start the third quarter and our team has a fast break they past me the ball and i go for a layup and land really bad on my foot. All you could hear was a crack and a blood curling scream come from my mouth. “HOLY COW. SON OF A BISCUIT.” I say as hot burning tears  rapidly fall down my face. “Someone call 911!” Jenine screams. Our trainers Tatum and Angel start to move the crowd that gathered around me to give me some space. The ambulance came and put me on a gurney. When we got to the hospital I was put straight away in a hospital room. They clipped my clothes off and put me in a gown. Since I am above the age of 16 I gave consent saying they can do surgery to me. The doctors put me under and then i went into a restless sleep.
When I came out of all I felt was pain. Endless pain, nothing else. I pressed the nurses con, and some older bald man came in. “Good afternoon Octavia. Hope you had a great 3 days of sleep.” Three days of sleep? I thought to myself. “What do you mean 3 days of sleep? I only went in for surgery?” “Yes, but you were so exhausted from it that your body needed to sleep.” “You didn’t miss much, just that your basketball team won.” As he finished giving me some IV for the excruciating pain. My mom comes running in and almost slips because of all the tears coming out of her eyes. “Octavia! How are you feeling? Are you in any pain? You should get some rest and heal up your knee.” “What do you mean my knee?” As I looked down at my legs and pull up the navy blue gown I was given, I see that my one knee is swollen and in a brace. A ugly brown brace. “What did I do?” I asked everyone but mostly to myself. “Hunny you don’t remember?” As soon as mom said that all of the events came crashing down on me. I stared at nothing for awhile just taking in what I just started remembering, before I broke down crying. My mom sat there hugging me for dear life, like if she let me go I'd disappear. “Mommy I'm gonna go to sleep.” I said in a really soft voice.  Once i woke up feeling rested, I called in a nurse. “Octavia how are you feeling?” “Like metal is in my knee.” I joked. My mom came in at that time. “Ma’am, your daughter can go home with you, but she needs to be on bed rest for at least a month or two.” The nurse says as he takes out the IV they gave me. On our way home i was placed in the back sitting sideways and mom had asked me if i wanted to go get ice cream. When we stopped for ice cream people look at me with pity looks. When we finally got home after that I went on the couch and took a nap. I was woken up to my sister coming over to me. “Hey big sis!” Misa said excitedly. Then she bombarded me with so many questions my head felt like it was going to explode. “Alright Misa, let Octavia breathe a little. Once Misa got off of me she sat next to me and stared at my leg. “The main question is are you okay, big sis” Misa is one person who can tell right through me. I gave her a look that told her that i would tell her later when we were alone. “How long am I on bed rest again?” “1 month to 2.” Great, just what I need. To be in bed for a whole month. “The only good part about that is no school for a whole month! Maybe even two!”


It has been 3 months since the accident. I have been put into physical therapy. The pain from physical therapy is excruciating, but I am a warrior, and as a warrior we stick through the pain we get. I can walk without crutches but I have to have the brace on for a whole year after therapy is over. Today is our first basketball game this year, since my accident. I may not be able to play but I am still team captain.

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