Two Brothers | Teen Ink

Two Brothers

March 14, 2016
By Anonymous

It’s an early Saturday morning, but everyone is awake and about. Malcolm and Michael are already up, have eaten, washed themselves and are in the process of deciding what they can do productively for the day.     
Michael is going to the store to buy groceries for the week. He asks Malcolm if he would like tag to along to see what they want and need for the household. Malcolm reluctantly agrees, and is waiting at the door. Michael approaches the door, “alright guys we’re headed out, call us if you need us,” Michael hollers. “Be back soon”, Malcolmadded, with a casual shout. They walk out and take a visual inspection of the house to make sure it is secured and locked up. Just before they are upon the car, Michael unlocks it. He has a Mustang Boss 302 1969, which he obtained or rather earned from his grandfather. As he entered, he is greeted by a familiar fragrance, which induces a smile upon his face. The scent is sweet, yet imprints a mark in-mind that is more than laborious to disregard. It’s of limes, but doesn’t bombard one with the overbearing scent that many citric fruits provide. It’s rather inviting and evokes cleanliness. Malcolm, enters the car is transcended into the same reverie. Eau de Cologne or “Liquid Flash” as their grandfather called it. “Remember this Mal’ ”,

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