Class Clown | Teen Ink

Class Clown

March 14, 2016
By nikkinewton98 BRONZE, Ormond Beach, Florida
nikkinewton98 BRONZE, Ormond Beach, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I walked into the culinary room just in time to hear a loud crash, followed by a stream of obscenities.  I turned the corner to find Tony on the ground with several glass bowls, now broken.  He made a move to get up, but then decided it would be better to wait until there was no more broken glass on the floor.  Having heard the ruckus, our teacher, Mrs. Crouch, arrived on the scene.
“Really Tony, again?!” she exclaimed.
“It wasn’t me this time!  I swear!” he countered.
“I seriously doubt that.” Mrs. Crouch said, exasperatedly.
“No, really!  Megan and Taylor were tossing around a leftover banana peel from the muffins we made earlier and Taylor didn’t catch it so when I walked by, I tripped on it and hit the bowl shelf on my way down.” he explained.
“Tony, we made chocolate chip muffins.  There were no bananas involved.” she said in annoyance.
I laughed and made my way, carefully, across the glass towards the laundry room to get a broom.  I was halfway there when I heard Tony scream.
“OW!  Stupid glass, I hate you!  Why can’t we have plastic dishes?” he cried.
I smiled to myself and grabbed the broom and dustpan, bracing myself for what was to come. 

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