Bad News Bear | Teen Ink

Bad News Bear

March 30, 2016
By creed123 BRONZE, Dawsonville, Georgia
creed123 BRONZE, Dawsonville, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The alarm clock always beep beeps at 6:07, every morning. I'd change it to 6:00 or 6:15, but I can't quite reach it. It doesn't stop either. I can't turn it off. I end up unplugging it. Every single time. Oh by the way, I’m 14 and 4’6”, and that my friend is a lot to deal with. Middle school is viscous to my type. And the worst thing ever about it is there is no cute girls that are less than 5’4” at my school. I barely come up to their chins. I’ve never had a girlfriend, and that’s not good middle school creds either. So pretty much I’m a loser. But this year I’m gonna try to stay positive.
When I leaped on the bus, I thought this year would be different. Maybe this year everything won't be about my height. I sat down in my usual seat and tried to talk to the guy next to me.
“What's up buddy?”
“Not you! Haha!”
That's when the entire bus started laughing. Even the driver chuckled. The kid is a dumb oaf, but everyone loves him. The joke isn’t even that funny. Great start to the day huh? There was soon a slow gradually increasing sinking feeling that this year might suck. But! I’m staying positive this year so I tried to get rid of the thought.
I walk into homeroom and caught every eye in the room. I quickly sat down and looked at the ground already embarrassed. 2 minutes in and I'm already embarrassed. Not a good start. Then, by the amazing grace of God, a cute, short girl walks in class and takes the seat next to me and smiles. I said a silent thank you prayer and returned the smile. Then, the lady on the intercom called her up to the front office and told the teacher to take her off the roster because she was moving. I then made a scene of slamming my head on the desk. Which broke my glasses, which the glass slashed under my eye, which lead to blood everywhere, which lead to the ER.
After 7 stitches. I begged and pleaded for my mom just to let me stay home for the rest of the day. Of course she said no, and made a scene while dropping me back off in the office. She told me that I had a talk with the wooden spoon whenever I got home. Great, that’s exactly what I needed to think about all day.
Now I sit in 2nd period trying not to notice everyone staring at me. I focused on my work. I’ve had a rough morning but I’m gonna try to avoid all possibilities of more embarrassment. Now that I think about it, that won’t be too hard. All I have to do is not talk, make eye contact, and not fall down. Falling down has always been the worst thing people laugh about.
Third period went by without any blemishes. Awesome. Fourth period? Even better. Lunch? Everything was fine until the first bite of a chicken chunk. Actually, I missed the chunk, bit the fork so hard my front tooth came out. I have braces so it was kind of just dangling there. Of course oaf boy had something to say about it too.
“Dangly Tooth kid”
Seriously the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard in my life. But of course, every human in a mile radius died of laughter. This was the final straw. I had to assert myself, I cannot be the short weakling. I started racing across the lunchroom, leaped on the teacher’s table (full speed still), leaped off, and give oaf boy the most epic superman uppercut he’s ever seen in his life. When he stood up, his front tooth was dangling by a root. The lunch room was silent. I looked around and yelled:
“Dangly tooth boy!”
I can still hear the ringing in my ear from how loud that lunchroom got. Laughter and cheering, autographs and pictures, I felt like a local celebrity. Until my mom walked in. Great. She drug me out by my ear, but, with a standing ovation from the rest of my grade. I took the butt whooping of a lifetime, but it was so worth it. Surprisingly, me and oaf boy had new respect for each other, and we never had any trouble with each other again. And to top it all off, the cute short girl wasn’t moving and she was back in my class. This year is going to be amazing.

The author's comments:

its cool

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