Bermuda triangle | Teen Ink

Bermuda triangle

April 5, 2016
By MatchAshes SILVER, League City, Texas
MatchAshes SILVER, League City, Texas
5 articles 0 photos 1 comment

It’s not fair. It never was and never has been. She grasped her only hope at sanity in her hands. Long had she waited, long had she stared at the unjust circumstance she had been subject to. She thought by being good, this would pay out. It didn’t. Now her one choice, and one chance, was at the end of the hallway as her sweaty hand gripped at the tool the needed to fulfil the job. She knocked the door open and the barrel of her gun stared at its target.
They were in mid movement just before hand, their eyes had been locked on each other just moments before, preparing for an embrace that would sicken our poor girl’s heart far beyond the brokenness she already felt. The weapon was shaking in her had. She started barking commands at the two, who were as still statues looking at her in as much fear as she had. Her best friend spoke up bravely taking some chance at the situation.
“You don’t want to do this.”
Judas had spoken. She screamed an unholy shrill behind her shelter of power and destruction, and a million thoughts ran through her head about who deserved punishment for the destruction of her spirit. Surely her best friend couldn’t be completely responsible for swaying his heart, for he too has control. That blinding prize she set her sights on everyday was at fault for not noticing how perfect she was for him. He was ignoring fate. But her best friend has catalyzed the situation. Because of her she may never get what she wants. And as her thoughts raced between the two she shook more violently that ever.
She had a hard time breathing, every part of her body was pounding in righteousness and unadulterated, paralyzing, fear. Her eyes darted about her in that instance. Things flashed in her mind she’d long forgotten, everyone else this Cassius had stolen many a man from before, regardless of claims to immunity; but his ignorance, obliviousness to fate, and even denial of what the future should be seethed in her head, her heart. Poisoned curses gassed the air, as though a faucet had been unclogged from her heart. Now the tears eroded marks on her face, and her targets blank, never moving. He dared move toward her. Her eyes snapped shut.
Her ears rang.
She opened her eyes.
She’d shot the wrong one.
As she witnessed the eyes rolling back in their skull, she fell. Curling up on the ground she clasped that item which shone golden in her hands earlier, now covered in the residue of her recent mistake. She sobbed and bit her tongue to keep herself from muttering another injustice. Holding judgment to her own neck she contemplated releasing herself from the punishment ahead of her. She c***ed back the hammer, but was interrupted half way through the process.
He held her close. She could smell him all around her. He too was crying, just as loudly as she was, but as to why she did not know. She questioned why he was holding her instead of that body he’d just seen dive into hell with all its past sins.  No love she could earn would be just or true. Not from him anyway. But she didn’t have the energy to fight him at this point. He tore her defense from her hands. “You didn’t mean it.” He said as gently as he could through those heavy tears that plagued him. Her hands dug into his chest. They turned and watched that body whose soul had fallen.
She screamed each time her eyes peeled open, and his hand cupped her mouth shut, but with each cry his grip grew stronger. Soon that soft embrace she was smart to fear turned into a death grip, her head grew light, and his hand began to constrict her neck. His mourning turned to rage. Soon she tried to scream, tried to free herself, her spirit, she gasped, all that she could do in that brief amount of time, her fingers began to curl up when the numbness started taking over. She’d lost control of her mind days before, but now her body shall bear the burden of death. His bloodshot eyes knew better than to wait. He was all that was left.

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