2:05 pm | Teen Ink

2:05 pm

April 12, 2016
By sophiar819 BRONZE, Ardsley, New York
sophiar819 BRONZE, Ardsley, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Flashing lights. Fire sirens. Thousands of people killed. My life flashed before my eyes. Everything was coming back to me. It's like I had amnesia. I woke up in the hospital that night after competing in the 2008 Beijing olympics and realized my life was over. I start saying to the officer what had happened to me that day.
7:50 am. I wake up the next morning catching a flight to the 2008 Beijing olympics. Although I had slept at the airport that night with the rest of my teammates, I was very tired in the morning. I walked to get a bagel at dunkin donuts that morning. We would be boarding Beijing airlines in 10 minutes, so me and my teammates quickly ran to the plane. We were in first class and got special treatment.The flight attendant walks by and asks me for a drink.
¨mam what would you like to drink?¨
I respond, ¨May I have a sprite please¨
¨ Sure, here you go!¨she exclaims.
I feel the cold drink slowly pour into the cup in my hands. For the long ride ahead of us, the flight Attendants pass out hot rags to make us feel comfortable and prepare us for the flight. The steam rises up above me. I breathe it in and I feel my eyelids get heavy.  Almost like I had weights on them. The pilot got onto the microphone and says,
¨we are  going to depart! Please buckle your seatbelts and hang on tight!¨ 
I pop in a dramamine and close my eyes for the long ride ahead of us.

We were here finally after 13 hours and 13 mins. When I get my luggage,  I head for the bus to the hotel. I walk out of the bus and check into my room. My room number was 205. I swipe my card and walk  into a glorious modern room with a huge chandelier.Baskets of snacks and candies  were in there. I jump on the bed and watch tv. After being a little jet lagged I fall into a deep sleep    

I wake up and it was 12:30 pm the next afternoon. I was not being used to the time difference in New York. Because I woke up that morning to take a hot steaming shower, I had to get dressed up and head to catch a shuttle to see the great monuments of Beijing.            
1:00 pm.I walk out and see this huge wall going for miles and miles after the fog. I walk up the steps to the ancient monument. I have once learned that if the comman man was working on the wall and did something bad the emperor had to punish him by burying him alive inside the wall. Those poor people. After walking a mile I literally thought I was going to die. Since the olympics were tomorrow,  I went to bed at 8 o’clock that night to get my beauty rest for tomorrow so I can be on my A game.     
10:06 am.The horns go off in the Legendale hotel indicating the olympics started in 20 mins. Because I rushed to take a shower, I looked like a hot mess. But not thinking about it I threw my USA clothes on and rushed to the arena for the burning of the torch. Everyone said the national anthem for Beijing.  We all sang, “Arise! All who refuse to be slaves! With our flesh and blood let us build our new Great Wall! When the Chinese Nation faces its greatest peril, Let us send a last cry in her defence! (Lit: Everyone is forced to send out their last cry) Arise! Arise! Arise! Our 10,000 hearts beat as one! Brave the enemy's fire, March on! Brave the enemy's fire, March on! March on! March on! On!”.     
The  games were on. I walked onto the softball field. Since I was playing 1st base, I got 3 girls out . Next thing I knew it was the seventh inning. I was up to bat hoping to hit a homerun. But something happened though.
2:05. I felt the ground shaking.
“What’s that?” I turned to Jenny and asked.
“Uh?”  The coach came running toward us with his hands in the air.
The earthquake horns go off everyone starts running. But we all saw the little explosions coming from the soccer stadium. Bits and pieces come flying off it it. Next thing  I knew the stadium was up in flames and collapsed down to minerals. I spot seas of people beside me I don't know. I start running for my life faster than I had ever before. Everyone rushed to take cover. Beside me a woman with her husband and two kids. The woman tripps. Falls. I help her up. She says,
¨Thank you. You saved my life. I want you to have this.¨
It was a Olympic pin with the date in it. I hold it for a few minutes. Just standing there. But there was no time to save anyone else. Behind me the road starts to break apart into two pieces. At this moment was the end of my career.
BOOOOOOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. It sounded  like mount vesuvius just blew up in the 21st century.A bomb had just gone off right next to me I flew about a million feet in the air.
We waited almost an hour for the ambulance to come to help. After an hour people left and right were dying. So it was no use for them to come now.  I was coughing up blood. Just sitting there. I yell out, ¨Is anyone there?? Can you hear me???Someone please help!!!¨. I start to hear a siren coming from down the street. A miracle happened Ten ambulances came to the bombing to help the people in need who are hurt. The first one came right to me. “I can't  feel my legs” I said. I thought to myself am I going to die?, Will this be the end of my career, Where are my parents?.
“Don’t worry ma'am we are going to take care of you” the man said to me. They put me on a stretcher and rushed me to the nearest hospital.     6:00 pm. I was in the hospital. I heard a familiar voice coming from the room next to me. It sounded like someone I seen before on the big screen. Then I noticed It was a famous athlete. She was a gymnast and her name was Blake. I used to be so inspired by her when I was little.We have met before at the 2000 olympics in Sydney, Australia. But for some reason No one remembers her. No one knows why. I call out what i think her name is  “Blake? Is that you?”.    She answers back, “Who are you I thought no one remembered me?”.
I respond, “I'm Sabrina I’m your biggest fan and also an olympic athlete”. I open the curtain to see what had happened to her. She says, “I broke my leg while I was practicing for the olympics. I was going to make a big comeback after I had a big loss in 2000”. Someone walked into her room. I quickly try to shut the curtain as fast as I could so the person who was out there did not see me. But it was too late.Yet again another athlete comes in. I've seen him before also. His name was Sam Chin. He was a track and field star. He did many events such as the javelin throw. There was a boy with him. His name was Mason. I thought seriously about him. What if he was the bomber? But he wouldn't be he's with a gold medal athlete and did not even hurt him.Then I remember. He was the boy who was running right behind me. Thank god he did not get hurt I think to myself. The curtain is wide open. They look at me puzzled.Almost like I have ten heads. The doctor comes in and gives the worst news of my life.
He says,” I’m so sorry mam but you will be paralyzed from the waist down”. I froze for a second and start bawling crying while everybody looks at me. The only thing to do was kill whoever made this happen. With the help of the police officers they said we can hunt this guy down and kill him. Their gonna pay for my life and everyone else's in those stadiums. As soon as we get permission to get out of the hospital we would make a plan. We move out and put everything on our motorcycles.Such as rockets.With the help of the FBI  We found out where the guy was who bombed us was.Using fingerprint information his picture and name came up on the screen. His name was chang bo chi. I thought I have met him before. Thats right!  it just all came to me I was running to get to practice one time and I ran into him. He gave me the nastiest look on planet earth. I never saw him again. He was in Hong Kong visiting his parents. So we travel to see him. We took a bus to get to Beijing's national airport. We departed in 5 minutes so we quickly get at lighting speed and get on the plane.
9:50 pm. We are finally here after just a short 3 hour and 40 minute flight. I took out the tracker and found he. We quickly pull out our explosives and get them ready for an open fire. We all start to count down. 3,2,1. BLAAA MMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!! we dropped the grenade on him and he died. The whole neighborhood came out and looked at us strangely. We did our job and we were all happy to do it then the police took him away.

8:30 am . 2009.I woke up the next morning and thought about what happened to me a year ago. I'm still paralyzed and going for physical therapy. In my hands was the pin the woman gave to me. I close my eyes having a flashback of what happened to me that day. I call Blake,Sam,and Mason to invited them over for a cup of coffee. Knowing they only were a mile away. We sit down and talk about our new lives since the bombing. Everyone was so different. Mason was a neurosurgeon, Sam was focused  javelin throws and not running anymore, and Blake was focused on trampoline routines instead of the bars. I am so grateful that I am still here today.I startled for a second I heard a rumble. Everyone starts to panic. It shakes the house. I yell, “Everybody get down and take cover!!”. I see a bright light coming from the street. I look out the window and see the whole neighborhood went up in flames.

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