The Best Place on Earth | Teen Ink

The Best Place on Earth

April 14, 2016
By Mr.Literature BRONZE, Franklin Lakes, New Jersey
Mr.Literature BRONZE, Franklin Lakes, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I slowly opened my eyes to the morning breeze crawling through my window.  The bird’s conversation during the beautiful sunrise could not help but put a smile on my face, which had been mimicking the design of my pillow from my sleep.  As I rose from my bed, I could feel the vibrations from my phone sounding off as it was resting on my night-side table.  My basketball team group chat was in full throttle as all of my teammates were getting each other hyped about having our season opener on the upcoming Tuesday.  Today was going to be my last off day before the hard and grueling season would begin.  I was determined to make it the best.

Shortly after I finished brunch with my mother, she went up to the counter to pay our bill.  On our way out, we noticed a flyer dangling from the shiny, clear door.  It read, “SKYZONE GRAND OPENING TODAY!”  The moment those bolded words processed through my mind, I could not get them out.  It was like a light bulb appeared above my head and it could not be dimmed.  My day had just planned itself right before my very own eyes.  I immediately shot some of my closest friends a text to ask whether or not they would be interested in going there later on in the day.  Not to my surprise, my friends were one hundred percent in agreement with me.  This day was going to be one to remember. 
As we were on our way to the trampoline emporium, my thoughts got the best of me.  I was so excited to experience the opening day.  My friends and I were discussing how this was not going to be any ordinary jump on a trampoline.  This was so much more.  This was the Super Bowl of trampolines.  Some could even go as far as to call it the Disneyland of all the trampoline emporiums.  We could not wait to participate in some of their activities that they had to offer.  The dodge ball, basketball, and volleyball options all seemed very interesting, and we could not wait to play! 
In the same moment we pulled up to 80 Commerce Drive, butterflies flew into my stomach.  Once we entered the building, I could hear the laughter from the children coming from the different obstacles.  The building gave off a vibe that made everything seem all right.  We did not need to think about anything outside of this moment.  Nobody needed to focus on schoolwork or his or her family life.  The only thing in the world that mattered was this moment.  The buzz in the room only made the moment even sweeter.  I was as excited to get on the trampolines as a camel is on a Wednesday.  As we purchased our passes for our two-hour jump session, our expectations grew.  At this point we only can hope to have as much fun as we can imagine.  We were putting our wallets and phones in the waiting area as we prepared for our jump.  We did not have to worry about any social media or technology.  We were able to isolate ourselves from the rest of the world.  I felt a rush as I walked on the smooth, dark plastic.  The wind flew through my hair as I soared through the sky like a bald eagle.  My mind was as clear as crystals at this time.  I felt like this moment of happiness would never end.  At this very moment, I felt infinite.  Nobody could bring down our mood or spirits while we were bouncing at Skyzone.  Every single bounce felt as if it was heaven on Earth.  It truly was the best feeling in the world.

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