The Symphony | Teen Ink

The Symphony

April 18, 2016
By Emma5181 GOLD, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Emma5181 GOLD, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
10 articles 1 photo 4 comments

The wind sweeps over the metal sides, leaving the bodies inside untouched.  Music and laughter spill out from a crack in the window. 

Turn right.
Turn left.
No, left.
Turn left.
Thank God for Siri.

The music and laughter mix with a light drumbeat from outside.  The drums coat the ground in diamonds.  Light turns the diamonds to rubies, emeralds, and glowing amber orbs.  The window is sealed now.  Music and laughter cannot leak out anymore, but the sound of tiny drums still finds its way inside.  The wind whistles a tune unheard beneath the drum beats. The gemstones drip into the many eyes that stare out of the windows and become candy-colored lenses.  The confined music soaks up the laughter until it is one cacophony; playing together but not united. 

Turn left.
Right.  Okay.
No, le-!

The trill of the wind softens to a hum.  The laughter is paused, but not the song.  The music floods out of much bigger cracks now.  The little drums beat on in the stillness.  They join little red lakes to form little red streams.  The little red streams run away from the lonely music. One final instrument joins the little drums and the overflowing music.  The shiny red dance floor reflects little red lights that the new instrument brings along.  These lights are no longer rubies.  The new harmony wails faintly at first, then loudest of all.  It drowns the scene in sound.

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