The Other Side | Teen Ink

The Other Side

April 24, 2016
By Anonymous

 I remember the days when I lived underground in a burrow.

Yep, those were the days.The sun shined over the desert, blazing like a flamethrower.
Every day, I would come out of my burrow and be greeted with the blinding rays of the sun.
I would shield myself with my paw and slowly climb out. (shade eyes with hand)
There, I would see fellow armadillos crawling around.
To beat the heat, we armadillos had a shell that protected us from predators, but also acted
as a little umbrella to provide us shade.
Our shells didn’t always protect us from predators, so we had escape shafts in our burrows in 10 case our burrow got attacked.
Our burrows were like ant tunnels, in which we invaded to have our meals. (eating motion)
There was a road that separated us armadillos and a gas station. (put hand out one at a time)
Many of the armadillos were curious about it, including me.
The only thing that stood in our path was the road.
Cars would go past at any time.
Once one went by, you wouldn’t know if another would follow.
It was a game of luck.
Apparently none of us were lucky because the armadillos who did try…well…how do I put
this… died.
I was one of them. (point to self)
We got flung up high into the air.
When in the air, I had a nice view of the scenery.
Too caught up in the scenery, I didn’t think about how what goes up must come down and 24 all of us hit the ground hard right in front of the gas station.
Our shells didn’t protect us this time.
It was the end for all of us.
Hey, we might have gotten hit by a car, but at least we’re on the other side! (shrug arms and 28 shoulders)

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