Waiting for the bus | Teen Ink

Waiting for the bus

May 10, 2016
By Chasealexander BRONZE, St. Cloud, Wisconsin
Chasealexander BRONZE, St. Cloud, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment

I walk down the street, cautiously stepping over the cracked pavement to the bus stop. I approach the abandoned house, and walk up to the porch. The smell of cigarette smoke is thick, as a kid is puffing on a Newport green. He asks me if I wanna puff, and I take a hit, filling my lungs with the minty tasting smoke.  A couple kids walking up, as I scan the area, seeing overgrown grass and litter everywhere. Liquor bottles, cracked into a million pieces, from when we threw them up the day before. I look down the street, and see the bus approaching, quickly puffing the last of the cig before he opens the doors. I will never forget the disappointed look on the driver's face, but he never told.

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