Remembered | Teen Ink


May 13, 2016
By sarah.wally1 BRONZE, Louisville , Colorado
sarah.wally1 BRONZE, Louisville , Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The year was 1985 and it was a beautiful fall day in Roosevelt Wisconsin. The last school bell of the day rung and released the anxious students from class. Football season had just begun and the Roosevelt Bulldogs practiced 3-6 monday through friday to maintain their 10 year winning streak. The popular senior football stars were walking out of school like a hungry pack of dogs.
Brad, Chris, and Stephen were not only famous at Roosevelt High School for their football success, but they were also widely known for their horrendous “pranks” they would pull on the less popular students. Their favorite victim was a scrawny, friendless, acne prone boy who would never be seen at a football game. Urkel did his best to avoid the football team by eating lunch in his chemistry class and taking the back route home after school ended. Once in awhile Urkels attempts would fail, Brad, Chris, and Stephen never missed this opportunity to bring torment onto Urkel.
Urkel had almost successfully made it out of the school until leaving the back door he literally ran into Brad. Brad and the rest of his pack were smoking behind the school which must of been a new habit of theirs since Urkel had never seen them there before. After stumbling into Brad, Brad spun around making one fluid motion to grab Urkel and pin him against the brick wall.
“Look who it is boys” Brad snickered.
Urkel was shaking from fear and said nothing. Chris and Stephen gathered around where Brad was still holding Urkel against the wall and started to laugh like a pack of hyenas.
“You gonna snitch on us?” Stephen demanded.
Urkel shook his head no and the boys laughed, and Brad started to loosen up on his grip on Urkel.
“That's what I thought.” said Brad.
“What should we do to him now” asked Chris.
“Nothing.” replied Brad. “Cmon, we have practice.”
Brad let Urkel go, and Chris threw in a punch to the stomach before leaving. This was nothing compared to what Urkel was predicting and he sighed out of relief.
Urkel walked home and tried his best to enter his house quietly. Once again he had failed at being unnoticed. Urkels drunken father came out of his room.
“Son, how was your day?” Urkels dad asked while slapping Urkel on the back.
“Fine dad, just fine. Have you been drinking again? You know mom doesn’t like when you drink.”
“Your mother isn’t here, so I don’t give a damn about what she likes.”
Urkels mom had left months ago saying nothing to Urkel or his father. Urkel knew she wouldn’t be back but he hoped that by talking about her frequently  would encourage his father to stop his drinking habits. Doing his best to avoid confrontation with his father, Urkel went into his room to start his homework. He could here his father up banging around the kitchen, and watching the T.V much to loud until 1AM when he finally heard the T.V shut off.
The next morning when Urkel woke up to his first alarm at 6:30 AM he found his father passed out on the couch from the night before. Urkel quickly changed clothes, brushed his teeth, and grabbed an apple for his breakfast before slipping out the door to head to school.
The school day was normal, until 4th period when Urkel got a note passed to him by Emily Taylor AKA the prettiest girl in Roosevelt High. Urkel couldn’t help but blush as he read the note that said,

“I need to talk to you… please meet me after school on the football field by the bleachers. Its really important so don’t be late.
       Emily Taylor ?”

Obviously Urkel was confused but he couldn’t pass up the chance to talk to Emily. As soon as the last bell of the day rang, Urkel rushed to the football field remembering what Emily had wrote in her note, “so don’t be late.”
When Urkel got to the football field he saw no one, but he headed over to the bleachers where Emily had told him to meet her.
When half of the football team began to walk out from behind the bleachers things began to make sense to Urkel.
“Look who it is and right on time.” Stephen began to laugh.
Urkels face turned bright red and all he could do was stand there frozen, waiting for the worst to happen.
“Did you really think Emily Taylor even knew you existed before today, let alone wanted to talk to you? Funny how you do so well in school but the numbers didn’t add up here did they?”
Urkel was still frozen and said nothing. Images were going through his head of what the football players were going to do.
“Let's make sure Emily remembers you forever.” Brad spitted.
The boys grabbed Urkel and he didn’t even try to resist because he knew he was helpless against the other boys. Urkel was 130 pounds and was outnumbered by 20, so he closed his eyes and did his very best not to let his tears show.
First the boys undressed Urkel all the way to his boxers without any hesitation. Once he was exposed they tied him 3 feet above the ground onto the goal post. Urkel kept his eyes closed the entire time, but he could still hear the laughter. Finally Urkel couldn’t take it anymore and opened his eyes. Not only was the football team there, but so was Emily and three of her friends. Urkel looked at Emily with full embarrassment and she was filled with disgust.
“Ugh, are we almost through here? I’m getting hungry.” Emily complained.
“One last finishing touch.” replied Chris.
Chris pulled out his phone and began to videotape Urkel tied to the goal post.
“Have a good night Urkel, hopefully it won’t be too cold. Actually, now that I think of it, it supposed to rain tonight. Im sure you don’t need to worry, if you can ace all your math tests, I'm sure you can solve your way out of this one .”
The boys and Emily laughed, and after another 10 or so minutes of joking around they left Urkel tied to the post.
It wasn’t until 9:30 when it began to rain, which ended up being in Urkels favor because it loosened the the tape and he was able to slip his skinny arms out and cut himself free.
On the walk home Urkel couldn’t help but cry.
“Why me! What did I ever do to deserve this?” He cried.
Once he finally got home he opened the door to find his dad passed out on the couch exactly where he had left him that morning. Urkel knew his father probably never noticed that he had even been gone.
After that night Urkel didn’t return to school for a week. He called himself in pretending to be his father and his grades were so good he could afford to miss without and consequences.
After the week went by, Urkel figured that the football players had found another victim and had forgotten all about what had happened. 
He came to school and things were surprisingly normal. No one laughed and no one said anything to him. Urkel was overwhelmed with relief and began to focus on his classes and catching up on the work he had missed over the last week.  After 6th period an announcement came on over the speaker.
“Hello Roosevelt High, this is your principle speaking. Due to the fact that the first football game of the season will be this Friday, we would like to show our team some support in the gymnasium after your 7th period class. All students are required to attend. Go bulldogs!”
These type of surprise assemblies for the football team were normal and Urkel thought nothing of it.
After 7th period he and the rest of the student body headed towards the gym and Urkel found himself a spot to sit in the bleachers.
The football team walked in and the entire school cheered. Brad, Stephen, and Chris announced themselves on the microphone as this years football captains, and once again the crowd roared.
Chris finished with, “Okay guys, now that we have you all here we wanted to show you something to get you excited for Friday's game.”
The lights turned off and a video projected onto the gym wall. Urkel sat frozen. The video which Chris had taken of Urkel tied to the goal post began to play.
At first people sat silent but within moments the entire school was laughing, and no one, not even the teachers, attempted to stop the video. The embarrassment and fear raced back into Urkel like the entire moments of being stipped naked and tied to the post was happening all over again; only 100 times worse. This time it wasn’t only the football team who was watching him and laughing, it was the entire school.
Urkel got up and ran as fast as he could to the door. When he got out the gym he heard behind him
“Hey look guys, there goes our star of the show.” 
Urkel wasn’t an athletic guy, but that day he found it within himself to sprint home. Once he got home, he went into his room slamming the door behind him. Unlike before, Urkel was furious. He had anger that he couldn’t control. He began to throw things around and tore up his entire room. Soon enough Urkel noticed that the things being savagely tossed around his room, were moving without him touching them. In realization Urkel sat down. Once he calmed down the things in his room stopped moving.

     10 Days Later:

Rage controlled Urkel, the angrier he was the more intense his powers became. After experimentation and practice, Urkels telekinesis was at an all time high. He could move objects 100 times his size.
Controlled by anger, Urkel was obsessed with the thought of revenge. September 10th, 1985 would be the day  Roosevelt High would forever remember Urkel, but not as the boy who got tied to the goal post. 







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