A Day in the Woods | Teen Ink

A Day in the Woods

May 24, 2016
By Ceruliann BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Ceruliann BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The rain is my constant companion. It was calming and gave the air a nice chill to it, but today it had become a nuisance. I had planned this vacation for months until it was perfect, everything had been planned out and today I was supposed to be leaving the cabin to go fishing at the nearby lake. The forecasts had predicted that the weather would be sunny throughout the week I was staying, but no such luck. The rain was coming down pretty hard and showed no signs of stopping.
“Looks like I’ll have to figure something else out, something that involves staying inside all day…” I said to myself sadly.
I looked around the cabin for things to do. I knew I had brought a book with me, as well as my painting supplies, canvases, and easel. The cabin had no television as I had wanted to have as few electronic distractions as possible. I decided to start with my book since it was still morning and I wanted something that my still waking mind could handle. After starting a fire in the fireplace I settled myself on the soft chair next to it. With the sound of the crackling fire and the rain pattering above I could feel myself relax into my book, and before I knew it was finished way too soon. Looking up at the clock on the wall I saw that three hours had past and I had hardly noticed.
After making myself lunch I set up my easel and canvas by the window next to the door. I usually didn’t paint still life images and preferred portraits, but I was once again engrossed by the rain and quickly tried to capture the image before me. The tree line was thick to the point that you could hardly see five feet into the forest. It was also surprising to see that some of the sun’s rays were bursting through the clouds, nicely highlighting the grass and trees that the light touched. The rain had made puddles on the ground as well and since there was no wind the rain was coming straight down making the image look even more serene.
After I was about half way finished with the painting I saw a rustling in the tree line. I didn’t think anything of it until I saw a huge figure start to emerge from the forest. A bear, I realized. The bear walked lazily out of the forest and was swaying its massive head as it looked around. I felt like I was frozen in place as I watched the bear wonder around the front of the cabin. Slowly, as I didn’t know if it could see me through the window I got up and went to the bedroom to retrieve my phone. Opening it I saw that I had a voicemail and emergency texts from the forest ranger.
Attention: Do not leave the safety of your cabin; a bear has been spotted roaming the campgrounds. Please take the precaution of locking your doors and closing your windows, DO NOT try to engage the bear in any way. We urge you to call us if you see the bear and report its location, thank you. –FR
I quickly punched in the forest rangers number, cursing myself for turning my phone off.
“Hello, this is the Forest Ranger’s office, how may we help you?” the Forest Ranger asked.
“I just saw the bear the emergency texts talked about, I’m at cabin 215.” I told him.
“Were sending a team to get it now, has it attempted to get into your cabin at all?” the Ranger questioned.
“No, it’s just wandering around the front of the cabin. Has it… hurt anyone?” I asked worried about the other camp goers.
“Luckily no, thanks to the rain most people have just stayed inside all day.” The ranger reassured. After ending to call I carefully went to look back out the window to see the clawing at one of the trees that had fallen. It must have bugs for it to eat inside, I thought. I then went to go sit back on my chair in front of the easel. By the time the rangers came, tranquilized, and secured the bear my painting had a new and interesting addition to it.

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