When Opportunity Knocks | Teen Ink

When Opportunity Knocks

June 2, 2016
By ask44 BRONZE, West Orange, New Jersey
ask44 BRONZE, West Orange, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Growing up, I was always told, "Everything happens for a reason." Opportunity always knocks at the perfect moment, making it, in fact, opportune. Any struggles would eventually be negated by something great; "An arrow can only be shot by pulling it backward". However, not all opportunities are opportune. This is only sometimes the case.

Sometimes opportunity knocks, no, HAMMERS at your door but you choose to ignore it; you are adamant. You know what you're doing and you've chosen the right path (or so you think).

Sometimes opportunity knocks when nobody's home, or rings the broken doorbell. You miss it.

Sometimes, you lay in wait by the door, constantly peering through the peephole, but opportunity fails to show itself. Sometimes you get stood up.

Sometimes, opportunity will ding dong ditch you. You will get excited. You will open the door. You will be disappointed.

Sometimes, an o pportunity that you know is YOURS will get the wrong address. Someone else will get what you wanted.

Sometimes you will be too busy when opportunity knocks. You will have to prioritize, to put your dreams on the back burner.

Sometimes, you'll catch opportunity at the right time, and everything will seem perfect, but you won't get a call back (Maybe opportunity caught you when you were lounging in your sweats).

And sometimes, the sweetest of all sometimes, you will meet opportunity when you are ready. When opportunity is in fact opportune, the pieces will fall together. Opportunity will knock out of the blue, but you will be prepared. You will be up and dressed, fully rested, and you will shake opportunity's hand. You will smile and say, "I've been expecting you."

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