A Mothers Love | Teen Ink

A Mothers Love

May 27, 2016
By Anonymous

“Aye Tyler, you need a ride home?”        “Nah, I’m good. My big sister Treycie is picking me up.”   I wouldn’t wanna ride with them troublemakers anyway. All they do is start trouble around Gretchen Whitney High. Anyways my sister Treycie is picking me up from school.                                                     “Hey sis”  I’ve been living with Treycie for about four years now, because my mom is stuck on stupid and my dad is dead. She’s been taking care of me since I was 13. Im thankful for her.  “Hey Tyler. How was your day?”          “It was straight.” My sister is 24. She doesn’t go to college, because she had to get a job so we can eat and pay bills. She says pretty soon imam have to get a job too. We aint the riches but we sure aint livin in the projects no more.        “Treycie can you drop me at the court? I got a big test tomorrow and I need to relax myself.”              “So the only way for you to relax is basketball?”       “Yes”             “Ight sounds good to me! Ill pick you up around 9. And you need to do some studying tonight.”              “Ok thanks sis” Ball is life. I go to the court almost everyday because it helps me and im great at it. Im going to try out for basketball this year. Im sure ill make it.                  The next morning it was time to take the test and since I played basketball last night I should be good.           “Im sure you’ll do well. You always do.” Mrs.Cleary said.     I got done with the test 20 minutes later.       “Mrs.Cleary, how did I do?”          “ I will say I am quite impressed. You got an A-. That’s the best in the class so far.”  “ight thanks Mrs.Cleary.”                      As I am walking out of school I see a lady that looks familiar. She starts to call my name.  “Tyler!” the woman says          “Its me! Your mom. Don’t you remember?”        It really is my mom. Im not happy to see her at all. Its clear to me that shes still on drugs.   “What Vannessa?”  I said in anger         “How have you been? Wheres your sister?”       “Why do you care? Just leave us alone like you’ve been doing.”     I walked away, because I couldn’t take it anymore. “Why was she here? Why did she pretend to care so much? Why does she always try to ruin my life?” I thought to myself. Everyone kept asking me who that was. I was too embarrassed to admit that she was my mom. So I just ignored them.              “Imma roll with yall today.” I told the troublemakers       We drove around for a while, until we stopped at a house. Tony, Robert, Chris, and I got out the car and went inside. They were looking suspicious so I went with the flow.    “Chris and Robert go through the back” Tony demanded       I followed Tony to the front. All of a sudden we hear a gunshot.     “Pow!”             Tony and I went in. Robert started shooting, while Chris and Tony were stealing money. I didn’t touch anything or shoot anybody. I was just a witness.       Early the next day I walked in the house at about 3:00 in the morning. My sister was asleep and I didn’t want to wake her so I snuck in hoping the floor wouldn’t creek. I was out of luck, because it did creak and she woke up.                      “Tyler where were you?”           “I was out with some friends.”         “Tyler where were you?” she asked again but this time sounding angrier .    “I went to a party with some of my friends.” I lied straight through my teeth. I couldn’t tell her what happened. She expects more from me and I failed her.      “I saw mom yesterday.”          “What?”            “Yea, she came to my school and she acted like she really cared about us.”    “Did she look like she was still on drugs?” Treycie asked.      “Yes she did. She made a complete fool out of  herself and me!” I said walking away to my room.             Later that evening my sister went to work. So im going to go to the court.                  As I am playing ball, I begin to think and question myself, as to why my mom left us for drugs. She just abandoned us like we were nothing. When will she ever realize that she has kids? Im done trying to figure it out. I grabbed my ball and started to walk down the sidewalk. I had no idea of where I was going. Soon Robert, Chris, and Tony rolled up on the side of me.     “Get in!” Tony said. I get in the car and he drives off.      “Look you cant say anything about what happened yesterday. Dont be ratting us out to the cops. You know I have a gun and im not afraid to use it.” Tony threatened me.    “To see where your loyalty stands we need you to help us rob this bank.” Robert said.   “Alright” I said a bit frightened by what would happen if I didn’t say yes.    “Meet us at my house at 6:00 on the dot. Don’t be late!” Chris said.                     I walked in the house to see my sister gone still. I went to my room and laid on my back. My sister would never want me to rob a bank, but im doing it out of anger. She has to understand! I’m not a bad person. I just get angry and do stupid things. I just get angry and do stupid things.                The next evening I walked towards Chris’s house and saw everyone getting in the car with Robert. We arrived at the bank and put on our masks. We walked in and Tony and Chris pulled out their guns. I started grabbing money. I saw a lot of mothers in the bank. I felt really bad for them because they look like really good moms. I wish I had that.                `   The week flew by and I walked in the classroom and sat down. The teacher began to talk and then comes two police officers. I start to sweat and shake. My body is very tense. I begin to tap my foot lightly on the floor. I then heard the policeman say my name. As well as Robert, Chris, and Tonys name. That’s when I knew my life was over. Everything I had ever worked for was now thrown out the window. The police escorted me out to the hallway with handcuffs. Then read me my rights. The car drive was silent. All I could think about was how I failed my sister. We get to the station and I see my sister standing there looking worried and confused.    “Tyler whats going on? What did you do?” Treycie asked.      “I don’t know.” I lied because I couldn’t look her in her eyes and tell her.    The police took me to the interrogation room and asked me questions about nthe house robbery and the bank robbery. At first I didn’t talk, but then I realized how much trouble I would be in if I didn’t talk.              “Were going to ask you one more time sir. Do you know who robbed the house and the bank?” the agent asked.           “Yes. It was a couple guys at my school.”        “How do you know this?”          “I was there. I only helped them rob the bank, because they threatened me. They said if I talk aboutn the hgouse they would kill me and they told me to rob the bank with them.”    “Who are they?”         I  I waited for a second and swallowed hard before speaking.    `    “Chris, Tony, and Robert.” `          After a couple more questions the detective left out. Ten minutes later my sister walked in with my mom trailing behind her.            “What is she doing here?” I asked.         “What are you doing here?” my sister asked.         I took a deep breath and spoke.          “I robbed a bank with some guys, because they threatened me.” I blurted out all at once.  “Oh my gosh! That’s horrible!” my mom said       “Yea like you care!” I said back        “Tyler shes our mom and no matter what, you have to respect her!”     “No I don’t! She has no respect for me! Shes the reason im in this mess!”    “You cant blame it on her! You did what you did.”        There was a long silence between us until the detective came in.      “Your court date is set for next week. Until then you’ll be in custody.”    The police took me to jail and on my way out I could tell my sister was disappointed.                             My court date finally arrived. I hoped I’d get good news. Since I was a witness to the house robbery, I had to testify against Chris, Tony, and Robert. I gotta admit I was scared to death but I did it. In the end my lawyer didn’t have enough eveidence to ke4ep me out of jail. So I had to do time. The judge sentenced me to three years of prison for robbing the bank. Chris, Tony, and Robert was sentenced to 18 years 5to life because they got charged with some other offenses. Its funny how my mom worried about me going to prison, but she wasn’t even at court. She was probably doing drugs somewhere.                    “Aye Tyler, you need a ride home?”        “Nah, I’m good. My big sister Treycie is picking me up.”   I wouldn’t wanna ride with them troublemakers anyway. All they do is start trouble around Gretchen Whitney High. Anyways my sister Treycie is picking me up from school.                                                     “Hey sis”  I’ve been living with Treycie for about four years now, because my mom is stuck on stupid and my dad is dead. She’s been taking care of me since I was 13. Im thankful for her.  “Hey Tyler. How was your day?”          “It was straight.” My sister is 24. She doesn’t go to college, because she had to get a job so we can eat and pay bills. She says pretty soon imam have to get a job too. We aint the riches but we sure aint livin in the projects no more.        “Treycie can you drop me at the court? I got a big test tomorrow and I need to relax myself.”              “So the only way for you to relax is basketball?”       “Yes”             “Ight sounds good to me! Ill pick you up around 9. And you need to do some studying tonight.”              “Ok thanks sis” Ball is life. I go to the court almost everyday because it helps me and im great at it. Im going to try out for basketball this year. Im sure ill make it.                  The next morning it was time to take the test and since I played basketball last night I should be good.           “Im sure you’ll do well. You always do.” Mrs.Cleary said.     I got done with the test 20 minutes later.       “Mrs.Cleary, how did I do?”          “ I will say I am quite impressed. You got an A-. That’s the best in the class so far.”  “ight thanks Mrs.Cleary.”                      As I am walking out of school I see a lady that looks familiar. She starts to call my name.  “Tyler!” the woman says          “Its me! Your mom. Don’t you remember?”        It really is my mom. Im not happy to see her at all. Its clear to me that shes still on drugs.   “What Vannessa?”  I said in anger         “How have you been? Wheres your sister?”       “Why do you care? Just leave us alone like you’ve been doing.”     I walked away, because I couldn’t take it anymore. “Why was she here? Why did she pretend to care so much? Why does she always try to ruin my life?” I thought to myself. Everyone kept asking me who that was. I was too embarrassed to admit that she was my mom. So I just ignored them.              “Imma roll with yall today.” I told the troublemakers       We drove around for a while, until we stopped at a house. Tony, Robert, Chris, and I got out the car and went inside. They were looking suspicious so I went with the flow.    “Chris and Robert go through the back” Tony demanded       I followed Tony to the front. All of a sudden we hear a gunshot.     “Pow!”             Tony and I went in. Robert started shooting, while Chris and Tony were stealing money. I didn’t touch anything or shoot anybody. I was just a witness.       Early the next day I walked in the house at about 3:00 in the morning. My sister was asleep and I didn’t want to wake her so I snuck in hoping the floor wouldn’t creek. I was out of luck, because it did creak and she woke up.                      “Tyler where were you?”           “I was out with some friends.”         “Tyler where were you?” she asked again but this time sounding angrier .    “I went to a party with some of my friends.” I lied straight through my teeth. I couldn’t tell her what happened. She expects more from me and I failed her.      “I saw mom yesterday.”          “What?”            “Yea, she came to my school and she acted like she really cared about us.”    “Did she look like she was still on drugs?” Treycie asked.      “Yes she did. She made a complete fool out of  herself and me!” I said walking away to my room.             Later that evening my sister went to work. So im going to go to the court.                  As I am playing ball, I begin to think and question myself, as to why my mom left us for drugs. She just abandoned us like we were nothing. When will she ever realize that she has kids? Im done trying to figure it out. I grabbed my ball and started to walk down the sidewalk. I had no idea of where I was going. Soon Robert, Chris, and Tony rolled up on the side of me.     “Get in!” Tony said. I get in the car and he drives off.      “Look you cant say anything about what happened yesterday. Dont be ratting us out to the cops. You know I have a gun and im not afraid to use it.” Tony threatened me.    “To see where your loyalty stands we need you to help us rob this bank.” Robert said.   “Alright” I said a bit frightened by what would happen if I didn’t say yes.    “Meet us at my house at 6:00 on the dot. Don’t be late!” Chris said.                     I walked in the house to see my sister gone still. I went to my room and laid on my back. My sister would never want me to rob a bank, but im doing it out of anger. She has to understand! I’m not a bad person. I just get angry and do stupid things. I just get angry and do stupid things.                The next evening I walked towards Chris’s house and saw everyone getting in the car with Robert. We arrived at the bank and put on our masks. We walked in and Tony and Chris pulled out their guns. I started grabbing money. I saw a lot of mothers in the bank. I felt really bad for them because they look like really good moms. I wish I had that.                `   The week flew by and I walked in the classroom and sat down. The teacher began to talk and then comes two police officers. I start to sweat and shake. My body is very tense. I begin to tap my foot lightly on the floor. I then heard the policeman say my name. As well as Robert, Chris, and Tonys name. That’s when I knew my life was over. Everything I had ever worked for was now thrown out the window. The police escorted me out to the hallway with handcuffs. Then read me my rights. The car drive was silent. All I could think about was how I failed my sister. We get to the station and I see my sister standing there looking worried and confused.    “Tyler whats going on? What did you do?” Treycie asked.      “I don’t know.” I lied because I couldn’t look her in her eyes and tell her.    The police took me to the interrogation room and asked me questions about nthe house robbery and the bank robbery. At first I didn’t talk, but then I realized how much trouble I would be in if I didn’t talk.              “Were going to ask you one more time sir. Do you know who robbed the house and the bank?” the agent asked.           “Yes. It was a couple guys at my school.”        “How do you know this?”          “I was there. I only helped them rob the bank, because they threatened me. They said if I talk aboutn the hgouse they would kill me and they told me to rob the bank with them.”    “Who are they?”         I  I waited for a second and swallowed hard before speaking.    `    “Chris, Tony, and Robert.” `          After a couple more questions the detective left out. Ten minutes later my sister walked in with my mom trailing behind her.            “What is she doing here?” I asked.         “What are you doing here?” my sister asked.         I took a deep breath and spoke.          “I robbed a bank with some guys, because they threatened me.” I blurted out all at once.  “Oh my gosh! That’s horrible!” my mom said       “Yea like you care!” I said back        “Tyler shes our mom and no matter what, you have to respect her!”     “No I don’t! She has no respect for me! Shes the reason im in this mess!”    “You cant blame it on her! You did what you did.”        There was a long silence between us until the detective came in.      “Your court date is set for next week. Until then you’ll be in custody.”    The police took me to jail and on my way out I could tell my sister was disappointed.                             My court date finally arrived. I hoped I’d get good news. Since I was a witness to the house robbery, I had to testify against Chris, Tony, and Robert. I gotta admit I was scared to death but I did it. In the end my lawyer didn’t have enough eveidence to ke4ep me out of jail. So I had to do time. The judge sentenced me to three years of prison for robbing the bank. Chris, Tony, and Robert was sentenced to 18 years 5to life because they got charged with some other offenses. Its funny how my mom worried about me going to prison, but she wasn’t even at court. She was probably doing drugs somewhere.                                                                    

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