The change that worth it.. | Teen Ink

The change that worth it..

June 1, 2016
By Layeba BRONZE, Lucknow, Other
Layeba BRONZE, Lucknow, Other
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Like every story ,this story contains secrets in itself. For some it might be a same old fairytale,but for me it's my life,it's something I always wanted to tell people out loud.Some might be interested and some may not...I couldn't help that out in any manner....


Story of my life...


I found someone very special .He was like a gift to me ,from God.
He was good looking,charming with an attractive personality.He was someone I always dreamt off, one of a kind i always wished for in my prayers. Though we are poles apart,(If i was south,he was north...If i was front,he was back...If I was moon,he was sun) still there was an attarction between both of us. I guess 'The Law Of Physics' worked here. The law which says that Opposites Atttracts.


His love is like a poison for me (Not in a bad sense but in a good way). I am much affected from it.There is no escape or one can even say that i don't want to escape. It's like he is water and I'm fish . I just want to be with him every now and then . But just like every story has a twist ,mine also had.


He was someone i always dreamt off but i wasn't the kind of girl she wanted in his life but still he loves me like anything. I am his first love and I'll definitely make it his first and very last love too. He dreams about me all day and night and never wishes me to go out of his sight. He thought I was polite , gentle and kind . He found,in me, his other half. He was mad for me but didn't had the guts to tell me about his feelings


I,on the other side, was carefree soul. Though i was polite,gentle and kind but i didn't had the manner to talk to anyone. I used slang language which he hated . I was popular in school and i enjoyed it. He,on the other hand, was popular too but didn't enjoy his fame. I was a soft girl ,he was a hard one. I loved to sing ,write and draw,he on the other hand was a bodybuilder. We have the age difference of 7 yrs...


This story started a year ago. It was one fine winter night when he told me about his feelings but i was too dumb to understand what he felt for me.. I broke his heart for the first time. He was upset ,I could clearly feel the pain in his voice , in his eyes. I was too scared to accept anything. I didn't wanted to hurt him ....Actually... My Last relationship didn't work out properly and so i was hurt... i didn't wanted him to go through the same..He was good.. extremely good....


I felt like apologizing.. weeks later I tried to contact him.. He said we can't be just friends, and i left him again. Once again he was shattered . I was not there to support him or love him . I broke his heart for the second time and ,stupid me, i did it again for the third time. That was the time i was sure that he really loved me. Inspite of breaking his heart for three consecutive times, he still had the guts to love me.


It was the fourth time that i apologized and asked if he still wants to be with me.

9th  june, This was the day we came together as a couple. It was hard for both of us in the initial months. There was no trust from his side (because of whatever i did to him) I had a hard time explaining him that i really loved him but no issues ... since it was all my fault. If i wouldn't have done this to him , I would have won his trust a lot easier.


Though he loved me like hell but there were few things he didn't like about me. As told by me, earlier, I used slang language and he hated it. I changed the way I used to talk just for him.

I used to think that one should look beautiful . But he changed my perspective . He taught that one should not look beautiful but one should be beautiful .. And there's a difference between both the lines. Beauty doesn't matter as long as one's heart is pure ..


He taught me to live, to learn from the world. He changed the way I was. Earlier, I tried to look pretty, I was much concered about how i looked, Now , I no longer care about how other people see me as. What ,now, matters to me is how I feel about myself rather than what people think about me.
I have learnt to live and be happy no matters what. I have learnt to respect others opinion instead of feeling bad for not obeying mine. I have learnt to believe and how to make one believe in me. I have learnt what's good and bad, what right or wrong.


I changed myself for him, to stay with him. And that change is beautiful . Now, am not going to change myself anymore, am not going to be that old me again because what i got by changing myself is beautiful. Whenever I'm with him i feel like this is the man I have always fantisized for...I feel like ,now, i want nothing more from God.I feel like I'm reborn.


I changed myself for him and that change is worth it.

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