The end of a beautiful friendship | Teen Ink

The end of a beautiful friendship

October 20, 2016
By psvasquez01 BRONZE, Lafayette, Colorado
psvasquez01 BRONZE, Lafayette, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was May 2015, this was a day when a beautiful friendship started and how it ended. A group of kids went to elitches and they all knew each other except for two a girl and a boy. They only knew each other's names, during the whole time they were there they didn’t speak at all what’s so ever and then when the rides were getting shorter and the day was ending, They were on the last ride and the girl didn't have a partner so she pulled him towards her and said “You're riding with me”  at first he was confused and had a goofy look on his face because out of nowhere she grabbed him but then he settled in to the idea so road on the ride and they were all scared and awkward, They didn't talk but she couldn't ride alone. After they got off the ride they started riding the last rides they could together after they walked around elitches just them two, talked about each other just to get a sense of who they're talking to or about to befriend. They walked for a short while then went back to the group, after they were talking a lot more then the night was ending and they all took a group picture and left elitches. They took a train to the city to walk around and just get the gist of the city at night how beautiful. While they were exploring the boy and the girl were walking and talking more and then they ran into a car race about to start he grabbed her hand and pulled her and they both started following the chase and the group followed, they kept running until they couldn't anymore. After that they fell upon a club and they all snuck in explored the adult life for few 10-15 minutes then came back out, went back to walking around had to go back to elitches to get picked up but they got lost, reasons why you shouldn't follow a car race takes you places you wouldn't recognize. All they had to do was find the train which they did eventually after 2 hours of walking around. Jumped on the train got picked up and took everyone home. A couple weeks they meet again all excited to see each other then after that meet up they started to hang out, it got to half the summer and they were still hanging out everyday, then one bad luck day they went on a roof of a school and got the cops called on them and were taken in but there luck was their parents didn't have to pick them up the officers had to attend a stabbing. They were scared to go home so they went back to the park and sat on the tables for awhile until they had to go their separate ways and may or may not be able to see eachother again. They were just talking and somehow they got in a good mood and he started singing a song and she loved the way he sang it, so she made him sing every song he knew that he had on his phone, there was a little flirting but we ignored it. 10 was the mark when we went our separate ways hugged it out and both said “see ya around” fake sniffing. She started to walk home and her cousins picked her up and asked “what happened?” they asked and she replied “ nothing why?” her sister asked “why did the boys mom call me asking for him?” she told her “what did you say?” her sister told her “i told her that he was with you and she sounded pist, she asked me for your number but i didn’t have it saved” she was like “damn then she knows he’s dead, damn i'm not gonna be able to see him and we were just becoming close friends” her sister started to laugh then she replied with “Mom is gonna kill you”. (giggling) All i could think was will i ever get to see that goofy kid again? He messaged me at that moment and he told me he didn't go home that he stayed longer at the park, told him to go home he did but his mom was waiting for him all he got was grounded, same with her but also had to do a program so trespassing wouldn't show up on their record but that would start in august it was still june. They hung out a couple times when his mom wasnt home so he wouldn’t get caught, all she kept thinking was like damn his mom won’t like me after all this but he kept telling her his mom is just mad that she can't like me if she doesn't know me and just about on bad decision. August came we started to have meeting after meeting until it was the end of our probation and we had on last meeting and that was the first time she saw him in like a couple weeks but they both got rewarded and he took the bus so she offered to take him home and he said yeah so she waited but they took there time so they went to the creek and sat there in silence just looking at the view. After that school year was fun for them they hung out everyday during school and had 1 class together and walked together after school home and have some goofy conversations everyday sometimes after school they would go on adventures just walk around lafayette it was fun sometimes had some serious conversations but other that things were fun she always kept him on track with school and his grades and then out of nowhere he started getting distant from her and started ditching class just to smoke and she would sometimes catch him and walk him to class and one night she messages him and asks “why are you acting this way” all he could answer was  “let me do me and you do you”  that hurt her cause they were best friends and he acted like he didn’t want her around so the last week of school came no word they just ignored each other then the last day came and she was gonna tell him how she felt and how he hurt her, but he left in a group with friends so she couldn't say anything she walked by herself home all she wanted to do was cry but she couldn’t she didn't want to cry over a guy but it was hard she lost her best friend didn't even get to say goodbye so half a month went by and she messages him out of nowhere and tells him where he been “Yoo! We need to catch up like what is this i have lots to tell you” and all he sends is a question mark, a question mark she was so nervous when she sent it she was expecting more but no she got a question mark but tried to keep the conversation going but it was so hard because he wouldn’t budge he was being so stubborn and she told him “ we haven't talked in forever.” he replies “it's okai”  she replies “really” he replies “what” she told him “our friendship is slackin” he tells her “Why you hitting me up now? School starts next month” she tells him “we ended school without talking thought you needed space from me” he tells her i dont remember” she tells him yeah i thought i got on your nerves so i gave you time” he tells her “idk my memory has gotten worse” she replies well i gave you time, i want my bestfriend back” he replies “haha do you” she told him yes, yes i do not the same without you” he replies “oh” she replies “you said you wouldn’t leave, and if you did you’d be stuck with me” he replies “ofn if you say so” she was so hurt she started crying while having this conversation she replied “damn i thought you were different guess i was wrong should of saw that coming” he replies “oh yes what are you talking about” she replies you broke another promise” he tells her “what promise did i break” she tells him “that you wouldn’t leave.” he replies “i haven’t left” she tells him”sure feels like it” so the conversation keeps going they keep talking but they didn't fix the problem of how she was left on the street to be ran over by cars, they just kept talking and what he was doing it was all about him not once, i mean not even once did he ask her how was she doing or what is she up too if she was okay, the whole time they were talking she was waiting for that one question “how you been,how was your summer, how are you doing” any of those would have worked for her but he didn't he just didn't care anymore about her probably never did, Maybe it was the fact that he was starting to get serious with his girlfriend, she was proud he was finally happy didn't mean he had to cut her out of his life guess he doesn't take having a best friend as serious as she did. To her having best friend is everything it's another part of you a person you can go to when you're down or happy or just to be there to have adventures to do crazy stuff with but she guessed he didn't want that with her.

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