He Hurt Me | Teen Ink

He Hurt Me

November 30, 2016
By destanace BRONZE, Hemet, California
destanace BRONZE, Hemet, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“Hey can you come over”
“Sure i'll be there in 5”
He invited me over, I thought it was to watch movies and hangout. Maybe make out a little bit and cuddles. I was wrong. That was the day he took everything away from me. He broke me. That was the day he changed. He lied to me. That was the one day where my brother couldn't save me. He scared me. That was the day he raped me. I was only 16 when my life ended. He did that to me. I keep on thinking to myself that this was never suppose to happen to me. I should have just been rude like I usually am. I am stupid. I should have never let my friends talk me into giving him a chance.I was pressured. I knew something was wrong with the way his pretty brown eyes looked at me and how his sweet word hypnotized me.That's what got me.I could never imagined that a six foot two scrawny guy with big nerdy glasses could do that to me. But he did. He fooled me.
“Just talk to him”
“No I don't want to”
“Come on do it”
“No i'm okay”
“What's the harm in saying hi”
That was my first mistake listening to them and not speaking up. My second mistake was hanging out with a boy I barely knew. I underestimated him. I took his nerdy demeanor as an non threatening one. I always thought no meant no but in my case that didn't matter. He fooled me. Septemeber 21 was the day my life ended. That's the day. He Hurt Me. 

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