road trip | Teen Ink

road trip

December 12, 2016
By Anonymous

The smoke was gray and thick but smelled sweet as it slowly drifted off. I closed my eyes and went silent making a wish. May we please be gifted with a good day on our road trip. As I finished my wish I looked up to see my family and friends there, staring and excited to see the three of us going on our first brothers trip. We each packed a small bag with our little items and clothes. Ready to leave on the two-day trip, I decide to put my stuff in the trunk and eat some cake.
“You ready” My brother said diving onto the couch where I was sitting. “You know it’s not good to eat tons of sugar before you go on a road trip” he grabbed my cake and my fork.
“fine” I muttered with anger, He had begun to eat my cake! He got up walked away and left me with a few of my friends. My brother must have gotten caught up in a talk with his friends because it was 7pm when we left. We said our goodbyes and began to walk to the car. My mom stopped us and told us to have a good time and walked us to the car.
“Love you” we said in perfect harmony. We rolled our windows up and set our destination to the hotel. We sped off in our car and turned up our music. Our wheels skittered off and we were on our way to the hotel. I had begun to wonder where we were going to stay. I nudged my brother and began to ask him a question” hey, where do you think …”
Something landed on my lap and it was hard, and heavy. Looking down I saw the box it was about palm size and it was wrapped in tape to mess with me (do to its April 1). I picked my knife out and began to saw away at the box as if it were a tree branch. It took a little but I managed to open the box and look inside it was a simple deck of cards with a small rock. The deck was meant for playing and it’s back had an angle on it. He pulled into a drive-thru and asked me if I remember them.
“Not of hand why”
“this was my trick deck”
He grabbed the cards from my hand and began to shuffle them. He pulled a card from the deck and told me to memorize it. He gave it to me and told me to put it in the deck. He shuffled the card and told me to tell him my card. “It was the 7 of hearts.” Holding my hand to my mouth concealing a laugh. He gave the deck a quick shake and the top card flipped over and revealed the card I chose.
“Is this your card”
“y-yah” My eyes widened in disbelief the card was not only mine it had writing on it. He handed the deck of cards to me and the chicken sandwich. Read the card as I ate and it stated:
‘Dear Julien,
I wrote this message to you a long time ago to show you that I love you and I will always be here for you and I’ll never leave your side.
Paris Williams.”
I finished eating wiped my and began to shut my eyes, but the only thing I could see was the terror of getting in a car crash. I could just see it like it was real and going to happen at any second. As the car neared the other one my brother half asleep I tried to scream, but no words came out as the car came closer and closer.
“Wake up!” aroura from the front seat as our cars were on the verge of colliding. I looked over to be surprised that we had just arrived at the hotel. The windows where blue with back rims going down the whole building. The building was huge and it looked like some just took a slice out of the side.
We pulled around in to the back which to our surprise had one open spot right by the lobby, pool, and beach. My brothers both wide awake and ready to go we grabbed our bags and began to walk. It took a sec. to get inside and us happy campers learned that the elevators where out of orders for the next 15 stories.
“Come on guys” a moan coming from my brother “let’s start to go up, first one to the top wins… GO!”
It took a maar matter of seconds for my brother to almost be done with the first set of stairs.
“That’s not fair you cheater’s.” My brother screamed as every step that I took he fell further and further behind. It took a mere matter of seconds before we stopped, out of breath, sweat going down our faces, and Hearts bounding. We all began to laugh and slap each other’s backs.
“Okay where here” he pushed the door open and right to the left was our room 495.
“here” turning the keys hit me and I put them in.
It was huge the room had 2 queens, a flip out bed, t’v, and a porch where we could stay. We through our stuff on the floor and made a dash to claim our beds.
The beds were soft as a cloud and felt as if you can just fall right through them. Without a second to waste my brothers both turned the lights off and the T.V on. Both arguing on what to put on. It took a solid 10 minutes of wrestling to decide just to watched criminal minds (only because they both relied the remote had no batteries.
“Hey I’m going to have a look around and get myself ready for bed.,” I called to myself, because my brothers weren’t evenly listening. I got up and walked to the bathroom to see it was large and had a very nice out lay. It was freshly cleaned and smelled nice. I know that wasn’t going to last.

Now I realized there was one major flaw. The door, IT WAS COMPLETELY SEE THROGH. I decide to move on knowing there was more than just the bathroom.
The walls were plain gray and had cool pictures hanging down from them.
“look at this’ my brother said “it shows a cool new game I was talking about in the car.”
“No way let me see…” And as I was going to finish my sentence the door began to jiggle and the sound of keys sent a shiver down our spines. The key turned and the door slowly creaked open. We all dove under the bed and into the closet, hearing the footsteps come closer and closer to us. And right when we all thought hope was lost we heard the most familiar voice ever, it was my dad. We pocked our heads out and let out a sigh of relief
“Hey, why are you hiding?”
“No reason, what’s that.” My younger brother said as he looked at the box they were holding. It was white and the size where anything small could go into it.
“It’s from your grand mom she made these”
They were powdered donuts that had extra cream in them (the best kind of all.)
As I sank my teeth into the donuts it just reminded me to say,
“Thanks guys. It means a lot”

The author's comments:

It needes some work to it to make it better then it already is.

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