The Loss of Winning the Lottery | Teen Ink

The Loss of Winning the Lottery

December 14, 2016
By Anonymous

December 12, 2012
I picked up a lottery ticket yesterday just like every other day. I went to my day job that I love. I came home in my decent car and went to my moderately sized home to my wife and two kids. I loved every second of it. My wife always asked me why I entered the lottery if I knew I wouldn’t win anything. I always told her that it would make everything just that much better if I could win a big jackpot. But maybe she was right. How much better could my life really be? My life is perfect.
December 13, 2012
I won it! I won the whole thing. I got every number right. I’m a millionaire! What could possibly be better? I couldn’t believe it when I knew it was true. I rushed to collect my check, smiling broader than I ever had before on the brightest December day I’ve ever seen. I went home and my wife took the kids out of school early. I called my boss to tell him I wouldn’t be in, but I’d be back soon. He’d probably know what was going on soon. I would be back, though. It was my dream job. My family and I started really planning out what to do with that much money. My wife wanted to save some of it, but spend lots of it on a new house, new cars, new clothes, new everything. My kids wanted new toys, gadgets, games, and of course their own house. I tried to think practically, but it was hard with that much excitement. What can’t I do with that kind of money? I’ll never have to worry about money again. My life is perfect.
March 25th, 2013
We’ve gotten a new place. New furniture. New cars. New clothes. New gadgets. We have it all. Anything we could ever want, we have. I’ve been able to start working part-time so I could spend more time with my family. Also, a ton of my high school and college friends have reconnected with me and I need a lot of time with them. Nobody’s ever been this nice to me. Even my boss asks me if I want to take my time off every day I come in. I’m not sure if it’s because I’m much happier, or if it’s because of the money. I’d like to think it’s the former. Everything is new, but I think I’m settling into it. My life is perfect.
November 6th, 2013
Everything is changing too fast. It never slows down. I felt like I’d been doing well at work, so I talked to my boss about a promotion. I was told off for being a greedy lottery winner. I got fired a week later. I guess it was only the money people wanted from me. I’ve been distanced from most of my friends at this point. Trying to find something to occupy my day. I joined a country club and know a lot of people there. I wouldn’t call them friends. They aren’t like me. I’m not the rich snob they all want to talk to. At least I still have my house, my cars, and my money. At least I have my family too. My life isn’t perfect, but it’s still close.
June 28th, 2014
I thought money was supposed to help. When I won the lottery just a couple years ago, I didn’t ever think this could happen. I was looking back on what I wrote. I could never run out of money. With the lifestyle I’m living, I don’t have long left. I haven’t worked in almost a year. I haven’t even been looking for a job or doing anything important. I still go play golf with the other rich snobs I know, except none of them are drying out. I still have my house, though, and my cars, and my family. Hopefully, my accountant can help me balance the budget. I still have my family. I still have my world. I still have my life. It’s not perfect, but I still have my life.
October 15th, 2015
It’s gone. Everything. I almost knew it would happen. I got too greedy. I had my family. If I’d sold the house and downgraded the car, I could have had plenty of money if I’d used it wisely. I didn’t. I just wanted more. I couldn’t settle. I blew the last of my money on private chefs, butlers, and that golf club. My wife left with the kids. I haven’t been able to think since that happened. My life is falling apart. I’m practically unemployable at this point. I lost my house and a car to the bank. All I have is one cheap car that I’m living out of. I’m homeless. I’ve lost everything. I’ve lost my money, my house, my family. I’ve lost my life. My life is nothing. My life is hopeless.
September 21st, 2017
I still have nothing. No friends, no family, no money. I’m done with it all. I can’t take it. I can’t even get a job at this point. There’s no way to come back from this. How could I go so wrong? How could I get so greedy? Was it even worth it? No. I wouldn’t be doing this if I’d never won that lottery. If I’d just realized how perfect everything was then. It couldn’t be better. Money didn’t help. My life was perfect. I had everything. I had a house, a decent car, my dream job, I worked hard for my money. I had my family. I earned everything I’d had. And I’ve earned what I have now. Nothing. My life was everything I’d ever dreamed. Winning the lottery seemed like a dream inside a dream, but it was a nightmare. My life was perfect. My life was flipped upside down. Soon, my life will be over.

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