Miss Who | Teen Ink

Miss Who

December 17, 2016
By JhemLagman BRONZE, Tamuning, Other
JhemLagman BRONZE, Tamuning, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

         There once was a girl who loved adventures and swimming. She absolutely loved life. She lived everyday like it was her last. She loved being close with nature and the simplest things in life. She was so adventurous that no one could predict what would happen next. This is what made people jealous of her. No one would thought to question the ingenuity of her happiness. Why would they?  She strive to keep everything serene, but that was the issue.  Was everything a charade?

       Before I divulged the girl’s identity, you should know a few things. Her name means “filled with hope”. It suits her personality. She tries to see the best in everyone even when she should not. She has trusted and mistrusted an abundant amount of people. She told people things that she should have not. She never vilified her adversaries.She had decorum, which most disrespectful people lack. Since then, she has barricaded herself from being dismal. She aspires that every obstacle in life has its purpose and moral. She maneuvers in life with a high set of hope. She obscures all the deceitfulness she has endured. She is Nadia Ramirez.

     Although, Nadia Ramirez is formidable at times, but she had her reasons. She is  persistent on getting what she wants. Nadia has the potential of conquering anything that comes her way. She does not make a commotion, instead she makes her actions advocate on her character. She has aplomb on herself because she trusts herself most of all. It is conspicuous to say that Nadia is not someone who plays around. She puts her all in education and her future. She seeks that one day, all this irony would become a triumph. Nadia has loss and gained numerous momentum, which shaped the person who she is as of right now.

     This would stupefy people who know of Nadia but not her family members. Years ago, when Nadia was still living under her parents’ roof. She held reticence at her so called home. She never truly showcased her true self. Nadia’s household consisted of impertinent people. She would be reminded of every wrong she did as much as she blinked. Every righteous deed Nadia accomplished was diminished in this family. She had no sanctuary of her own. It was better to stay taciturn than to express herself, because no one truly comprehends her. Nadia felt futile but never showed  impudence. She still believed that there are better days ahead. She just had to deal with the storm to have tranquility for the next chapter.

       Overall, Nadia Ramirez was a remarkable person. She did not let anyone’s opinion of her justified her introspection. Nadia worked hard till it commemorated all her goals that she had set for herself. She aspired to become the woman she is now. She is a Marine of the United States of America. Nadia is the very first woman in her family to serve our great country.

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