Bittersweet Sixteen | Teen Ink

Bittersweet Sixteen

December 19, 2016
By brownie3 BRONZE, Milford, Massachusetts
brownie3 BRONZE, Milford, Massachusetts
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"live everyday like it's your last"

As Mia Bennett’s daughter, Courtney, prepared for her sixteenth birthday, Mia was reminded of the trials and tribulations of her own sixteenth birthday. The memories transported Mia back to high school to where she learned the meaning of true friendship. How she started dating her how husband, Dylan, and her sweet sixteen that was a disaster to begin with but ended up being one of the greatest nights of her high school years.
It was a typical day at Webster High for sophomore, Mia Bennett. Mia was a girl of average height, with luscious blonde hair and jade green eyes. You could always find Mia listening to music wearing her band tee shirts with flannel shirts and converse shoes. She was an emotional person, but usually contained what she felt because she tried to put others before herself. For the most part, Mia was an outgoing, positive, and intelligent girl who strived to be the best version of herself that she could be.
Her long awaited “sweet sixteen” was quickly approaching. Every girl dreams of an immaculate ball for her sweet sixteen, and Mia was no exception. Her excitement grew greater and greater each day leading up to her party. She went about her day talking to her friends and going to her classes. The day ended and Mia went home. “Hey Sophia,” Mia greeted her sister when she walked through the door.
“Hey Mi,” Sophia replied, “how was your day? Mine was boring.”
“Mine was the same, but something didn’t feel right. My friends, Trish and Kayla, felt super distant, like they were avoiding me. Like, I know high school is full of losing friends, but I don’t want to lose anyone I’m close to. I don’t want to be forgotten about.”
“I understand completely, I mean as a freshman there’s a lot of drama as well. I’m always here if you need anything.” Mia and Sophia headed to their rooms.
Later that evening, Mia received a text message from Trish.
Trish: Hey Mia, I know we’ve been friends since seventh grade, but now you’re just not good for my image… your “punk rock” vibe isn’t working for me and keeping me down in our class’s social ranking. I’m sorry, but this friendship is over. Kayla also says the same thing, so have fun with your “punk rock crew.”
Mia: Okay first of all, how I dress is none of your concern, and I can wear whatever makes me happy. Second of all, why does popularity matter? It’s high school, none of this will matter after we graduate anyway. Whatever, have fun being the “queen bee” you think you’ll be. Goodbye Trish.
A stream of tears flowed gently down Mia’s cheeks. “So much for true friends,” she muttered to herself. Mia grabbed her headphones, put them in her ears and began to slowly drift off to sleep listening to the soothing sounds of her favorite bands.
Waking up in the morning, Mia dreaded the idea of going to school. She would have to face her so called “friends” who chose popularity over her. Opening the closet, she found a sweater and jeans to wear, did her makeup, grabbed her bag, and was on her way to school. Mia walked the halls to her locker and was approached by her friend Nate, the only friend she really had at the moment. “Hey Big Mi,” Nate said enthusiastically.
“Oh, hey Nate,” Mia whispered as she kept her head hanging low, avoiding making contact with Trish or Kayla.
“Something’s up,” he commented, “shouldn’t you be happy? I mean your sweet sixteen is this Saturday and it’s going to be the best party of your life!”
“No Nate, it’s not. Last night I got a text from Trish saying that I’m basically not good enough for Trish and Kayla. All they want to be is the queen bees of this school and being rude to people surely won’t get them anywhere. Whatever, their loss I guess…” Mia trailed.
Giving Mia a hug of reassurance, Nate smiled and said, “You don’t need those fake girls who just want to be better than everyone. All you need is a few true friends. I, for one, am never going to leave you. You’re one of my best friends, Mi.” Mia smiled back and thanked Nate for everything. She was going to make the most of everything.
Friday at school Mia began to grow anxious about her upcoming party. She was afraid that nobody would show up and that nothing would go as planned. In chemistry, a boy that Mia had sometimes talked to named Dylan, approached her. “Hey Mia, I know your party is open invite, but I just wanted to make sure it was cool if I go.”
Mia’s heart skipped a beat, she has had a small crush on Dylan since middle school. “Yes, of course you can!” she exclaimed, “I’d love that.”
“Great, can’t wait!” he smiled at her with his eyes as green as emeralds and his teeth as white as pearls.
After school ended, the anticipation for Mia’s sixteenth birthday began. The next night would be the best night of her life. Mia watched a few episodes of “Fuller House” on Netflix before drifting off to sleep.
Mia bolted down the stairs of her house where she was greeted by her mom, Katie, her dad, Matt, and Sophia. “Happy Sweet Sixteen!” her family sang.
“Aw thanks guys! Love you!” Mia said happily. Her birthday breakfast was a heaping stack of her mom’s homemade chocolate chip pancakes. Then Mia’s parents and sister insisted she opened her gift. A giant box with polka dotted wrapping paper was placed in front of her. Mia stared at it confused and began to tear off the paper. Inside the box was another slightly smaller box. After opening 5 boxes the last box was filled to the brim with tissue paper. Digging out the gift at the bottom, Mia’s face lit up as bright as a Christmas tree. “I’m going to see Panic! At the Disco tomorrow?” Mia asked in a very excited, yet confused tone.
“That’s what the ticket says, doesn’t it?” Mia’s dad joked.
“I can’t wait oh my god!” Mia beamed.
“Guess who’s going with you?’ Sophia added.
“Who?” Mia said sarcastically.
“Only the world’s best younger sister!” Sophia teased.
“It’s going to be amazing, thank you everyone.” And with that, Mia was off to begin the preparation for her party. She had bought a stunning royal blue dress with a beaded waist with black heels. Maybe now people wouldn’t see her as an “emo or punk rock kid.”
Arriving at the hall Mia and her family made sure everything was set up properly for the party. When everything looked perfect. Mia’s parents went off to another part of the venue. Sophia stayed with Mia as they patiently awaited the guests’ arrival.
Nate was the first person to arrive. The three of them just sat and hung out waiting for everyone else. Then Mia’s crush Dylan entered the ballroom. Mia’s cheeks instantly turned a deep shade of pink and she beamed in his direction. “Hey Dylan!” Mia greeted.
“Hey Mi, you look amazing tonight!” Dylan complimented and reached out to give Mia a hug.
“Thank you so much!” Mia blushed even more than before.
The 4 of them waited around for about twenty minutes and nobody else had showed up yet. Mia could already feel a knot forming in her stomach and she felt as though she may be sick. Hundreds of questions began running through Mia’s head. “Did I give everyone the wrong time? The wrong place? Why aren’t my guests here?” Mia, Sophia, Nate, and Dylan were all still sitting around one of the tables for about an hour, and nobody else arrived. Mia’s heart seemed as if were beating a thousand beats per minute. Dylan pulled out his phone and checked Snapchat. Everyone else from Webster High was at Trish and Kayla’s party. Mia’s heart sunk as she watched her biggest fear come true. Mia was forgotten. Coming to this horrible realization, Mia broke down. Waves of tears began forming in the innocent teen’s eyes. “I’ll be right b-back,” Mia stuttered and ran to the bathroom.
“Mia, wait!” Sophia yelled and ran to where her sister went. “Mia, please don’t cry, this may be horrible now but the people who genuinely care about you are hear right now and that should be all that matters.
“This was supposed to be my night, the night every teen girl dreams of and now it’s ruined because of Trish and Kayla.” Mia sobbed.
“Your night is not ruined. You have your best friends here with you right now and that should be all that matters. Now, keep your head up and don’t cry or your makeup will run. C’mon, we’re going to make this night even better than it would’ve been with all of your fake friends there.” Sophia hugged her sister and grabbed her hand to get back with the boys. When the two sisters walked out of the restroom, Dylan and Nate were right there waiting.
“Chin up,” Dylan said gently grabbing Mia’s chin in his hands and tilting her head up so their eyes met. ‘Now let’s go out there and make your sweet sixteen as memorable as possible. Mia nodded along, taking Dylan’s outstretched hand. He led Mia to the dance floor where he held her close as they danced together to the music and Nate and Sophia did the same. The 4 of them danced to all of the classic party songs and shared so many laughs. The four of them spent their night dancing, taking tons of photo booth pictures, and making so many memories.
As the night approached an end, the DJ played one final slow song. Dylan and Mia were swaying along to the beat when they both gazed into each other’s eyes. “I’m so glad you came tonight, Dyl,” Mia whispered.
“I am too. If I didn’t, I would never have gotten the opportunity to spend my Saturday night with the most beautiful girl in the world.” With that, Dylan placed a gentle kiss against Mia’s forehead. Mia felt her whole face turn bright red and all she could do was smile in awe at him.
Then the night ended and the four of them returned home. Mia’s sweet sixteen may have not turned out how it was planned to, but it was definitely one of the best nights of her life. Getting into her bed, Mia immediately texted Dylan thanking him for such an amazing night. Once she sent the message, she put her earbuds in her ears as she always did and fell asleep to Panic! At the Disco in honor of the concert the next night.
It was the day of the concert and Mia and Sophia could not wait. For Mia, concerts were where she could fully be herself. She was surrounded by people who she shared common interests with. The girls got dressed with their band shirts and leggings, then they did their makeup and hair
Once ready, Sophia and Mia got into the car with their mom, Katie, to drive to the concert venue. The drive to the arena the car was filled with the sounds of the bands that would be performing.  The girls hopped out of the car and stood in line to get to their seats. Arriving at their seats, Sophia asked the girl in the seat next to Mia to take a picture of them. After taking the picture, Mia noticed that the girl with the ends of her hair dyed a blueish green color looked extremely familiar. “Hey, this may sound super weird, but do you go to Webster High?” Mia asked.
“Yes, I do. I knew that you looked familiar! Well, Hello! I’m Keiley!” the girl said as she introduced herself.
“Nice to meet you Keiley! I’m Mia and this is my sister Sophia! We have to start hanging out soon!”
“Hey Mia, and hi Sophia,” Keiley waved to Sophia, “and yes, we definitely have to start hanging out.” The two sisters and Keiley sat and chatted about their favorite bands, Mia’s party, and anything else to pass the time before the concert began.
The two opening bands came on and performed amazingly. The lights flashed as if they were millions of fireflies lighting up the arena. Then the main act was set to come on stage. The 10-minute countdown began and the whole audience was in anticipation.
Panic! At the Disco came on stage and all of the fans screamed and applauded. Mia was in her place. She was home. The three girls spent the rest of the concert singing along to all of the songs together and again. Right before the band played their song “Halleluiah,” Mia received a call. “Hello,” Mia spoke into the phone.
“Hey Mia, it’s Dylan, turn around,” the voice on the other line commanded.
“What? Okay…” Mia agreed. When she turned around, Dylan was in the seat behind her holding a sign saying “Give me a Halleluiah if you’ll go out with me.” The song began to play and once it got to the chorus, Mia sang “Halleluiah” to Dylan and Sophia and Keiley were screaming for Mia.
The concert ended after a few more songs. This night may have been the best one yet. Mia gained a new best friend and a boyfriend who had a similar music interest. It wouldn’t be hard for Mia to build herself back up after the “friends” that she lost. Mia realized that she had all she needed and would make it through high school just fine.
“Hello? Mom? Is everything alright?” Courtney pestered.
“What, oh, yes honey. I was just thinking about my sweet sixteen when I was your age. Oh, how bittersweet it was.”
“Wanna maybe tell me about it?” Courtney questioned.
“Sure, sweetie,” Mia replied and the story of how she learned the meaning of true friends began all over again.

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