A town called Christmas | Teen Ink

A town called Christmas

January 27, 2017
By cassie_cage BRONZE, Belleville , Illinois
cassie_cage BRONZE, Belleville , Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In a small town of christmas there were people who hated the holiday christmas, and people who would put there heart and soul in putting up christmas decorations, getting a tree with lights and ornaments, and just making the most awesome house ever imagined.
My name is Hermione Cage I am 16 and I wore dark shirt saying My Chemical romance with a marching band person twirling a baton, I wore baggy sweatpants, sometimes I put on the occasional black jeans if it’s that cold outside. My hair is long and I like having it down and black as my soul.I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder meaning I would have manic episodes that lasts for months on end and changes with one large mood swing. My depression affects who I am and what I do. I am always called emo girl from random people from my school only because I was wearing a black beene with my hair dyed brown and I wore black eyeliner and black lipstick, I was wearing a panic at the disco shirt, and black skinny jeans. People just assume that if look emo I am an emo that’s not the case most of the time yes I’m emo, but other people just like wearing black or red because there tired of the old same colors. Personally I do not like wearing blue, pink, and any other color that you can think of it’s to boring and unoriginal.
Did I mention that my family loves christmas. My mom wore a sweater with a reindeer dancing in a conga line she also wore Navy blue jeans which were old and cut down by there legs. Wait my mom is wearing my jeans. My dad wears a shirt says “Have a merry christmas, and a Happy New Year.” My mom works at the local gym. My dad works at the police station to keep streets safe and I can tell him about my problems at school like the bullies and scare them straight (Doesn't always work).
My school hates christmas because of all of the lights, decoration, music, etc. Basically they only care about the presents for christmas. One day I was walking in an empty part of school and then I get pulled into the bathroom and I get SLAMMED into the wall with the arm twisted around my back. It was so dark I couldn’t tell who was hold me to the wall. The lights come on and I see red hair tall muscle upped guy with sweatpants on.
I fell the floor and said in a shaky voice “Wh-who are you?”
The mysterious dude said in a calm voice “I am Mason, I know who you are Hermione.”
I look up with a smirk saying “How do you know who I am and why did you slam me into the wall?”
Mason replied “We have gym together, and i’m sorry I need to talk with you in private.”
I respond In a mocking tone “What would you like to talk about.”
He replies in a melancholy tone “I’m sorry for slamming you in the wall, but someone in this school is using the school newspaper to blackmail high school students and teachers at this school.”
I respond “What happened?”
Mason responds “There was a article for you and me.”
* Mason hands Hermine the school newspaper *
She read aloud “Hermione Glad the slut who every night sleeps with a boy toy like Mason Hasselhoff the most smartest nerd in the school. Mason should be punished for doing this so he is kicked out of all of the clubs and get no scholarships or for that matter graduate high school. Hermione will get 4 years of detention.”
Hermione responds in shock and anger “This is not true how are the allowed to wire these lie and untrue things and we get punished from the school.”
Mason responds “There the school newspaper they can do whatever they want and basically ruin everyone’s lives and make everyone miserable.
After school I went home to tell my father what happened. When I got home the police were surrounding my house. My father worked for the police force, but I guess he got fired or there was an intruder in our house. I was asked not to go inside and wait out here. I waited for 5 hours to see my parents walk out of the house in handcuffs. My dad was charged with false rape charges from a women he never met. My mom had no charges but they just arrested her for drug charges even though the drug tests came in false.
My dad has been trying to expose the police for being corrupt, but I guess they found out and arrested them and forged evidence to arrest them. I was sent to a orphanage. The school that went to did not accept kids without there parents. I got arrested for attempting to go to school as a orphan. The rule was only toward me because there were several orphans who went to that school.
The town hates people who are all about spreading cheer, happiness, basically anything that is good is bad for the town. The town is basically run in fear and sadness. The town has the highest brutality by police, highest in prostitution. The town is the most corrupt town than detroit or chicago. The town runs on wealth if you have the money to bribe the police then the police will not arrest you and leave you alone. If you run out of money you will get fake charges put against you.
I had to get my pictures taken for the mug shots and I had to pee in a cup to make sure I wasn’t pregnant. There were 20 other women in the cell with me and I think 4 of them were on there period and I did not feel comfortable peeing in front of these girls plus some had messed up injuries. I asked the officer “Can I do this in a different room.” The other girls must had heard and one of them got up and said “Why don’t you pee in here, Why do you need special treatment?” Before I could answer the girl who asked me the question tackled me to the ground and started bashing my face into the ground. The other girls got up and tried to get this crazy person off of me. After a minute of my face being bashed into the ground they finally got the crazy person off of me. The saw me dying on the ground and called an ambulance. After I was patched up I was taken to prison.
When I arrived at prison my clothes were stripped from my body and I was taken into a cell with no one else in it. The room was small in the back of the room there was a bench bound by chains to the wall. There was a toilet, mirror, and sink to my left. The door shut behind me and i found a chain and pulled it and that’s how I found the light. I found a crack in the wall I used a rock that was next to the wall. I started to bash the crack until it broke open. When the the crack finally opened there was a pillow and blanket. The guard saw me and thought that I was escaping.
The alarm was so loud that my body was shaking and my body felt like it was shutting down but it wasn’t the sound that was causing my body to shut down it was the gas that contained hydrogen cyanide. I took 5 hours for the gas to kill me. My mom and dad had died the day that they were arrested and I was killed a week later. The state investigated the town and found that a lot of people the corrupt police officers were arrested and later killed. The town was forever changed by the death of the cage family.

The author's comments:

Its very powerful

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