The Truth Hurts | Teen Ink

The Truth Hurts

January 24, 2017
By Ditip BRONZE, Souderton, Pennsylvania
Ditip BRONZE, Souderton, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“It’s only 1:00 pm?” asked I aloud.
“No, it’s already 4:30 pm, almost time to go home.” replied Avery.
“That’s weird maybe my watch is broken.”
“You should take it to the watch repair store on 4th street.”
“I will after work, thanks.” I said.  The watch belonged to my mother who was mysteriously killed along with my father when I was only eight years old.  I work as a CIA agent in New York City.  I was persuaded to become an agent after my parents were killed and the murderer was never found.  After finishing up the paperwork for the latest case my team and I solved, I packed up and headed to the watch shop to get my watch fixed. “Bye” I told Avery as I was leaving the building.
“See you Monday.” replied Avery
Avery was my best friend.  She was there for me when I lost I my parents, and school was getting tough.  I started toward 4th street where the watch shop was located when my cell phone rang.  I took the phone out of my pocket and saw it was Ethan, my boyfriend.  “Hey, Ethan.”
“Hey Nadia, I found some information on who the killer could be...I think we’ve found a solid lead”
“Wow, that’s great news, after all these years we finally have something,” I said “I have to take my watch to the repair shop, but I will be home right after.”
“Ok, love you” Ethan said
“Love you too!” I said with hope in my voice. I had been spending all my weekends and my free time trying to get justice for my family.  I had gotten into the CIA to use the evidence they had collected on the murder of Mr. and Mrs. Jones, and when I met Ethan, who is a doctor, he wanted to help me with my life’s mission.  “Hello, welcome to 4th St Watch Repair, how can we help you?” greeted a lady when I opened the door to the shop and walked in.
“Hi, my watch stopped working and it means a lot to me so is there any way to fix it?”
“We can certainly check it out, why don’t you bring it to the counter and we can take a look at it.”
“Thank you.” I replied.  I walked over to the counter and gave my watch to the lady.  While I was waiting another man came in stood next to me waiting for the lady to help him.  “A mint ?” the man asked me as he took one out of his pocket and popped it into his mouth.
“No, thank you” I replied politely.  The man seemed so familiar to me, but I couldn’t give the face a name. Just then the lady came back and told me the watch would be ready by tomorrow afternoon.  I paid and was leaving and heard that the man would aslo be back tomorrow to pick up his watch after the batteries were changed.  I kept thinking who the man could be my whole way back to my penthouse.  After a short twenty minute walk I got to my building and made my way up the elevator ready to finally give my parent’s killer a name. I unlocked the door and ran to where Ethan was sitting with so many open files surrounding him.  “Are you sure you’re ready for this?” Ethan asked holding the closed file with the murderer and evidence inside. 
“I’m not really sure, after years of searching and following false leads I never thought this day would actually come.  My brother gave up and moved to Seattle to continue his life and persuaded me to do the same, but I refused,” I  continued “ and today I finally have the proof to get justice for my family, but I don’t know if I will be able to face this monster who took my life away from me.”
“Nadia, you made it your life’s mission to find the killer… I believe in you.  I know you can do it.” Ethan soothed her.
“Ok, I’m ready.” I said taking the file from Ethan’s hands.  I slowly opened the file and my face went blank.
“What’s wrong” Ethan asked.
“I know this man...I just saw him!” I said not believing I was next to the killer only a half an hour ago.
“What do you mean you just saw him?” Ethan asked.
“He was at the watch repair shop,” I exclaimed, “he looked familiar to me, but I couldn’t think of his name!”
“It’s Dylan Smith.. His name is Dylan Smith.” Ethan said.  I felt sick.  I knew him.  Dylan was a family friend and we were very close.  He had even given my brother,Cole, and I a place to stay after the funeral until child services could find them a permanent home.  But after my brother and I got into the foster care system we lost touch with Dylan and drifted apart.  “Why would Dylan kill my parents?” I thought aloud, “he was like an uncle to us.” 
“Nadia, after reading through everything and following the new leads we found, I learned that your parents were undercover agents not a lawyer and a doctor,” Ethan explained  “and so was Dylan.” 
“For all these years I thought my parents were normal people who fell in love in high school and got married young...but they lied to me,” I said “ I still don’t understand why Dylan would kill my parents, they were all friends.” I asked.
“ Your parents found Dylan stealing millions of dollars from a crime scene, and they reported him since it was right thing to, “ Ethan told me “ as a result of his behavior his badge was taken away and Dylan was left with nothing, so he ended the lives of the people who took that away from him.”
“What he did was wrong, and now I am going to find him and turn him in, because even though I want to kill him for what he did to my brother and me it’s not right.” I said. 

It’s the next day at 12
“Hi, your watch is ready.” the lady said when I walked into the watch store.
“Thank you so much, the watch means a lot to me”
“Anytime sweetheart!” the lady replied.
“By any chance did the man from yesterday who had to have his watch’s battery changed come?” I asked.
“Oh, you just missed him...he left about few minutes ago.” the lady sadly told her. I felt so upset.  I thought I lost my chance to confront Dylan.  Just when I was about to leave he walked through the door.  “Oh, hi girl from yesterday,” he said “I left my keys here.”
“Hi, do remember me Uncle Dylan?” I asked.
“No it you Nadia,”  Dylan started “ I thought I recognized you.  It’s been what fifteen, sixteen years now.  Dylan spread his arms out and walked up to me to hug her.  Just when Dylan was about to say something me plunged a knife into his stomach making sure not to kill him, even though I wanted to.  Just then the police came in and started towards Dylan. “Now you know how my parents must’ve felt when you killed them.” I barely whispered so only Dylan could hear.  As the police took Dylan away, the guilt was shown in his dark eyes.  I just started at Dylan being taken away and felt as if fifty pounds were lifted off my chest.  I found justice for my family.  I completed my life’s mission.  I found the monster who took my life away from her.  I was finally free.





“I am so happy today, It’s my mom’s birthday and we are taking her to her favorite restaurant , Old City, as a surprise.” Nadia told Avery as they walked home from school together.  Avery and Nadia were best friends since they met in kindergarden, and they happen to live in the same neighborhood too. “That’s cool, your mom is going to love it.” Avery said.
“I know she will, and see will also love the necklace Cole and I her bought her, Bye.” Said Nadia as Avery’s house approached.
“Bye, see you.” replied Avery.  Nadia had to walk just past a few houses to get to her houses.  She was really excited to give her mom the necklace.  It was an infinity sign with everyone in the family’s name on it.  “Hi sweetie, how was your day?” her mom asked Nadia as she walked in. 
“It was really fun, but I have a lot of homework so I have to go finish it bye!” quickly replied Nadia.  She lied.  She actually wanted to wrap the gift for her mom. 
“Don’t be too late..remember we have to go somewhere.” reminded her dad.
“Don’t worry I won’t.”  Nadia went into Cole’ room and they started on wrapping the gift and making the card.  Since Nadia’s mom was a doctor she rarely got to see each other, but still Nadia’s mom made an effort to involved in her daughter’s life before it was too late. “Hurry up Nadia!  I am not going to draw, that’s for girls.” complained Cole just like any other ten year old boy. 
“Fine, I’ll do it.” said Nadia.  From the beginning Nadia was always closer to her mom than anyone else.  Just as they were done wrapping and were ready to give their mom the gift, they heard a crash like something had fallen. “Cole and Nadia don’t come out!” their dad warned them.  Their dad’s voice sounded very stern and serious so Cole quickly got under the bed, but Nadia was in the hallway clutching the gift waiting to surprise her mom.  Nadia was scared and got behind the couch and waited for everything to just go away.
“How could you? You were my friends, close like family” a strange yet familiar voice yelled, “now i’m going to take everything away from you!”  The next thing heard was two gunshots and Nadia saw her parents, the people who cared for her, loved her, and meant the world to her fall to the ground.  Just then the man in the ski mask ran out, and Nadia ran to her parents crying and screaming. “Somebody help! My parents are hurt!” she yelled so desperately, “Mom please stay with me. You can’t leave me!”  Her mom’s eyes were still open and she had a little life left in her, but her dad was gone. 
“Shhh...honey I’m not going anywhere,” her mom said with the little life she had left inside her,” I love you Nadia.” 
That was the last thing Nadia can remember.  After that everything was just a blur with police here and there, asking her and Cole questions they didn’t have the answers to.  The next thing she knew, she was in a car being taken to stay with her Uncle Dylan.  The only thing she had with her was the gift she will never get to give her mom. 





A bright, sunny mid July day with a small, gentle breeze.  What else could be better? Cole and I loved it when Uncle Dylan would come on family trips, because he would act like a kid and made sure my brother and I had a great time. Uncle Dylan was raised as an orphan and had no close family or friends until her met my parents at work. He is a lawyer like my Dad. They became friends and treated him like family.
“Here Nadia, you can carry the boogie boards and Cole can take the chairs.” said  Dad as he and Mom unpacked to car. 
“Okay!” I said barely able to contain my excitement.  I have always loved the beach and playing in the ocean.  We all got the stuff and started walking onto the beach trying to find a good spot. “What about right there?” asked Cole pointing to a spot not too close or too far from the ocean.
“I think it’s perfect.” replied Uncle Dylan.  We took all of our stuff and put it down when we got to the spot .  Then Dad and Uncle Dylan started working on putting up the tent while Mom helped Cole and I put on sunscreen.  “Let’s go in the water!” yelled Dad.
“I’ll grab the boards” said Uncle Dylan and then we all ran into the water.  I wanted to boogie board like Uncle Dylan, but I didn’t know how to so I just kept playing in the waves with Mom and Dad. “Hey, Nadia do you want to try the boogie boards?” Uncle Dylan asked, “I can help you.”
It was like he read my mind, “Yea, can you please teach me?” I said excited.  I swam to where Uncle Dylan was standing and he strapped the boogie board to my ankle.  “Now climb onto the board and wait for a big wave to come,” Uncle Dylan explained, “then kick and try to ride the way, you should get it after a few tries.”  The first few times I kept falling and ended up drinking lots of the salty seawater, and saw my parents laughing.  I continued to try and Uncle Dylan stayed with me until I got the hang of it and could do it by myself.  I kept going and didn’t want to stop, I had never served before.  “Nadia come one, it’s time to eat!” Mom called me.
“Not yet, I still want to boogie board.” I yelled back.
“You’re the only one left, and the waves are starting to get too big sweetie.”
“Okay, Mom.” I agreed.  I didn’t like arguing with my mom.  I got my board and went to where everyone was sitting.  Everyone was eating sandwiches, talking, and laughing.  “ It was the best day ever Uncle Dylan taught me how to surf and my mom helped me find shells.  This day couldn’t get any better.” I thought to myself...Next thing I know, I see Uncle Dylan take out a gun and load it.  I try to run over and tell my parents, but I can’t move or say anything.  Then I hear the gun shoot and my parents falling to the ground.
“Noooo!” I yelled waking up from my nightmare.
“Hey, it’s ok Nadia.” Ethan hugged me, “he’s gone...don’t let him ruin your good memories.”
Ethan was right. Dylan was in jail.  He couldn’t ruin my good memories.  He is gone.





Dylan Smith
The moment I walked into the watch repair shop I knew it was her.  I know the young, beautiful woman who stood next to me was Nadia.  I had seen her grow up from the day she was born to now when she is twenty four years old.  I never got to talk to her face to face even though I wanted to, but I promised I’d look after Nadia and cole after their parents had to go.  I knew Cole would move on from the loss and continue, but Nadia would dedicate her life to finding out the truth.  As I stood next to her, I hoped and prayed that she wouldn’t recognize me.  If that happened there was a chance that the truth would unfold.  So, I acted as normal as I could and asked her if she wanted a mint.  She looked over and said no and that’s all, so I knew she didn’t recognize me . She paid for her stuff and left.  I let out a breather thinking that was close.  I would have never come if I knew that she would have been here. “You can pick your watch up tomorrow sir.” said the lady.
“Thank You.” I said and left.  I knew that Nadia would also be back tomorrow and that I shouldn’t come, but I just had to see her.  She also did not recognize me, so it wouldn’t be a problem.  I went home that day thinking about James and Lucy and what wonderful kids they had to leave behind.  I looked at all the pictures we had taken from our trip to Florida where Nadia even first learned how to surf.  I knew I was risking a lot by going back tomorrow, but I had to see Nadia again. 
The Next Day
“I’m just going to go pick up watch, “ I told my wife, “I’ll be back soon.”
“Ok, bye” she replied.  I made my way to the 4th Street Watch Repair and entered the store.  ‘Oh Hi, your watch is finished and ready.” the lady said.  I went up to the counter to pay and pick up my watch.   I paid really quickly realizing that I had made a mistake and was putting Nadia and Cole in danger, so I left the store and made my way to my car.  When I got to my car I realized that I had left my keys at the store, so I had to go back.  I opened the door to the store and saw Nadia, so I tried to act as normal as possible. “Oh, hi girl from yesterday,” I said “I left my keys here.”
“Hi, do remember me Uncle Dylan?” Nadia asked.
“No it you Nadia,”  I started “ I thought I recognized you.  It’s been what fifteen, sixteen years now.  I spread my arms out and walked up to Nadia to hug her.  Just when I was about to say something Nadia plunged a knife into my stomach making sure not to kill me, even though she probably wanted to.  Just then the police came in and started towards Dylan. “Now you know how my parents must’ve felt when you killed them.” Nadia barely whispered so only I could hear.  “Oh no,” I thought, “She probably found the cover story and thinks I actually killed her parents.”  After fifteen years I think it’s time for everyone to know the truth about James and Lucy.


Dylan Smith
As the police put handcuffs on me and took me to the car all I could think about how I was going to tell Nadia and Cole the truth.  The truth about their parents.  After a short ride to the NYPD the police took me into to a interrogation room, to try to make me confess. If I went along with everyone thinking I was a murder, I would lose my job and go to jail for a very long time.  “So, you know that we have evidence that you killed Mr and Mrs Jones, but we need to know why?”  the detective asked, “why would you murder two innocent parents?”
“I didn’t kill anyone.” I started.
“Stop lying and just confess!” yelled the detective.
“James and Lucy are still alive!” I yelled back.
“What do you mean?”, he asked shocked by my words “We even found their bodies.”
“Bring in Nadia and Cole Jones,” I told the detective, “they need to know what I’m about to say.”

(Nadia’s POV)
“Hello?” I asked.  I quickly picked up the phone when I saw it was fromt the police station. 
“We need you and your brother down to the station soon as possible,” the detective Grey said, “Smith needs to talk to you.”\
“I am not speaking to him, “ I said, “ I don’t even want to see him”
“Listen, I know you’re mad at him, but he just said that your parents are still alive,” detective Grey said slowly, “don’t get your hopes up, but the man sounded quite serious.”
“Ok, I’ll be there soon.” I put down the phone and told Cole, who had flown from Seattle after what happened, and Ethan what happened.  Then, Cole and I quickly got in the car and started driving to the station with a newfound of hope of our parents being alive.
(Dylan’s POV)
I saw Nadia and Cole come into the room, both trying to avoid me as much as possible.  “Look guys, you know I would never try to hurt you or your family,” I tried to explain, “you guys are like family to me.”
“Stop trying to explain yourself, and just tell us why you think my parents are still alive.” Nadia spat out without showing any emotion.
“Okay,” I slowly started.
“Your parents were not a doctor and a lawyer, they were both CIA agents.  For one of the missions they had to to go undercover, to bring down a really big and bad cartel. When your parents were close and found evidence to bring them down, the cartel found out and wouldn’t stop chasing them until they were dead.  If they went down they would lose billions of dollars and go to jail.  You parents didn’t know what to do, because if they were found they would be killed and so would you two.  So, they only thing we could think of was faking their death and making sure that the people and the cartel found this out too.  After faking their death,they wanted me to look after you.  James and Lucy are still alive.  The last I heard from them was 6 months ago when they were in France.” I finished telling them. 
“But, I saw their bodies” Nadia said confused.
“And what about you stealing the money?” asked Cole.
“It was all a setup just in case someone dug enough into their case, and there are a few other people involved in helping your parents escape,and they helped with the bodies.” I answered them.
“Where are they now?” Nadia asked, “I want to see them.”
“I don’t know, but you can’t see them” I said, “It could risk everything they went through.”
“If he’s telling the truth it would be safer to not try to contact them.” Cole explained.
“We are going to need the names of the other people who know of this to verify your statement, until then sit tight.” said detective Grey.




If Uncle Dylan’s telling the truth that means I didn’t see my parents being murdered in front of me.  It means they are still alive.

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