Finding The Way | Teen Ink

Finding The Way

November 17, 2017
By clickerbob1847 BRONZE, Canton, Michigan
clickerbob1847 BRONZE, Canton, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Lukas, Oskar, and Kevin are all scientists They’re all really smart including Oskar who has autism. They even found a cure for cancer! But they still want Oskar to be just like them. He doesn’t talk like them or act like them. He talks but doesn’t talk normally like all the other people in the lab. They triplets work in a lab called D.O.F (disease operation facility) where they work on finding cures for cancer, the triplets are around 21 years old they were born on March 28th, 2050. Their story starts here.

“Oskar hand me the dodecahedrane and the quadratic acid please,” Lukas exclaimed.

“Ok,” Oskar murmured.

“I need to create the buckminsterfullerene or else we can’t combine the quartons of the dodecahedrane!.”Lukas roared.

Kevin being the “Tech Guy” here at D.O.F knows a lot about technology so he gets to look up chemical compounds and mixtures for the compounds.

After that day of hard work finding chemicals and mixtures, Lukas, Oskar, and Kevin walked home to their small home in NYC (New York City) to rest. They live in a medium-sized home along with their mom and dad. They’re too old to work so the triplets take care of them.

The next day, Lukas, Oskar, and Kevin walked back to the lab and when they got there Oskar had a brilliant idea that he thought would work.

“I have idea!”Oskar told the other two,”if we combined the bullvalene and the basketane we might get cancer cure!”

“Might be a good idea Oskar,” Lukas implied

“Yeah, we can try it in the lab” Kevin informed Oskar.

They got to the lab and walked into their testing room. They tried a few different compounds such a the quadratic acid mixed with banolium #2 and a few more. They then remembered what Oskar told them yesterday, “combined the bullvalene and basketane . . .”  Lukas and Kevin thought about it. They were a bit hesitant because they were thinking about it and when they were thinking about it the mixture was a recipe to explosion. But they still tried it. The triplets walked outside to the testing site. The recipe was for an explosion about the size of a grenade explosion. They put the drop of bullvalene inside the basketane and . . . nothing happened they were shocked. All the articles they have read said that if you mix anything with bullvalene it would explode. The triplets picked up the mixture and ran right into the lab to test out the mixture they had created and . . . it worked. They took the cure to go get FDA approved then they had got millions of dollars they even got a Nobel prize and with that, they thought they were done with their career until they forgot about Oskar and how he had autism. He was just so smart they forgot about it they wanted Oskar to be normal like them and they were sure he wanted to be like them too.

So they went trying to find the cures for this disease they mixed everything they could find from the chemical bullvalene (which by the way exploded the next time they used it) so they never used that chemical again they stored it far far away so it wouldn't harm anyone. They kept on trying and trying, they thought it was impossible but they didn’t give up they tried with all their might to get that cure.

Then one day after all there trying to get that cure they got in a fight they were fighting over what chemical to use so they all separated and went there own ways to find the cure they kept pushing themselves to the point where they went crazy trying to find that cure. They pushed almost everyone out of there life including their parents they didn’t have any food to eat.

“Mom, Dad, are you hungry?” Lukas questioned

“YES!” “WE HAVEN'T EATEN IN OVER A DAY” their parents boomed

“Oh no I forgot about you guys” Lukas whimpered “ever since we got in that fight over the cures we forgot about you guys I'm so sorry, I need to find the others and we need to apologize.

A few days later while Lukas was walking around he saw Kevin eating McDonald's and talking with his friends. Lukas knew he had to say something but he was too scared to do anything because he thought his brother would get furious at him. After all, they did get into that huge fight over what chemicals to use. He walked over there with all his might and said

“Hey, Kevin how's it hangin’?”

“Go away”

“C’mon man we all know that if we keep working alone like this we will never find a cure for Oskar and let's not forgot about all the other people with autism.”

“You’re right but we need to find a way to agree on things with chemicals or we still won't ever find a cure.”
“I know that but dude you gotta remember we're not just going to find that cure lickity split, it takes time.”
“You’re right, I guess during that fight we never really thought about others. We only thought about ourselves and trying to rush that cure.”

“Yeah you’re right about that, now let's get Oskar and find that cure”

So Lukas and Kevin went out to find Oskar. And when they did they were shocked he was at D.O.F trying to find the cure and he was almost done.

“Hi guys” Oskar  muttered

“Oskar!, we're so proud of you!”Kevin roared

The triplets ran into a group hug.

“Alright, guys lets get that cure!” Lukas exclaimed

The triplets worked their butts off! As they tried to find that cure. They sure did have some failures, in fact, it took them about 2 months to just make 1 part of the cure!

And that was the easy part the hard part was making the next part. They had to keep making chemicals to mix to make 1 chemical. But they made a lot of progress. A LOT of progress

“ This is the final part to see if it works boys if this doesn't work we have to start all over again.” Kevin implied “ so if I can recall, Oskar said to mix zaleotite with ethomalianthite #8.963.”

“Correct” Oskar whispered

“Alright, guys lets do this.” Lukas boomed with excitement.

They walked outside just in case any explosions happened(which happened a lot) they dropped a tiny bit of zaleotite into to glass ethomalianthite #8.963 and poof they mixed together so perfectly it seemed as if it was meant to be. The boys picked up the mixture to test it out and it worked . . .

They were shocked they thought they would never find a cure considering how time-consuming this process was.

“ OH MY GOSH IT WORKS” they all screamed with joy.

“Please let this spread across the world! Kevin said with joy! They took this cure to get FDA Approved and they were done.

Now obviously they wanted to use it on Oskar but they then realized that Oskar is perfect the way he is. He's funny, sweet, charming, and just all around fun to be with they didn't want to use the cure so. . .  they didn't they told Oskar they wanted him to be himself. And he understood.

They then realized that this cure would change not the person's life but everyone else's life as well so there was a BIG warning label saying “WARNING ONLY USE THIS CURE IF YOU WANT TO CHANGE NOT ONLY YOUR LOVED ONE'S LIFE BUT YOUR LIFE AS WELL AS THIS CURE CHANGES LIVES.

And with that Oskar, Kevin, and Lukas gave a small sum of money to their parents so they could live a happy life and a peaceful life without the craziness of the triplets. They moved away into a MASSIVE penthouse in NYC to live a much better life. They said their last goodbyes to their parents and left. As they drove out into the sunset to the beautiful New York City.

The author's comments:

this piece is about never giving up no matter what happens to you or others and is also about to think about not just yourself but others around you.

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